A call for all Horde pugs to boycott BG's

What people don’t realize is that splitting the queues will necessarily lower the honor caps set by your server’s honor mafia due to how much less can be farmed in the absence of PuG rolling. Regardless of what anyone says, I know that the defense of rolling PuGs in a premade comes from players trying to hit br13 and br14 caps in less than 100 hours that week.

If the grinding efficiency drops dramatically, so will your caps.

They are really good. But even though the Q’s are fast, in 1 day as a pug player, I ran 53 bg’s in total, 49 of those games were vs a pre-made where I sat in the grave yard and got spawn camped till I ran out of the area to be rezzed which only took them killing me twice before I stopped the inflation of the honor being gained.

As a druid, you should have no problem finding a group. Good to network with as many players as possible that you gel well with.

I can find groups easy that is very true. But I should not have to pre-made to have a chance at farming Rep or Rank. I network, I raid, I do group content yada yada. I am sure many of the players that are calling for a split Q also do these things.

If half of all Horde players started boycotting BGs, Alliance still wouldnt notice a significant increase in queue times.

Best not to pug until Monday. Most of the honor farmers have hit their server cap and will not queue by then. Battlegrounds are in such a sad state. The only fun way to play is as a twink. Stomping on pugs in a premade is not fun, getting stomped is not fun, either by premades or as alliance in AV.

i mean on oce horde pugs turtle the wsg flagroom when they see 10+ r12s in an alliance premade, makes for a juicy honor snack and a easy GY farm with sappers. thanks pugs for giving me 15-20k hph

Dude, they literally made the change for no premades because horde was getting smoked and crying! You are truly delusional.

If all horde boycott bgs op gets easier r14, and cue times.

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The fact that my team queued into the same premade twice in a row means that horde and alliance have the same queue times for AB/WSG lol

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