95% of the top of the arena ladder is alliance. Something needs to be done about the human racial

https: ironforge.pro pvp leaderboards US 3

This is just season 9. Imagine how much worse it’s going to get in later raid tiers when more broken trinkets come out.

For all the kicking and screaming about how racial imbalance would be the death of TBC arena, this ended up being extremely exaggerated with a reasonably even H:A split in the top of the area ladder. Alliance had some genuinely busted racials that in some comps were better than will of the forsaken.

In cata absolutely nothing compares to human. It massively outperforms everything no matter what your comp is, you are outright handicapping yourself picking anything but human.

This is a very serious issue that needs fixing immediately.


Yes, this is part of the game. Everybody knows that human racial is the best racial in the game until WoD. People band wagoned horde for superior racials to the point that HvH BGs had to be introduced in BC. Least you can faction change or race change if you actually care that much about it.


No stop trying to ruin the game. I enjoy it the way it is.


As was mentioned in the post, for all the fear mongering, reality proved this assertion false. Alliance and horde were decently even in the area ladder in TBC.

TBC is absolutely incomparable to cata when it comes to racial imbalance. The human racial is so disgustingly imbalanced compared to literally everything else 95% of the horde is disbarred from the top of arena.

“Stop ruining the game for me by allowing me to ruin it for everyone else”.

Said every flavor of the month chaser ever.


humans are awesome!


Lmao. no. Faction change is in the game. Top players left your faction for alliance. You can do it too, or you can quit crying. You’ve got two entire expansions ahead of you of alliance dom. go play something else if you can’t handle it.


Go back in time, and nerf the zug racials at 60/70/80.


we’re starting form the start, not at 85.

Changing racials doesn’t make the game better for anyone. So please stop trying to ruin the game.


Boosts were in the game in TBC. Top players went horde. Same argument.

If horde racials were that much better the sweatiest gladiators would reroll, period. Stoneform and perception were legit better racials than will in a lot of comps. Gnome warrior was bis PvP. Absolutely nothing is better than the human racial in any comp. It’s undeniable that cata is significantly worse at racial balance than TBC.

Curious that a human is downplaying how OP they are. Like a billionaire telling you money isn’t everything, lol. You just want an unfair advantage, admit it.

It doesn’t make it better for you, because it would be taking away your unfair advantage. It makes it better for everyone else who isn’t handicapped out of the top of arena due to their race.

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Im not downplaying it. Im telling you to suck it up. Its not getting changed, and will be this way until WoD. You’re crying about racial balance that we’ve know was coming for years now.


#nochanges has been dead since classic vanilla. You’re new here aren’t you.

Cope. they dont balance classic racials for pvp. faction change or stay mad


Who cares.

Alliance has one good racial meanwhile the Horde have like 6, I say suck it up and deal with it.


This is just how its going to be. A whole ton of the best PVE guilds are horde for racial reasons too. Is it dumb? Yeah, kinda. That is why they went away from it. But for Cata and MOP I highly suspect that this is just going to the be the reality of the situation.


what if you run Feral/hunter?

That’s what they said about every change to classic until it happened. Remember ret paladins and feral buffs in wrath?

I would never play a filthy, dirty alli and let me eyes bleed at their cities and zones.

Except that one alliance racial is so unbelievably busted it overshadows absolutely everything else by far. Look at the link I sent you and let that speak for yourself.

Just log off and go to sleep bro


willingly playing classic versions of arena knowing that the meta slavery is extreme and certain things are incredibly broken is such an interesting decision.


If they didnt nerf orc and undead racials in vanilla/tbc classic why would they now, you no shoes mudhut horde dog.