95% of the top of the arena ladder is alliance. Something needs to be done about the human racial

troll/orc racial according to warcraftlogs are giving anywhere from a 10-20% damage increase on parses over alliance counterparts. Now an entire raid group doing 10-20% more damage? I’d say that could be quite the difference in heroic progression for a LOT of guilds.

I think horde and alliance racials BOTH play a big role in race/faction choice. Those remotely intrested in pvp tend to go alliance, those more intrested in pve and care less about pvp typically go horde. Then there are horde players who go horde for the pve and figure they can deal with wearing a pvp trinket like literally everyone else in the game except humans, but later decide they don’t want to anymore and demand changes.

At this point the biggest PVP advantage Alliance players have is that nearly everyone good enough to get gladiator+ is on alliance. Don’t get me wrong, Horde has good pvp racials and some good players, but it’s slim pickings compared to Alliance

To be fair it’s not 95%…it’s 97%. They need to make that money though on both Faction and Server transfers. Don’t worry all the Benediction players will hurry and defend blue on this crap.

2019 classic release was the sweatiest this game ever was. Everyone and their mother was a tryhard min-maxer. If there was ever a time where people chose horde solely for the metagame it was 2019 classic.


good news its gettin removed in tww or now in df.
see u in df tww classic

server imbalance is a trickle effect some start to leave which will make more and more leave because no one wants to play on a 2-1 server, this behaviour is seen on both factions. and behaviours in general are observed on both factions because they’re all WoW players this idea that Horde are some noble honorable faction that won’t resort to 2v1 is stupid Horde players will literally sit in Redridge for 12 hours every day killing lvl 20s

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https: ironforge.pro pvp leaderboards archive season-4 US 2

The overrepresentation of horde in TBC PvP was based off of uncritically accepted private server data. People thought undead were going to be like the humans of cataclysm, but that turned out to not be true in the slightest. Stoneform and perception were some of the most broken pvp racials in the game and alliance had a lot of representation at the top of the arena brackets. TBC racial balance was nowhere close to as bad as cataclysm. Most of the racials in TBC could be outplayed with the right strategy, every man for himself is a straight gear advantage over players which can be everything at the top of the brackets.

Also merc mode was a mistake, and I say that as a horde player who was dealing with those 45 minute queues and had to grind my honor ganking instead. The better solution would have been to offer free faction transfers to alliance with some in-game reward incentive to do so. Blizzard instead opted for the easy, lazy solution that you can expect from them.

Racial make up less than 1% of the game…
You can be top of the ladder as a horde player

If i had my friends go horde I rather have goblin jump over trinket

you no shoes mudhut horde dog

Lmfao :rofl:

And yet, the majority of arena players are alliance. That one percent sure makes a huge difference. It’s very sad, but I’m seriously contemplating of doing xfter/faction change so I don’t have to wait 1 hour to find two people to play 3s with at peak hours.

Ain’t no way I’m doing arena as horde in this one. In the others sure but not this one.

Of course the human racial is op for arenas, it was this way back in 2011, everyone should have known that, why would it be any different in cata classic?

the reason why alliance had 4 minute queues and horde had hour queues is because there was a lot more horde than alliance interested in PVP

Yes, and partly because people thought horde racials were OP based on private server data. But it turns out alliance had some busted racials in pvp too. It was way more balanced in this respect than wrath and cata, contrary to expectations.

Like I said, free transfers to alli with an incentive to do so would have been a smarter and more healthy solution to the problem. But blizzard took the most effortless, easy way out.

Because #nochanges has dead since 2019 classic. But people like you selectively apply it when it’s convenient for you, and cheer for #somechanges when it’s not.

I’ve always thought they should make the pvp trinket baseline for everyone and give humans something different. It’s mandatory on every class and race so it should just be baseline imo


Just give the ability to add the “remove stun in pvp” to a trinket of your choice


I like the way Swtor did it. Everyone got a interupt and cc breaker at the same level(s). Only difference was melee interupt was a bit shorter on the cd than the range interupt depending on class.

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meh, who cares, how it was back in the days, I just refuse to pay blizzard money to play the game as alliance, I’ll just play as horde

I was just lucky I was a human paladin in OG cata

You chose a human in a mmorpg. Remember to season your chicken white bread.

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