Apparently this weekend they actually had to stop digital sales. They were listed as sold out with a waiting list. The servers are full with players. All of them. During what is technically a content lull. Not a problem for WoW though, so that’s a good thing I guess.
I’ve had a queue to log in every time I’ve tried to play. Even at 1 AM.
I’d really like to finish up Stormblood and move on to Shadowbringers, can the WoW Dev Team please get their stuff together and stop making bad decisions?
Considering they have to remove belts from the game entirely to even make room for new inventory slots without having their servers blow up maybe the issue lays at their own tech
Thanks to all you people who keep shoving ff14 in everyone’s faces, I’ll never play that game. I don’t care if it’s good or not. I’m already annoyed with the playerbase without ever having played it thanks to the few people constantly talking about it on the WoW forums.
That’s probably not why. FF has only 24 servers in the NA region. Less in others.
WoW has over 10x more realms and capacity to spread people out. I don’t know how large FF’s servers are, but of course they’re going to be packed full if you have such limited space.
No game ever over-plans for a explosion of sudden influx of players. Doing that would waste too much $$ as you’d possibly have sub-par numbers and your game would suffer. They set realistic expectations to a slow increase. Also, servers are not free. Companies have to pay to upkeep them so you increase them as you get more players and keep costs at a maintainable amount.
EXACTLY LMAO. One of my favourite posters right there ^
(Although I started FF 14 a couple of years back)
It’s kind of opposite in a way to what happened to me. How threads were bashing Bellular and streamers. I never used to watch these people but went ahead and tried them out and found that they actually had good points unlike the people who posted the threads.
I can’t get over the look of FF14. I just don’t like it I guess. I’m pretty sure I’ll never play it. The way they put all the boss abilities like on the ground looks so fake and ya you can see them really well which is nice, but it just doesn’t flow at all.
Why would they invest in tons more servers when they had no way to predict this massive sudden influx of new players? They recently did add a few new servers with the datacenter redistribution, and they had no reason to think that wouldn’t be enough.
We used to have this problem until they implemented phasing and linked server infrastructures. Raiding on vanilla back in the day used to be a horrible laggy experience and it wasn’t uncommon to wait 1+ hours to get ingame.
Blizzards infrastructure is just a technological achievement on its own right.
Thanks to a very recent (and massive) spike in popularity, the game is literally flooded with new and returning players
Perhaps more importantly, it also shows a sense of complacency on SE’s part as, to be fair, they should’ve seen this coming with Asmongold’s announced participation and simply did not prepare beforehand.