A better 500 mount achievement reward

Mounts are probably the most desirable thing in everyone’s collection, let’s be real… My mount collection is terrible, you can see for yourself. I got Deathcharger recently but that’s about my rarest mount.

The amount of time required to acquire it is a bit disheartening but I really like the look of some older mounts.

Too freaking bad its not our fault as collectors we get a unique mount…they have just as much time to farm and get the mounts to get the unique…stop appeasing to the cry babies.


We have just as much time?? I doubt it.

Right? And I don’t even know what “can’t have” means. Collecting 500 mounts isn’t a limited time event and SL has mounts falling out of the sky.

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This kind of mentality is exactly why you don’t get nice things. Because you treat others like crap. Lmao.

I am honestly surprised with how much of an uproar people make over these mounts.
Last time it was the Hearthsteed recolor.
I was 100% expecting people to be happy with that one because it gives people a caveat to obtain the Hearthsteed without having to play an entirely different game. You earn it INSIDE WoW itself. Not only that, but it actually flew. Instead, we got a Firelands bird recolor, and people were happy with that.

People are mad about recolors and then cheer when their recolor is replaced with a slightly cooler recolor.
I… I do not, for the life of me, understand the WoW community.

Devs are worry about things before happening and don’t let the players experience it, if the time is an issue, Devs should create rewards around the use of a single character instead of doing RNG that force collectors into using armies of alts.

Also, the goal should be closer to the top 1% of collectors to worry a big part of the playerbase, right now 500 is so easy because there’s like 300 mounts that you can ignore, there’s so many mounts compared to a 500 goal.

I have no idea why anyone would be against this mount and even though I love my Frenzied Feltalon, I was really angry they took away the red Hearthsteed.

Huh no. We are not happy with the otter. Only people that are not going to even get the otter are happy with it.

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I’ve been trying to collect some mounts here and there now. And yes, you definitely have to ignore some of the more difficult ones to get, but really?

500 is easy to get? I highly doubt that. I think it’ll take me at least 5,000 hours, but that’s being extremely pessimistic. Probably more like 15,000 hours.

I’m talking about what happened last time.

I think we’re being trolled.


That’s so fun because there’s a lof ot people talking about it and they don’t even care to collect at all.

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Give me a time frame you can realistically expect someone to go from 100 to 500 mounts.

How about you do this first: buy all the mounts you’re missing from the vendor, all the 100% drop mounts like the Bronze Drake and Pepto-Bismol ZA Bear then ask me how much time you think it would take.

How much Gold would that cost me? I mean the AH mount alone is what… 5 million gold?

Definitely getting trolled.


I’m working on a cross stitch project right now. It’s 711 x 952 stitches, 676,872 for those who don’t do great mental math. Progress is very slow because the stitches are absolutely tiny (28 to an inch), and I consider it a good day when I complete 5 little blocks of 10x10 (100) stitches. Sometimes I get dispirited and put the project in a drawer for a day or two, because the end goal seems so far away, and I’m taking such small steps, you know?

But now and then I reach a milestone - a full page on the pattern completed, for example, and I look back at the project, and I’m full of satisfaction. Yesterday I finished page 37 (out of 104). There’s a whole cluster of stars and planets that weren’t there when I started, and it’s aspirational - it makes me eager to press ahead. The end goal is far away, but man, look at how far I’ve come.

Other people post larger tapestries than mine on reddit all the time, and I could be sad at how much further ahead they are in their projects than mine - or I could look at what I’ve got and keep going. I’ll get there sooner rather than later. Today 100 mounts, tomorrow 1,000.

You’ll get there! I’m rooting for you. And if there’s a particular mount you want, feel free to hmu in game, if I can help you get it I’ll try.


Let’s provide a guide from a mount collector:

Let’s check our test subject…Natalea from Darkspear.

Current mounts: 43

Classic reps: Equip tabard and farm reputation on TBC dungeons or just create new characters for each race with 50% buff exp active: 50 mounts there missing.

Marks of Honor: 6

TBC reputations: 20, all got easier with TW reputation buff and

Woltk: you can work on argent tournament everyday for few minutes and reps from that expansion with Timewalking.

…etc you’re missing the entire game on mounts, if i could pick up your account, i could do a sprint of mounts per day…even with RNG and just using a single character you should get like 2-3 mounts per day.

Use the planner from Simple Armory


I’m going to read the constructive responses more thoroughly later and I really appreciate them. I am not trolling as Tovi claims. I just have some chores I need to do right now so I can’t deep dive at the moment.

Thank you! I may take up that offer sometime. But the few mounts I really want for my collection just require a lot of time on my part and I don’t think I could be ‘helped’ in that way.

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No worries! I love collecting mounts and helping people collect mounts. Spent a while in Firelands yesterday helping my friends get glory of the firelands raider! If you do change you mind feel free to send me a mail ingame, I’ll be happy to add you as a btag friend. And I feel you on the time sink list… I’ve got a few on my bucket list that will suddenly require me to get gud at pvp and if it hasn’t happened in 14 years it won’t happen anytime soon. still, onward i soldier. :sleepy: