Until the boys in the upper echelons feel it in their pockets nothing will change, when they see the money leaving then you’ll see people get fired. Matter of time. People days are numbered.
96% of these new players will quit the game. FFXIV is extremely difficult to get into. It’s just so dreadfully boring in the beginning. Doesn’t get interesting until you hit 30 and unlock a job that actually has more then 3 abilities.
Yes there has to be a lot of changes in their gaming philosophies and who is running the show. This game financially is drying up so fast and going to other games that people will get fired.
Ion obviously needs to go and I don’t hate him as a person or a player or anything, he is just really bad at his job. He never should of been in that position because he doesn’t have the vision or leadership personality to be a lead Dev. Ion is an “Elistist jerk” he is very good at numbers and analytical and doesn’t have the vision to design some great experience for the players.
You want to look at a great lead Dev Steven Sharif is a prime example and that is why Ashes of creation is going to succeed. Blizz better be under new management and have their act together by the time that comes out or it’s history.
Thats what everyone kept telling me too. And im sure it is the experience for some people. It is what I expected and went in with a very negative mind set expecting to be back on WoW the same day.
Instead, I was met with awe and wonder around every corner and it shows no sign of stopping.
I’ve tempered my expectations for this MMORPG though. The last 16 years of WoW have taught me that it is not healthy or wise to put all your eggs in one basket. Im excited for an MMORPG that I can play on console, and many other games im going to try out now. I wont let an MMORPG no matter how good be my only game ever again, and you (the general you) shouldn’t either.
Ian is an example of one of those people (and this happens in every company) who is really good at their initial job (encounter designer in this case) and ends up getting promoted and promoted into a position they are not fit for.
Ian makes great encounters, mostly. But in charge of the whole shebang, he should not be.
I am starting to learn that in wow if yah played for any significant time you have to bounce around in wow when it comes to keep from getting bored, whether its, raiding, mythics, pvp, collections, achievements, pet battles, gold farming, auction house, and up to recently (use to be able do allot with Garrisons) until they made the mistake to nerfed them, not to get bored with wow, there is no other game out there that offers the same content in excess Like World Of Warcraft. (imho)
EYE candy looks good for a small amount time, but eventually you get sick of it.
Any individual who have had any experience with MMORPGs in the past, including vanilla WoW, will find FFXIV easy to get into. Such individuals know the formula, they know the grind, they know how such progress looks like, etc.
It is nothing new to those kinds of players.
For kids with a short attention span, however… perhaps.
Im 37 years old and ive been building computers since I was 9. My first overclock was physically changing the jumpers on a 166mhz pentium 1 to make it 200 mhz. I’ve played an MMORPG on PC for 16 years and several before that with Star Wars Galaxies and EQ.
If I want to enjoy my MMORPG from my couch with a controller, thats my business.
The guy is a great streamer, and great bser, minipluator,but lets be honest he relies on fans for allot of his game play, He is very successful but also has allot to learn when it comes to gaming. (imho)
people actually think you’re not a “real” MMO player if you use a controller? lmao some people really have nothing more important to worry about than how others choose to play their video games
Thats why he is successful as he is. Much to Blizzard’s ire and the playerbases denial, Asmongold is the quintessential MMORPG player. He looks the part, fits the part, is the part. “One of us” as it were. That is to say, he isn’t very good at video games. But he IS geat at entertaining.
Can I just point out that the servers are NOT full. I’m not sure what the capacity for these servers are but they aren’t full. The reason why you can’t make new characters, and this is only during peak hours usually, is because the initial starting point for the game is instanced and they limit character creation to make sure everything runs smoothly and doesn’t overwhelm the servers. It has nothing to do with the overall capacity of the servers.
Would also like to point out that this thread is full of copium lol.