A bad trend: Player requests are made into FOMO-content

Your entire reply is based on your clear misunderstanding of a word and your “D’s get degrees”-level reading comprehension. Go back and try again.

I won’t have any problems acquiring it and I fully expect for the most played MMO in our reality to have a high degree of standard. They just need to step it up far more, which includes an overall reduce of FOMO-content.

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If they just add all the cosmetics from these events to an NPC on retail afterwards you can grind for (if you don’t like the time limited aspect) this shouldn’t be a problem. Let people get rewarded for playing the new events, but let those who don’t care for it obtain it another way / naturally. But I don’t think such a thing will happen, even though it starts producing an evergreen cosmetic grind shop.

I didn’t discover WoW till Shadowlands Korthia (though exposed to it since BfA cause of my friend).

Yes I’ve missed on 16 years of experiences. I was too poor to buy WoW but that’s ok.
I got classic, i got so many raids to go back with my guildies to enjoy and the memories you share here. FOMO isn’t harming me.


No, I think so too. You’re a regular player and not RPer. Some of the missing transmogs will hurt people in the long run, especially the Shado-Pan ones.

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What happens if they use other transmog to achieve the same goal?


They already do, but this was also a very often requested set which will bring joy to the Pandaren-community. It was always awkward that you can get the Shado-Master title and helmet but not the transmog set itself.

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this depressing how gamers have become desensitized to this stuff. I remember when we used to actually hold companies accountable for stuff like this.


I’ve given myself 5 minutes to think about it.

I think they should leave something permanent for the community like a Shadowpan set as you suggest. They could have some ‘event only rewards’ but then others you can get in retrospect.

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I am so tired of people who say any event or thing is FOMO.

I don’t even understand how these people function in the real world anymore.
I just missed out on an actual real world event because of things outside of my control. It’s whatever.

Will be doing this event over the summer and trying to get as close to 100%ing it as possible. Not the end of the world if I don’t. How things should be.


I have my opinion on cosmetics only being available once, but I don’t feel like talking circles with people who disagree, neither of us is going to convince the other. But I do have thoughts on time-limited events that I would like to share.

I don’t think time-limited events are inherently bad. I think communication is what is key with how things currently are. From my understanding they said during MoP that the CM sets, and CM mounts (can we please have a note in red for all unavailable mounts in the mount journal, sucks to see a mount you love and to find out you can’t get it through third party sources) would be going away, never to be attainable again, same with Mage Tower artifact appearance. That communication is clear and hard to misunderstand.

However, with the rewards from Plunderstorm and MoP remix, to my knowledge, they have not explicitly stated that we will have more chances at these rewards in the future. Now I would think because in the past they were clear about things never going to be obtainable again that them not saying it would mean they will be. But it would be nice if it were specifically stated that they will be available again. I don’t mind being able to only get things at certain periods of time if they also come back for others to get, also in a limited time. Much like with Trading Post items, we knew early on that things would rotate out and things would come back after an undefined period of time. They didn’t really mention the Adventure Journal rewards, but as whatever the spectral kaldorei cat mount is called has shown us, we’ll probably see those rewards somewhere else eventually.

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I feel like to them punish means they can’t reach out their hands, say gimme, and poof it’s theirs.

I think having a small handful of time limited items is totally fine, like AOTC mounts or epic PvP colors. Or even the controversial CM sets.

But it’s always been the case that the vast majority of stuff in WoW was just…there for you to farm it at any point. If you saw something you liked, you could almost definitely go and run that old raid or grind that reputation or what have you and get that item.

I do feel like the scales are tilting a lot more towards time-limited rewards lately than they ever were in the past. A lot of “be subbed this specific month or probably it’ll be back at some point, who knows when.”

And I think there is a point where it could be too much, where it would start to feel like every time you turn around you’re seeing stuff that’s not available to you. I think the devs should avoid getting the game to that point.


But that’s a “you”-problem, as Americans love to say it.

This has no relation to the discussion, where the rules are different.

No it doesn’t. You love FOMO.

It helps you because you’re participating in FOMO events.

But it won’t stop because people like you keep doing it.

See the thing is people like you, that have admitted to having FOMO items in other threads, and him:

Is you think that since you have this FOMO stuff that your words have more weight but what is actually shows is you’re not being truthful. I’l explain how.

When sparkle pony was released in Wrath, people did the same thing you two were doing. “Oh it’s not ethical.” “This hurts the player base.” Blah blah blah. But yet, sparkle pony went on to make millions and millions of dollars. Hell, it outsold a SC2 expansion. So that just goes to show that a few angry posters on the forums does not equal what the players actually think.

Plus, I’ve seen posters complain about the shop then opened up their Armory and found several non-sub shop mounts in their collections. That’s you and Teloah.

If you two truly thought FOMO is bad, it’s bad for the game, it hurts players blah blah blah then you wouldn’t be participating. Blizzard looks at cold hard numbers, not complaints on the forums from the same 10 angry posters and what they’re seeing from both of you is “give me more FOMO.”

However, what both of you do is get yours, the same thing that people that support FOMO is doing, then jump on the forums to wag your finger at people for supporting the same thing you just supported.

So go ahead and keep fighting the fight from your 80 achievement point goblin but Blizzard sees your collection and they know you’re not being truthful. They will also continue to give you the FOMO you crave.


Events should be reoccuring.
Heck they could make it a time-walking thing time to time.

It’s content people can participate & enjoy – If they complete the event & reap the rewards? Fantastic!

Ultimately –

Honestly sharing the fun or having a friend experience what I did — Towards letting them know the hype or difficulty to relate together & press forward to other content is what makes MMOs great.

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Fallacy argument on several layers.

This is not a Wendy’s but the official US forum, where the developers read the feedback.

Misconception and irrelevant for this discussion.

This is something I 100% support. But as for now it’s an one-time event and they have not communicated it well enough on purpose, if this event will ever return.

Oh yeah, explain how. Just saying “bu bu bu YOUR WRONG!” Isn’t an argument.

You can’t sit there and squawk about how bad FOMO events are, how bad it is for the community, think of the children, I mean new players, then actively participate in these events, then come to the forums and complain.

I take that back, you can come to the forums and be a hypocrite but your “feedback” will go right to the circular file.

I guess your sympathy dies when it comes to missing out, amiright? Why not boycott these events and stand with the new players you claim to care so much about.


The developers don’t come here :dracthyr_lulmao: Especially not to GD. They don’t care enough to risk what little bit of sanity they have left by reading anything posted here.

If you’re looking to get information to Blizzard, this is NOT the way to go about it.

Also I wish it was a Wendy’s because I’m hungry.


Right? Goldfish isn’t much of a breakfast.