A big problem with ff14 that WoW doesn’t have

Why actually play the game when you can play the forums?


we’re capable of multitasking, unlike a lot of people here apparently


I’m referring to the dialogs some of the NPCs get into, not quest text. Where warcraft has cinematic cutscenes for a lot of the stuff these days, reading a book in FF14 before I can get back to the game, really burned me out.

I really do wish it well. FF14 is my other MMO, but it’s better in small doses (at least for me). I like how far it’s come since it launched.

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It makes me giggle when we hear in here how sub retention and sales ISNT the measure of the success of these kinds of games lmao

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WoW is dead y’all. Need a miracle to save this game. Submit to cat and future bunny men.

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Not dead, but slowly dying, and it’s about time too. The devs have been making ludicrous decisions for the past 10 years and they’re finally getting punished hard for it.


You really don’t want to use “tech limitations” because we can’t have proper facial expressions or emotes in this game either, and they cried about expanding bag space more because it’d break the whole game.

WoW is spaghetti code.

I mean I came in at the end of BFA, like one month before SL and SL is really, really bad lol.
I’m sad I missed the WoW of old but Classic helped me there, more fun.

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Apparently there are many people around here who simply can’t fathom playing more than one game - and that the one they play simply must be better than the others (to validate their gaming decisions, I guess).

I sub here, FFXIV, and EvE…and if New World was going with subs I would be subbing there too. So? For the price of a cheap dinner and a movie for 2 I have 4 MMOs to choose from depending on what I feel like playing.


The servers being online, and players in the game, suggests otherwise.

Those stupid looking cat lady things is one problem wow doesn’t have

FFXIV is fun, but it has a ton of story-only (extremely minimal xp and gold rewards, no gear) content you must do at the end of each xpac before moving to the next one. I’m talking 30 hours of content where you are mostly going from NPC to NPC for dialogue. So I came back to WoW.

WoW boomers are on dangerously high levels of copium.


I play both, and I can honestly say I’m not surprised.

I’m having a big laugh at all of the people in denial. I feel like all there is to do in endgame WoW is M+ and raiding. And, “oh wow, they made flying LESS ASININE to unlock this expac”, can’t forget that…so don’t be too surprised when other MMOs see more players.

I sub to WoW, ESO, and FFXIV. There is nothing wrong w/ enjoying more than one MMO. But to make it seem like all of the others except WoW are ‘dead’/‘trash’ is just laughable and makes one look like a total bozo. :clown_face:


“bOoMeRs” :rofl:

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People in denial… I understand you love WoW in its current state(lmao) but a new patch was just released and FFXIV players surged like a new expansion was brought to their game. A game that hasn’t had new content in months EXPLODED in numbers when a brand new patch with much new content hit another mmorpg. This is very, very bad for WoW and shows that the ship is sinking fast.

When that new expansion for FFXIV comes in fall WoW will be under the dirt if this continues.


My 30 days subbed to FF14 has already expired and that’s that. It’s just not a very good game. Very slow and for a game that is focused on storytelling, the story was very contrived and dull. Mad props to people who can tough it out to the “good part”. It’s not me.

Meanwhile I’m having a ton of fun in 9.1 and can’t wait to be able to log on when I get home!

Their biggest issue is how dumb the account creation and purchasing process is. It’s as if they don’t want you to buy the game with the amount of hoops you have to jump through just to create your account, buy, and install the game.

85k watching WOW, 35 k FF tonight , oh wait think the twitch number dont count now.

final fantasy 14 deserves all the praise and players. wow is dead