95% of the top of the arena ladder is alliance. Something needs to be done about the human racial

For sure, I like 50\50. The battle ground, horde always lose, do u belive 2-3H i farm only 600 honor? for alliance must be farm more then 4-5K in 2-3hours. this is not enough fair,no one like always lose,but we have to admit Alliance PVP is too stronger then horde.

If you want a version of wow where horde is better at pvp and pve advocate for tbc or legion.

TBC was pretty close to 50/50 A:H representation at the top level in all seasons, with a tilt towards more alliance in late seasons. I’ve linked the proof from ironforge.pro numerous times. Seems you human apologists are deathly alergic to numbers and facts.


Why? They never did anything about the orc stun resist in classic.

Bruh!! Its not the racial, you know what it is stop complaining and being raciest lol.

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