A bad trend: Player requests are made into FOMO-content


I’ve done worked 40years of my life.

I know what all those 3 things mean, video games aint got nothin to do with any of them.

This a video game y’all
It’s entertainment and fun
nothing more

Wouldn’t matter if everything was on a in-game vendor that sold it all for gold
it just wouldn’t matter at all


I agree with you, but we also have another factor you completely missed: Cultural Class representation. This fantasy has been neglected by the developers for a very long time but they do start to catch up with it. I don’t expect for you to know the complete transmog catalogue but I think you do agree with me that several races lack actual fantasy representation. Tauren and Kul Tiran armors are a good example of this. They don’t look good in regular outfits but the heritage armor make them much better. This problem also applies to the Pandaren, where people still complain about the body proportions and so on.

The game needs more items suited for the races, which should not end up as FOMO-content. This is fine with items for overplayed races though.

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Some of you are seriously unappreciative. You should be glad that we PVE players are getting anything at all after 10.2.6 that was a PvP patch / event.

You’re discuss besides the point though.

Hell yeah dude, what business did anyone have being 6 in 2012 and unable to complete the content? They should have just been older, if they really wanted it.


“It’s their fault for being born too late, those losers!”


Hey B, you know there will be Classic MoP for all those who weren’t born yet and didnt have time to get that few transmogs during mop or try out the challenge?

Please stop begging for removed content and challenges and ask for new ones. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


If it can’t be brought over to the retail version, it’s not worth doing then but to relive MoP? All I do care for in MoP Classic is the new merchandise in the Blizzard store.

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Ah so you dont want players to try the chalenge out you just want the rewards that me and og players have?

How many times did blizzard say they arent bringing elite sets back?

It’s not healthy to stress over it.


Its easy to mess a factor that I have never once, ever, heard mentioned.

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She always brings this up. Another made up issue in her head that isn’t actually an issue.


This is 100% the way to approach this. Fun limited events are fun and fine BUT taking long requested features and such and using them as bait IS abusive to the playerbase and will get worse.

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Nowhere blizzzard mentioned those baits. Players did and baited themselves. Just like they do every patch.


I wish we could tone down the hyperbole.


Much projecting, without knowing what I did in MoP or not. I’ll leave it at that.

Race-based designs akin to the heritage armor, which represents the official artworks and designs. We have not enough of this and not every class has everything accessible. The upcoming Shado-Pan sets are an example of this.


You explained it to me months ago, quit playing victim.


Honestly I doubt a ton of teenagers are playing tab-target MMORPGs as much as mid-twenties and early thirties / fourties are. The amount of people I see that have been playing for at least 8-10+ years is rather high compared to absolute newbies.

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I’m sorry, do you expect everything to just exist forever just so you can get it? That’s a pretty entitled take.

Things go out of style. Things exist for a limited time. It doesn’t matter WHY you missed it, whether you weren’t old enough or you were just busy.

You can’t honestly expect a company to bring back an item just because YOU missed out. The world, and the game, does not revolve around you. Sorry, but that’s a fact.

Limited items are limited for a reason. If you miss out, sure it sucks, but it’s not the end of the world. Accept it and move on. Maybe put that excess energy into getting something that’s currently available, or would you rather wait and complain when that disappears, too?

Good lord.


While I agree with you, I also see that you don’t understand the problem with race and class representation with some of these items. A glowing-in-the-dark one time limited item as FOMO is fine, but a race set for an overall underplayed race not so much.

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You just said it yourself. If it’s an underplayed race, ofc Blizzard is going to care less about it. Rather than complaining, maybe be grateful that they’re giving you something instead of nothing?

I also play DBD and my main isn’t very popular. Because of that, he doesn’t get outfits very often. I know that and I understand it. When they finally do give him something, I’m grateful they haven’t forgotten him even if I don’t like the outfit or the way you have to get that outfit.