A bad trend: Player requests are made into FOMO-content

It really feels bad.

  • People asked since MoP for Pandaren kegs and the Shado-Pan set - and what happens? It becomes FOMO-content in the MoP Remix.
  • People asked since BfA for a long coat, like the citizen of Boralus - and what happens? It becomes a FOMO-content in Plunderstorm.

While I do agree that events should offer something unique, things like this should actually be available to the players through a simple permanent vendor.

Blizzard, you help no one with this. Especially when these are popular player requests and you haven’t done a good job in providing enough lore and class fantasy transmogs in the first place.


I don’t care, gimme “time-limited event” FOMO Legion mage tower weapon skins/appearances and I’ll be all over it
:drooling_face: :drooling_face: :drooling_face:


Not really a bad trend if the playerbase eats this stuff up like candy lol.


And yet again we punish players who come after us, either being born too young or couldn’t play at the time. No, this has to stop. FOMO-content is fine but not like this.


I’m not sure you understand the definition of “punish” lol.


I can’t wait for “FOMO” to fall out of favor and we move on to the next new thing to complain about.


Oh, I do, actually. It’s just your ignorance in seeing the bigger picture here with a big lack of empathy.


No, you clearly don’t and this response proves it lol.


What they should do is award trader currency for these limited time activities and maintain a persistent catalog of those mounts, toys, and cosmetics on the trader. Provide discounts for the renown rank associated with the item in the catalog. So while anyone can get any of those items - its a lot more expensive to buy it without doing the activity. Then there’s multiple avenues to attain them.


Half the stuff is going to be the low droprate items on a vendor. So still available in retail. The other half… I’ll bet ten bucks will end up on the Trading Post later on down the line.

Nah it doesn’t.


I don’t have a problem with it. It seems like the only people who have a problem with it. are those who spend all day on the forum making the same threads over and over again. Weird how many people never have time to play a game they’re actively paying for.


I do agree that specific fantasy rp stuff like shado-pan transmog being limited is lame.

But generic things like a long coat when alternative colours have been datamined isnt really a big deal.

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Why? What’s the purpose of even playing current content then? Why should I be able to get a mount from killing the last boss in the current raid, then have it made available again down the road? There are mounts available from the bosses that are current at that time. Its not about being a “special snowflake” its about having done it when it was current nothing else. If you didn’t play then, or weren’t old enough or whatever, so what? The raid or event or what have you had nothing to do with you at the time then did it?

I’ll never understand this whole thing about how everyone deserves everything everyone else has. If I didn’t even play the game at the time, what argument could I possibly have that I deserve to get the “thing”? Ridiculous, and this whole “FOMO” nonsense is just the latest in the list of GD gripes, right up there with “Borrowed Power”.


Because you don’t understand the problem, as immature as it sounds.


The immaturity lies solely in those that believe that everyone deserves everything always.


And this is why you don’t understand the point in the slightest. You’re also off topic at the same time. I actually thought you are going to ask me what I mean and I already prepared in my mind a specific issue but I can see now that we’re not eye to eye here.

You simply cannot understand the issue at all, if everything is just hyperbole “entitlement” for you. You lack the compassion and knowledge.


Eh, I honestly don’t mind.

You want the Pandaren-themed stuff?

Then do the Pandaren/Pandaria-themed event.

Literally every FOMO item we’ve ever gotten, Mage Tower weapons included, specifically had to do with the expansion in which in was involved.

Btw, you can still get long coats if you’re a Kul Tiran or Worgen, theirs are a part of their heritage sets. Plunderstorm just adds another option for everyone else.

Also, there’s a good chance the recolors of the Plunderstorm set will be on the Trading Post eventually anyway.

People need to stop asking for stuff if they aren’t willing to put in the work for those items.

Nothing is ever free, and if it is, it’s lame and nobody wants it, like the old Bronze Drake mount lol, was super easy to get, and thus didn’t have much value.

Folks gotta understand that sought-after items are generally worked hard for, not freely given. Or are just flatly rare.


the fact that i am at risk of seeing a 14 year old’s opinion at any time of day on the internet is a human rights violation


Yeah, I’ma dip on this one. Me lacking “compassion and knowledge” lol, you sir or ma’am, have zero clue.


If the sneak peek is accurate, getting the hat and keg T-Mogs isn’t difficult at all. Finish a zone story or campaign or run all the dungeons through LFG or whatever. It’s a small ask.

I also wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for FOMO to go away. FOMO’s in everything, let alone MMOs.