A call for all Horde pugs to boycott BG's

Pug v pug is not the same difficulty as premade vs premade. Not even close.

At least everyone can see that you want the best rewards with limited effort.

In the current system yes it should.
If you’re splitting brackets then obviously it wouldn’t because premades wouldn’t face pugs.

So your snarky reply is irrelevant.

Snarky? Irrelevant? Did someone learn some new words?

Refute the point or don’t even bother replying.

What was the point?

*If you want pug v pug you better be willing to accept zero honor and rep even if you win.

*If you’re splitting brackets then obviously it wouldn’t because premades wouldn’t face pugs.

You didn’t want an argument though, you didn’t want to discuss anything. You wanted to complain. You feel you deserve max honor/rep gains in a system that mandates pug v pug and premade vs premade.

The only people who want easy rewards are premades who want to roll pugs.

A group of completely random people faces the same odds going into a match as a premade team does. Hence the difficulty is as equivalent as the match making system can do.


No I don’t think you understand my point at all.
I’m willing to split the brackets into pug v pug and premade v premade.

The problem with doing this is that it’s classic, it only has 1 pvp gear path, no catch up previous season gear, no outdated gear, no MMR system. So at the very minimum in order to get what you want premade v premade has to be grossly over rewarded in comparison to pug v pug.

The problem is you don’t want that. You want all the rewards for no effort. You think a pug v pug game is just as hard as a premade v premade game. You grossly underestimate how sweaty premade v premade games get with consumes.

No it doesn’t, the classic pvp is purely a time played system not a measure of skill. Matching premade vs premade and pug vs pug would not change that. You just don’t want to lose your easy wins vs pugs, you are the one getting the hand outs, you know it, and you don’t want to lose them by having to do the same work pug vs pug and premade vs premade does.

Zero honor and rep? No. A reduced amount of honor and rep? Sure. Maybe 50% or 75% of the honor a premade group would earn.

interesting that the only alliance to complain about this is from a pve server…

I finished my pvp grind like 3 months ago. I have nothing to gain or lose.
Please tell me more about how I want handouts.

It has to be a significant reduction in order for premade vs premade to be rewarded.

Something like 1/10th at best.

At the same time, it’s gotta be enough honor or no one will queue. 50% seems like a fair and good amount.

It would change Classic.

Honestly, dude. These last few months you’ve been advocating here could have been used to find yourself a team.

Classic represents the out dated sweaty grinds, skill is irrelevant.

The changes you seek are in the other version of WoW. Go back and save yourself from a futile struggle.

I would argue that 50% is not anywhere near enough. Premade vs premade is much harder, much more time consuming, and much more costly.

pugs tend to be very uncoordinated, with little to no strategy involved. premade is a battle of strategy, gear, comp, and being able to adjust strategy on the fly. don’t say its the same difficulty level if you just don’t know.

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The game has already been changed in many ways from what Vanilla was.

All this complaining makes me so glad I’ve been done with the grind.

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Do these small changes excuse reworking the ranking system so that premades aren’t prevalent?

I think not.

Wait for TBC, play Retail or work with Classic’s systems. These are your options.

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