I strongly disagree as RPG PvP is the absolute best form of PvP in a game. I find FPS and Strat games completely boring. However RPG (gear based games) offer the best possible PvP. The most real PvP experience with the most customization on how you want to own it up.
I only play RPG PvP games and if you remove the RPG there is just no reason to play.
A strictly RPG PvP game can work very well indeed.
I just don’t believe you can properly mix PvE and PvP and get a good outcome in terms of balancing, and I believe it is the reason that blizzard has classes that fare as badly or as good as they do in patches. They try to balance it for PvP and PvE and end up ruining it in the other end.
Pretty sure the OP once told me that he posts his negative posts because he actually wants WoW to get better, and that he really cArEs. Wonder if that’s what went through his head when he posted this bait thread.
I feel bad for anyone impulse buying FF14 right now. I play both games, and they are not similar… They are not good substitutes for the other. Not to mention, the free trial goes so far… you don’t have to pay a dime to try the game. Why anyone would be buying it is beyond me.
The mindless masses purchasing FF14 because Asmongold is playing it are going to be sorely disappointed when they realize they have to go through about 150 hours of story, just to get caught up with everyone else. When the majority of people spend the first 30 hours pushing 1,2,1,2 on the 2.5 second GCD, they’re going burn out.
I highly doubt 9.1 will be keeping my attention for much longer… It’s just not doing it for me. But I would never recommend the masses go play FF14.
Not sure if we are on the same page since you said MMORPG are bad PvP. There is no difference between MMORPG and RPGs. Also to be clear RPG stands for gear based games. That is why the PvP is better because there is actual power progression. You attain some super powerful item then own it up with it. So MMORPG PvP is the best form of PvP.
I’m play MMORPGs or RPG to attain gear and own up PvP thus why they are far better than boring FPS or Strat games.
People are too hyperfocused on balancing. Balance is the most overused word in the game and it has the least importance. You don’t need balance for great PvP you just need it to actually be fun and great. The balance often comes by something overpowered cancelling out something else overpowered in RPGs and that is perfect balance.
You need to make a great game first worry about balance much latter and do it as I said for fun MMORPG action. Great old games nailed it like D2 where everything was really powerful and you could play anything you wanted and owned it up.
it’s free until level 60 so yeah i feel bad for anyone buying it, too. you can easily get several months of playtime out of the game without paying for anything
Just going to point out that leveling on a non-pref server, just following story, you’ll be in the 20+ range in under 10 hours. This includes reading the story. The MSQ trim did help a bit for leveling.
Putting aside your comment that pvp doesn’t belong in mmo’s, you realize that 14’s got pvp and their pve isn’t balanced either right? Arguably less so than wow’s by way of job performance measure (hey thanks act)
Putting your logic alzheimers aside, wow’s pve has been increasingly more and more balanced since wod. So balanced that the “worst” spec and “best” spec are within such a tiny and insignificant margin of differing performance.
Given that there’s been this incredible balance struck in pve for so long, logic would dictate that meta’s in pvp wouldn’t or haven’t changed, but they have.
You’re also coming at it like balance is inherently an end-all good thing when all it does is lead to homogenization.
What? What do you mean? Most of their jobs are balanced for the most part. People need to be able to tell the difference between Personal DPS and Raid DPS. Yes, some jobs have lower personal, but their Raid DPS is higher.
I agree, but that doesn’t change too much of what I said. Level 20+ isn’t adding much to the class at that point. It will still be pretty monotonous and droll with many, many hours of grinding to go. Not to mention, the monotony is even more exaggerated by the very long GCD. Which, any WoW player migrating to FF14 would not be used to at all.
Not saying anything is wrong with that. I just really despise how the constant FF14 posters here don’t paint the full story of what the game is.
There are huge discussions as to what a RPG entails. Some would argue that it is gear-based games, but that means that games such as Star Wars Battlefront would be a RPG. Call of Duty, Counter Strike. FPS-RPG.
Some would argue that RPG requires dungeons you do with a party, and levels. The latter having been introduced in some FPS and strategy games by now.
I would argue that a RPG entails Roleplaying, and roleplaying meaning taking the role of a character. This means that the game needs a story which has the character you play in the center.
What an RPG is can be largely discussed, as well as whether World of Warcraft have lost it’s RPG elements, which I personally believe it has at this point, as the focus is no longer your character, but the characters surrounding your character. You no longer play a role in the world, as far as the story in the game is concerned, your character does not exist at all.
I agree, if the game had something which cancelled out the other it would also be a form of balancing.
Alas, WoW does not. WoW has a class which stands above anyone else. That is not balancing.
This is just another “FF14 is better!” thread.
But all it shows is how small their game is by comparison and the SE is still a decade behind in their online services.
Well, to be fair their servers are full a lot. It’s kind of a lull but… the latest patch was mid April, so not like it’s been 8 months or something. That would be a ridiculous amount of time to make people wait for a mid-expansion patch.
Nope! I tried it out…I just dont like it…at all. To each their own. Play what makes you happy, but I didnt enjoy any of my time in FF. I hate the anime style, didnt like the combat and the story (for me) was slow and boring. FOR ME, its all flash and no substance. Ill stick to WOW
The end game isn’t any more “balanced” than wow is. Which isn’t really the point since you have some left field idea that balance hasn’t been struck because in pve because of pvp, which is wholly inaccurate and historically false.
Not necessarily. a ‘FF14 is better’ thread
But yes, Square Enix and the FF14 team was ill equipped and not prepared for the sudden influx of new players.