A call for all Horde pugs to boycott BG's

I rather enjoyed reading every word of this… Thank you for a well thought out post.

Or give a more thought out response, something better then what a 12 year old would say.

Horde ques were 3 mins for wsg and ab today, I faced two premades back to back so I quit queing on my alt. Maybe Blizz will move the horde cave and que only premades against each other in the same patch? Then both sides get something they want and ques can normalize.

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It would be nice to see something done with it, I am at 10 Q’s back to back AB and all been premades…

I only que Sundays and Mondays. I can often get more honor from balanced games in those two days than being shutout and gy farmed the rest of the week. The hardcore, neck beards are “capped” and don’t que anymore.

This Alliance Premade Nonsence is out of control. I tried to send a ticket to Blizzard hoping to help bring light to the issue, only to be told to say something on the forums…ill help boost this post for starters lol.

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Wsg is not worth queing period if you are not in a premade. In AB your strategy has to be to hold one or two nodes. This means constant ninja capping by stealthers and sending groups at the furthest node from the zerg. BG defender is an awesome quick click location and numbers call out addon. Last night a PuG I was in got to 1000 resources against a random servers top group. AB is the ultimate antizerg bg. If you communicate, rotate, and ninja cap, holding one or two nodes should be possible against any premade.

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Sadly at 2 days a week of actual pvp or gaining a decent amount of honor or rep leaves you getting no where for a very long time… Sadly I don’t pay a sub each month to get no where. Don’t let the neck beards fool you I say about 30%+ of the players in pvp are alts at this point.

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I played in the AV meta too… when available many players will do anything to min/max. This is clearly shown by alliance guilds who get WCB in raids every week.

By your definition of hardcore, in contrast for PvE people should be randomly put into a queue to raid together with no raid composition considered. And that would make you hardcore (sounds like LFR in retail?).

Here’s a tip for you reputation grinders… premading would also help you get your precious reputation done faster. And if care you scroll up you can read that we faced plenty of premades head on. But I’m unapologetic of farming pugs when we got them, just like in phase 2 when there was 3-4 horde in every zone to 1 alliance. And when you got camped it was “I have to because I need honor.” There were no hard feelings, horde were playing the meta they had to play at the time. The fact remains, 99% of serious rankers (horde or alliance), ranked in a premade once the AV meta died.

To me it was never about my “precious HPH” it was about my precious time, so I could get the grind finished and enjoy doing other things in the game that I enjoy.

Just because you type out a long post, doesn’t make you less of a troll.

Maybe then the Alliance would get a win, so I support this lol

But seriously, if you guys boycotted, we’d still have instant queues so whatever

Yeah i bet you did, prior to horde winning 90% of the matchs. Back when alliance zergs were reaching and killing drek in under 8 minutes of play. And damned to all the slow people on the 60% mounts, struggling to reach the south end. While the horde were taking, and burning buildings for honor.

Recently blizzard took a stance against bot players, which also affected many legit players. It’s outside the topic,. but has some relevance. Mainly this. Despite the #nochanges, they went ahead and made a change that affected everyone. In light of it, sooner or later, they will address the premade issues. Possibly limiting the # of times per day, a player can join as a group into a battleground. What then?

My issue, the biggest one by far regarding pvp and premades is this. Having done the math, to reach exalted reputation with warsong gulch from 0 rep / neutral. Requires. 2,520 losses. Player created issue, facing off against premades 100% of the time as a solo queue player.

So from a solo player, pvp’n in warsong gulch. One can say with a 10 minute queue, and a 5 min battle before the premade on the other side 3 caps. One could average 4 losses per hour. Perhaps even with the occasional win.

To make 1,000 rep, of the 42,000 needed to reach exalted. It would require 60 losses, without any flag caps. 60 losses at 4 per hr is 15 hours. Multiply that by 42, which is the total reputation required to reach exalted and you have, 630 hours. Each win would effectively reduce the token requirement for turn in by 6, from the flag cap alone ( 35 per cap, 105 for the win). +3 more tokens for the win, for another 50.

I can also understand the alliances issue with AV, on such a large scale its hard to exalt the reputation because they are forced to stay a minimum of half a hour. So you can at best, double the time required above to reach exalted for AV. See the frustration now?

At minimum, that’s 2 months to do something premades have been taking advantage of. Its not about the time played, its not about the amount of reputation gained per 3 losses, or even a win.

Its about, taking the randomness out of pvp and the issues of balance created by its randomness. There’s a reason people from multiple realms were put into battleground maps, so there’s diversity. Premades are removing that. Something which was never intended. So either you petition blizzard to remove cross server pvp entirely, in which case premades can stay. Or, get rid of premades being able to join as a group. I don’t care which, because its unfair to both sides, for something that should not have happened in the first place.

Blizz fix we don’t want to have to boycott pvp man. get woke!

Calling on all Alliance players to boycott all BGs due to horde premades.
See i can do that too.

Well, yeah not going to happen the r14 will always be there. AV is already premade free but any attempt to boycott it would be laughable. Problem is that wsg and ab both have epic items attached. You can get off hand, ring, bracers, cape, shoulders, and legs from pvp rep.

If cue times for horde become instant there will be rep grinders as if you can’t get into dungeons or raids due to your own gear being bad the gear is definitely very good. And not just that if you can rank up and get the blue gear than you will have helm and chest slots filled with blue lvl 58-60 items.

A real not official boycott is more like the alliance boycott on av which starts at 999/1000 rep. I mean unless you can convince all the people to leave, but a 10min game gives 16.66 rep while leaving gives 0 rep and you need to wait 15m.

It already happened. Horde queues are instant!!! U did it alliance premades!!! U lost. Now u will only go vs horde premades, that will completely farm u and make u bend over like u usually do when u go vs a horde premade. But guess what? Soon enough u can’t just leave and get the next pug because there won’t be any LOL

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Still tons of horde pugs nothing has really changed.

our instant queues say otherwise

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What are you on? Premades stomping PuGs was commonplace in original Vanilla. Before xrealm BGs, premades on both sides would actively avoid each other to farm honor more effectively. They used to send one person in to scout who they queued into and not take the BG if it was another premade. A lot of the queue rules you see now in 1.12 is because of early rank premades stomping on PuGs.

If you don’t remember this, then you probably shouldn’t comment on original Vanilla PvP ranking metas.

i come from an fps background which i excelled in. classic is my first mmo, but you dont have to be a vanilla veteran to see that bg’s are an absolute atrocity.

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I bet you didn’t even play vanilla wow NOOB. Ya know, back when the game was actually GOOD

classic is so DEAD. and that’s why so many people are still playing it.