95% of the top of the arena ladder is alliance. Something needs to be done about the human racial

you season your water…

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Ya something needs to be done sooner rather than later…as well as boomkin stacking in RBGs. Imo…nerf human racial

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This attitude only exists in WoW. No one says this crap about any other game. Is this some delusional furry superiority or something? “Hah! You picked a Human instead of the fox character! What a weirdo!”

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It’s not like some people like to superimpose themselves onto their character or something. The people that condemn others for picking a Human in a fantasy either don’t understand that or are shortsighted.

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horde is better in mop btw
dont trip
every single team was horde
pvp trinkets are nowhere near as relevant in mop

I say give humans something else and give all races Will to Survive so no one has to waste a trinket slot anymore.

Were you also of the opinion that something needed to be done about Horde’s racials when 95% of the top of the ladder was composed of Horde teams?


How so? I don’t recall many changes for racials that would suddenly enable horde to become “better”. Iirc, human racial was still the most optimal pick for pvp in MoP.

I’d rather they change the way human racial works as a nerf so that it makes other racials a lot more competitive. Maybe make human racial only applicable to stuns instead of having it break out of all types of CC.

trinkets are bad in mop, and warlocks had shadowfury and howl

Well no, people were horde for different reasons. Alliance was still just as competitive

Where is your outcry for Horde racials in PvE? Stop pandering to 1 side. Alliance have PvP and Horde have PvE.

I’m not really sure how


I don’t quite agree with this. Can you elaborate?

Horde racials are waaaay better for PvE, alliance racials (mostly just human) are better for PvP. That’s just something you have to deal with in classic, you cry about it all you want, or play with what you want to knowing you’re at a disadvantage. That’s how classic is and has always been.

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Seems like other races need to just start playing better. Human players are just better.

Side note, I main druid and have mained druid for all of classic. I don’t complain about not being able to have undead racial OR human racial. It doesn’t bother me one bit because it’s a trade off. Take an extra 5% damage because of resil loss in exchange for more damage from a damage trinket. it’s not like they are given a “Free” pvp trinket. It comes at a cost. You could argue the racial at least gives them the OPTION of that trade off. But don’t say they get a “free” pvp trinket.

Can you give me a season on ironforge.pro where this was the case? I spy zero.

“The guy with thunderfury beats the guy with no weapon because he is just better”. Your argument in a nutshell.

Racials that you can play around are fine within reason. A free trinket slot is a gear advantage in the most impactful gear slot in the game. It’s one of the most poorly thought out game design decisions blizzard has ever made in WoW.

PvE is irrelevant. Racials do not matter in PvE whatsoever unless your ego is so fragile it cannot handle a 98 parse over a 99. You will still be clearing all the heroic mode content just as easily no matter what your racial ability makeup is.

Racials in PvP can make a different in weather or not you actually win, PvE racials only matter for 1% extra feel special points for their parse, not weather they win the content.

Isn’t that weird that this is the racial as it was in Cataclysm, who would know that everyone would have to play human for min-maxing.

It is like… someone knew this would happen and made humans for Arena.

Which is why action needed to be taken in advance. And it’s not too late to change it now.

Of course it is.
They added the package for race change guess why.
Changing this in the middle of the season would be the worst.

Accept season 1 will be like this and hope they change something for season 2 and wait the backlash of the thousands that changed race to focus on PvP.

Mop introduces pvp gear scaling and the pvp power stat which made raid trinkets not worth. Pvp trinkets are still good. Also, if you watch some really old cata tourney vods you will see that cdews team (with talbadar and azael) played horde at one of the NA qualifiers. They were using tournament realm characters where raid gear was not available.

Human racial still good but not overwhelming when you take out the raid trinkets.

Don’t see your point here with race changes. You nerf the human racial, horde racials become more competitive, and more are capable of reaching glad. The flavor of the month chasers have salty tears? I drink them, yum.