Hi Sargeras!
Blame it on Lag is recruiting Mythic-ready Raiders for Vault of the Incarnates! We are 8/8H, 3/8M. In SL we were 4/11M SFO, 5/10M SOD, 8/10M CN and in BFA we were 11/12M Ny’alotha, 5/8M EP and 7/9M BoD. We are an Alliance guild that has a long history of raiding dating back to Naxxramas in Wrath of the Lich King.
We are looking for strong, reliable raiders for Dragonflight with prior Mythic raiding experience. We are especially looking for a non-shaman healer, a balance druid, a warlock, and a mage. We are also considering other ranged DPS and will always consider strong players of any role.
RAID TIMES (Central Time)
Saturday 7pm-11pm
Sunday 7pm-10pm
(Grouping is at 6:45 PM both days)
Here are a couple highlight videos of our Shadowlands Season 4 Mythic raiding to get a feel of how our raids run:
Fated Mythic The Nine in Castle Nathria
Fated Mythic Dausegne in Sepulcher of the First Ones
We also have an additional, optional Wednesday and Thursday night guild activity (lower difficulty raid, or Mythic+ dungeons) starting around 7:00 PM. Our Mythic+ Dungeon community currently pushes keys most nights of the week. Logs and parses for relevant characters help us a lot.
You can apply via our wowaudit site link below. If you have any questions, feel free to contact our guild master with your character’s information:
Tariya: Discord - Tariya#5813
Happy Raiding!