A bad trend: Player requests are made into FOMO-content

Are they at least pizza flavored?


You monster, you should be ashamed :dracthyr_no2:

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I mean, I agree with this on principle. WoW needs significantly less limited time events and just add things like this to the an in game shop or if they are feeling really evil, put it in the bloody cash store. I’d gladly pay $20 (because ActiBlizz is greedy with transmog) for the pirate set I know i’m not going to get if it’s added to the store next year or something.

But the Plunderstorm event and more likely Pandamonium has shown that despite the complaints, protests, whinging, whatever you end up calling it, massive amounts of people will just continue to do it anyway, then complain about how it’s the worse thing in the world.

But guess what? You did it. Blizzard won lol. Now they know you’ll likely keep doing it. It’s the perfect “congratulations, you played yourself” meme.


It really doesn’t matter what side of the debate you’re on, how toxic FOMO apparently is, how bad it is for the community, especially the new children, if you’re participating, you’re telling Blizzard you love it.

If your collection is full of FOMO rewards, then you’re telling Blizzard give me more.

Back in WoD people voted with their wallet and it worked. Participating then complaining does nothing.

I don’t have to.

They actually do read the forums! I don’t remember which Deep Dive panel it was during BlizzCon but Ion Hazzikostas stated that they will read their [our] feedback on reddit and the forums.

I know, the reddit /wow community is way more effective in getting a reaction.

This is true. But there was some backlash, otherwise they wouldn’t have increased the Solo EXP and opened it up to be three-player mode. I did enjoy it but I rather see this as a regular content within the game without a time limit.

We will see about this. As several people have written before me, they are still testing their waters with this kind of content. It might come to it that we all played ourselves but it’s still to early to say how things will turn out. Perhaps the next Plunderstorm will be easier to play (bots) or more of a team-effort game (5-man teams?). For the initial run it was fine but very bugged.

But this doesn’t mean I have to do it, if I don’t need the items. I skipped the recent Hearthstone and Easter event entirely as an example, and this content was far more easier to do than Plunderstorm.

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What’s that? You can’t? I understand.

Just wanted to point out that I never said they didn’t read feedback, what I said was they’re putting your feedback in the circular file if they look at your collections and see you’re just trolling.

It’s like, walking up to a hot dog stand every day for 20 years and saying for 20 years that their hot dogs suck while handing them 10 bucks for the hot dog.


Ion could tell us the sky is blue and it would be wise to double check.


Oh Blast has pointed out several times that Ion lies so I’m sure according to them he’s not actually reading feedback on the forums.

Right Blast? Remember that thread where I pointed out Ion said stuff like CM and MT rewards aren’t coming back and you made of point of saying he lies?

But I guess when it’s convenient for you to use Ion, suddenly he’s a good source.


You try too hard to get my attention and I have this kind of behavior always ignored on the forums. You want something from me and not the other way around.

100% accurate.
I do remember what he told everyone about flying in WoD. Didn’t age well.


“Damn, they got me. Quick, turn the argument around!’ -Blast

Don’t worry. I said what I needed to say and you said it all by ignoring my points.


There really isn’t much to see I feel.

It would seem the majority of the people who complained the loudest were also the ones dragging themselves to the finish line, which means Blizzard got what they wanted which was playtime.

But who knows. Maybe the WoW community is smarter than I give them credit for, and won’t flock to all these new limited time events with FOMO rewards only to complain about how miserable they are at doing them.

But if the yearly event mount threads are any indication, I expect more of these limited time fomo events.


If you read all these threads, it seems like the majority of posters have a positive outlook on this.

The majority of complaints are from suspicious posters with their account wide achievements/collections turned off, which says to me it’s probably one person.

People that love this kind of stuff will do it.
People that claim to hate it will do it.
People that are “meh” will do it.

Blizzard wins. Nothing changes. I don’t want it to change but one would think as much as the OP complains, they would stop participating.

I won’t do it.

Feels good knowing I’m probably the only person on the forums that will actually hold to that lol.


This has never really been a thing since WoW launched.

I would even say that the upcoming shado oab sets are clearly not examples of this. Because there are not class tie ins that I am aware of to these sets.

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Not confirmed, but I imagine all of these cosmetic items will end up on the trader’s post at some point

These are not examples of content.

These are examples of rewards.


They are not necessary for game play so they do not need a special place to be permanently available to all and sundry.

Just because you want something does not mean you are entitled to it.

Unique and desired rewards incentivize players to try new game modes so Blizzard receives numbers and feedback on the mode and players try something they might not try otherwise that they might end up enjoying.

So actually it helps both the company and the players.


I barely know what “it” is except for the fact that it’s produced some forum gold. Legit in hard “preparing for DT” mode rn.

they used to read feedback. way back in the wrath/cata/mists days.

I dont know why people get bent outa shape for virtual items that are not even theirs to begin with

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