Nah, FF14’s PvE balance is actually better than WoW’s, but it’s much easier considering every fight is pure ST in a circular/square room.
I can agree on this and that is because there are no roles anymore in the game. Everyone can do everything and we arrived at this point because there was too much effort on balance and you don’t need balance in the traditional sense.
Exactly but people didn’t see this as balance they saw it as unfair. Dps classes cried we need healing and Healer classes cried we need to do damage. Which as mentioned above is how we ended up with no class identity and lacking RPG elements. If every class can Tank, heal and Dps then that is stupid design and they did it with the intentions of balance but didn’t realize the game was actually fine the way it was.
I think WotLK is perhaps the most balanced expansion especially in PvP because a lot of stuff was overpowered. There was class identity. Also some classes were just immune to others which is a form of balance.
There is no way a Rogue should be able to hurt a Prot Warrior and in WotLK they couldn’t they would kill themselves attacking one due to damage shield. It was perfectly balanced and thus we have RPG PvP. The problem is people wrongly viewed this as unbalanced and then the changes happened removing Role Uniqueness and these hard RPG counters.
So the old way had it right and it was lost because they tried to make Arena an Esport where every class can beat another class and that doesn’t work in MMORPGs.
I really wish Esports never happened because it did in fact ruin RPG PvP in this game.
You know what this forum needs apparently?
An FF14 Megathread.
All these new posts regurgitating the same thing are out of hand.
Blizz regurgitating systems ontop of systems got out of hand too, so here we are.
Don’t be mad at the symptom, get mad at the cause.
What I find ironic about all the FF14 hate and WoW players getting mad about it, is WoW players were the same for practically a decade. Whenever a new MMO came out, WoW players would berate it and harass the players talking about, “what are their subscription numbers?”, “Another dead MMO” , “The next WoWkiller.” etc. When everyone keeps talking about the new #1 MMO, now the community can’t take it for the most part.
How do you sell out of infinitely randomly generated codes
I absolutely am negative 99% of the time because I care. That is absolutely true. I am also human and not immune to memeing and enjoying the final day of my ability to post here.
It’s not that they sold out, it’s that they stopped putting codes up on the market due to server inflation. Wow had this happen during classic release back in 2004. Cept they had to tell the stores to stop selling the product.
Everquest was the same way before wow came along. It’s a viscous cycle.
“Easier to be a big duck in a small pond”.
Why do people have such a hard time with fact vs opinion on this forum?
Opinions cannot be, by definition, objective.
Yeah hopefully Yoshi P and the FF community don’t get too high into the clouds like with Blizzard. Being at the top, it’s hard to maintain humility and not overreach imo. Guess we’ll see how it plays out.
I’m just here for raiding and am part of a great guild. If it wasn’t for that, I would’ve left a while ago.
There isn’t anything else in the game to do.
You guys mad me do it, If these FF adds keep showing up on the forums, guess ill keep posting this
BTW today is super squirt day for you real wow players.
Honestly I hope people leave wow forums and game for FF14. It will be peaceful here. It’s like you go to McDonald’s talking how Taco Bell is bad. Moderators should start deleting this FF14 posts.
Just avoid the threads where the initial poster is saying one game will “kill” another, etc… stupid stuff like that.
Only read the ones where they actually talk about what they like in whatever game, compared to the other game.
It’s all subjective after all so anyone who says "this is better than that’ as hard, concrete fact is going to have their minds closed and it’s usually a waste of time bothering with anything they say.
Anyone who ever said X will kill WoW is silly. MMOs much older than WoW are still going.
That said, the game is obviously in a managed decline and it’s probably too late to right the ship. Even if they wanted to, right now, it doesn’t this community has been lied to, and given a terrible product for far too long and most good will from and benefit of the doubt is long gone.
While WoW will probably never “die”, it is already beginning the path of fewer and fewer content patches, with less content per patch. Again, managed decline.
Edit: Blizzard could literally put a weapon on the cash shop for $500 that one shots anything in the game, usable at level 1, and there will be people who not only still play this game, but find a way to defend said decision.
One of my favorite lines in there is “If people think your game is dying then people won’t play it and if people don’t play the game, it dies” This is why WoW has had a mass exodus because Blizz drove most of the players away then there were a plethora of videos saying Don’t come back for 9.1. So people didn’t.
I can only imagine the panic at Blizz HQ, it must be even more unpleasant than normal.