A bad trend: Player requests are made into FOMO-content

One has to wonder how many hours of currency farming for one item.

I actually can tell it from your postings. If you donā€™t mind, feel free to explain in detail why both Shado-Pan sets should stay FOMO after the event is over (reasons should include the MoP lore-, reward- and quest-structure).

Yes, this is a specific question. With the question included, I also want to hear the reason why people should not frown about it when itā€™s gone, based on the Pandaren-community and its RP-players.

Itā€™s more fun this way. :dracthyr_yay_animated:

Casuals having seasonal content is cool, not just high key/pvp score or mythic raid stuff.

Thereā€™s already years worth of stuff that can be collected or worked on whenever.


People really throwing around the word ā€œentitlementā€ without really understanding what that means.


It does not affect the playerbase uniformly. It is a mistake to assume that everyone in the playerbase thinks as part of a hivemind that always has a consensus.

In any case, I have predicted that players will be seeing increasingly more fomo rewards, and I have no reason to doubt this is happening.

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Just stop calling WoW a game and call it what it is - a game platform. Or a carnival. Worthy in and of itself but decidedly not remotely what once was WoW.

Some companies create separate games, this one just chooses the cheaper method of bastardizing what it has and let the witless younger players gobble it up. Welcome to your Work of Warcraft.


Iā€™ma play devilā€™s advocate! :dracthyr_love_animated:

The lore alone answers that question! The Trial of Red Blossoms - the contest held to select inductees into the ranks of the Shado-pan - occurs only once every 7 seasons. Some Pandaren have even had to go through it as punishment because once selected for the trial thereā€™s only two ways out: you win, or you die.

Obviously you canā€™t get the rewards if the Shado-pan if you donā€™t complete the trial because youā€™re not one of the Shado-pan and, well, are most likely dead :dracthyr_tea:

Far as the quest structure nobody knows how Blizz is gonna do that whether itā€™s dailies like MoP was WELL known for or if thereā€™s going to be a rep reward track or what, but I think itā€™d be super cool if they embraced the theme of the Trial to do that :dracthyr_love_animated:

Obviously at the end of the Trial those who made it are accepted into the ranks of the Shado-pan and the rewards are no longer available until the next Trial seven seasons from then :dracthyr_nod:

I sure hope nobody has to wait that long though!

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Kind of irrelevant. The people that whine about this stuff will more than likely do the content, while at the same time paying Blizzard for the opportunity lol.


While I do believe they foster and exploit FOMO (like others in the industry too), and feel that it is unethical and predatory in nature, players also do have a choice.

If you feel strongly about this and you continue to stay subscribed, you (and I) support the trend. Most companies only care about the bottom line. Complaining here while still giving them your money does not cut it. WoW is just a video game, youā€™re not stuck with it like you might be with a job that you need to survive or the country you live in. It doesnā€™t get much easier to stand up for your beliefs.

There are successful games that donā€™t need FOMO to retain and engage players, like Deep Rock Galactic and those games that let you buy and complete previous battle passes. The right approach would be to support those developers with your money, your time, and your attention instead of continuing to give it to companies that make use of every trick in the psychology playbook to maximize profits and engagement metrics.

You do have a choice in the matter, and you (like me) choose to stay here and support this trend. The message this sends is that while people may complain a little, in the end theyā€™ll just stick around anyway ā€“ and that is why feedback is largely ignored.

How could it be different?

Limited time events nowadays rely heavily on the ā€œlimited time, better act fastā€ part of them which is inherently predatory. Itā€™s less about the fun and more about getting things now or never again.

Events are better off in cycles. Hey maybe you missed this round, but that just gives you more time to get ready for the next one.

Especially for Mists of Pandaria, the cross-realm group finder wasnā€™t officially a thing yet. You either had to get an addon or rely on your own server to group up.


Actually I think these rewards are gonna eventually come back, if not in another event, then in the Trading Post.

Iā€™m okay with cyclical content. FOMO is stuff you can never get again after a certain point, and thatā€™s whatā€™s bad.


Incentivizing play with rewards is fine, but it feels like a crutch Blizzard leans on all too often these days. Having things be seasonal or limited is a massively effective way to pressure interaction, but it comes at a cost.

Consider Plunderstormā€™s reception. Whatever perception players may have had during the announcement CLEARLY took a turn for the negative the moment they heard it was a limited time event AND that the rewards were tied to gaining 39 renown ranks. Getting to 40 isnā€™t all that bad, but considering how much time it had taken to get previous renowns up, I canā€™t really fault players for initially being upset.

A 40-tiered renown tract stops becoming a fun reward track and instead turns into a quota to be met, and in an online social game, that affects more people than you think. I canā€™t even begin to estimate the number of players I ran into who started cursing me out when I engaged them because I was ā€œinterfering with their grindā€.

The fact that an emergent gameplay style came out that was based on not playing the game as it was intended intended but making it a grind to farm is VERY telling. Plunderstorm is a riot and I have a blast playing it, but Iā€™ve got friends who wonā€™t go back to it because the fun got sucked out by this pressure to play.

I generally donā€™t have a problem meeting the requirements to earn limited time things in this game. Hell, I went and earned KSH in a week once for the hell of it. Like itā€™s been said in this thread already, itā€™s a predatory practice. Anyone who claims that Blizzardā€™s marketing team doesnā€™t know that theyā€™re using this tactic to manipulate parts of their consumer base is woefully naive. Sure, itā€™s a practice you see across several industries, but Iā€™ve seen more people treat FOMO in games like work rather than play.

Like @Lougo said,

REALLY canā€™t agree more with this.


I mean, this is a reality of any MMO. And not just with cosmetics, but anything that happens in this game can be missed out by not logging in

Iā€™ve missed out on the game prior to 2016 :dracthyr_shrug:

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:


they may all end up on the trading post which is a vendor.

It was more of a question why regular content should be FOMO. The player encounters and engages with the group across several zones, which is why it should not be a FOMO-content to begin with but a high end reward. There are two Shado-Pan reputation in the game as well and the player can also get the Shado-Master title.

The above mentioned Night Elf player is just a casual one. Not knowing of anything but all he cares for is the thrill. Thatā€™s why this is also a toxic mindset. The topic is similar to the environmental protection: You think you know what youā€™re doing but in the end you harm everyone in the long run.

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As someone with multiple MoP CM sets, most of the SoO Heirlooms, the Wolf, and the Phoenix mounts, (two Corrupted Ashbringers, every single Legion Mage Towerskin for every class, etc etc) I agree completely.

Let people have fun earning things. If the challenge is the same as it was, I see exactly 0 issue with letting others obtain them again. Itā€™d also be a great way to allow players who have swapped mains over the last 12 years obtain a new transmog set for something they completed once before.

Prestige comes from the completion of a challenge, not the artificial scarcity created by time gating.


I am complaining that we are complaining about something new.

In the end it is about hurting other players. And Iā€™ll explain it in detail:

If we had a discussion about FOMO, it always boils down to:
Did you engage with the content? Yes.
Did you get your items? Yes?
Then why are you against FOMO? Because other people will not get in the future?

Iā€™m absolutely against the selfish stance that it is done and future players have not a chance to get the items they want to have. Itā€™s harmful, itā€™s toxic and does shows the bad side of people. A future player should have a chance on the Shado-Pan set. A future player should always have a carrot on a stick for the items they care for. Not everyone wants to collect everything but things they like to have. I have skipped almost every content in Shadowlands, because I donā€™t need it. And you will always encounter people like this, who enjoy aspects of WoW.

Gating is a very toxic mindset and behavioral problem. And that we have these FOMO-discussions even before the event starts only tells us that something clearly is wrong here.


The trading post will be the obvious solution. I expect it will be added there someday.


You donā€™t have to collect all the things. You want to.

You donā€™t have to participate in events. You want to.

This kind of FOMO is not real, itā€™s just an excuse to complain. If you want the items, work for it. If you donā€™t want them, donā€™t. Itā€™s really that simple.

No one is forcing you to do anything. You will not die if you donā€™t manage to get an item in a video game and if you truly believe not getting said item will somehow harm you, please seek a therapist.