95% of the top of the arena ladder is alliance. Something needs to be done about the human racial


“bully” is what Alliance call a fight that isnt 2v1 in their favor. That’s why they all migrated off Horde servers to monofaction on Bene

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You again!

You enjoy how overpowered humans are because your main is a human? Tell me more about how others are trying to ruin the game, while ignoring that one race having power imbalance over every other race isn’t a good thing for a good game

You do understand that every top pve guild is horde? So you want to nerf their racials too? Lol

EVERYONE knew this would be a thing, it will continue like this into MoP. Either deal with it or swap factions.

The same thing could be said for troll/orc racials for PvE. How about making the argument to remove racials all together? Blizzard would probably entertain that before they nerf a racial that is “OP” in a portion of the game that less than 1% of the population plays.

Realistically they won’t entertain either, but at least make an honest and balanced suggestion instead of “Remove a main consideration of why players play alliance!, The Horde deserve the best of both worlds, best Pve Racials with no downside!”

If you want to have the best parses? play horde
If you want to have more advantage in PvP? play alliance

You don’t get the best of both worlds with one character. Make alts if that’s what you truely want.

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lol just lookin sad man, cope, seethe, find other activites? How is it only a problem now in cata and not during wotlk? :s
Mountain out of mole hill, it’s a freakin pvp trinket man, you have 1 too, so you miss out on a trinket slot option…so what? If people are sad enough to mass reroll for it to sweat hard, why should they be deterred?

Given the amount of gas lighting coming from horde players at the best of times(look no further than SoD forums), this is honestly just hilarious. :slight_smile:

How on earth did we deal with it in actual vanilla? D:

Do you nerds actually think people rolled horde in classic for the racials? It’s because official classic being released back in 2019 was giga-hype and horde is infinitely more badass than alliance. It had nothing to do with racials and everything to do with aesthetics. Picking the optimal race was only a thing for the top players and the pretenders, normal players just pick the race they find coolest.

I pity the hyper-optimizer. “Ackshually running straight red gems is .01% better than getting your socket bonuses.” “Ackshually troll racial beats orc racial on the sim.” What about how cool your character is? How bout picking a flavor instead of chasing a number?

The human racial is OP. But the people who select human for that sole reason, when they would otherwise have selected a different race, are boring people.

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Something is done in a later expansion

People that picked orc/troll over human racial then valued aesthetics rather than performance by your statement? So we shouldn’t be complaining about performance then if you don’t care about min/maxing character potential right?

But here we are in another “Alliance OP” thread

I guess most of the population are pretenders then, i’ll give some examples

how many orc shamans are there compared to taurens?
how many orc warriors compared to undead?
how many orc hunters compared to taurens?

the census that was ran in classic vanilla, 80% of horde warriors were orcs, but almost 80% of rogues were undeads, the same problem exists on alliance, most warriors were humans and less than 1% were night elves. People absolutely choose racials over anything else

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Yes, back in 2019 they did choose horde for the aesthetic, or windfury, but not racials. And no, we should still complain about human racial. In wotlk and beyond there are far more players selecting their race based on optimization. These are boring people. Human racial is OP and should be nerfed. There is no contradiction. Racials should be balanced or straight up disabled in pvp.

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This is just confirming what I already believe: orcs are the coolest race in the game. Shoulders. In vanilla I actually saw many troll and tauren warriors, usually in the tank role. Orc warrior was definitely far more common for dps. Undead, with rotting flesh, does not jive with the class fantasy of a strong and savage warrior. Orc warrior and undead rogue are iconic race/class combos. Why would the rogues pick undead for the racial? Wouldn’t they pick orc for the higher dps just like warriors? Just for WotF in pvp?

I think the boring min-max everything type of player is more likely to vibe with alliance, so that is my response to human vs nelf. Strangely, I have both an undead and night elf warrior.

they don’t vibe with alliance, they vibe with a large pve advantage, in classic vanilla, alliance is just a way superior pve race because paladins are just busted compared to shamans and human warriors are the best race of warrior on alliance so you can expect to see an absolute army of them

yeah pretty much, if you look around classic cata right now you’ll see an absolute army of trolls, particularly casters, that’s because troll racial is the strongest caster racial for most classes so like half of the server is troll

I play Horde but I forget, didn’t Horde complain about Alliance premades and not getting enough pvp action to force Blizzard to put in HxH and lobotomize how people queue? Now the Horde are complaining about racials? C’mon man.

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What the top of the arena ladder is doing doesn’t affect anyone here.

I do see more trolls than I used to. I acknowledge the current playerbase takes racials more seriously and cares more about the math. I don’t think we’re disagreeing, nor can I say with any certainty why people choose the race they do. I think the ratio of race choice being driven by racial ability vs RPG fantasy has definitely moved toward choice driven by racial ability.

Human and orc warrior are most iconic warrior races, and they also happen to have the best dps racials. I would say alliance priests were overwhelmingly dwarf because of fear ward, even if human and nelf are cooler. I think there were more undead mages than troll, even tho troll is better. I’d say hunter was pretty close between orc and troll, with tauren underrepresented. Always saw more undead warlocks than orcs, both good class fantasies but orc is better dps. This is all my anecdotal experience so I don’t have much input on alliance. Gnomes were a stronger mage or warlock than human correct? I wonder how many optimizers knew the best choice was gnome but just couldn’t do it and chose human instead xD.

Human racial has to stay as it is as long as horde has the only good pve dps racials in the game, or else nobody aside from casuals would play the faction

What they should do is give alliance real pve racials and nerf WTS in some way

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Then remove them all together, because horde have the pve racials. You don’t get to have the positives with no negatives. Horde have pve racials, alliance have the pvp racial. It’s as simple as that.

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That’s not how you spell Dwarf :thinking:

The pve racial thing is only an issue because of warcraftlogs. And I mean that’s a major part of the modern gameplay so I have to agree nerfing the horde pve racials is a legitimate counterpoint to nerfing the human racial. But human racial can decide games. The human racial in pvp is a categorical advantage, while horde racials are an advantage of a small degree in pve. Human racial has a bigger impact on faction choice than horde racials. Horde is simply cooler, and that’s why classic had so many more horde players. It was “orc go zug zug,” not “orc has a .05% dps advantage with blood fury, therefore I will go orc.”

Disgusting. See you in the gulch.