95% of Players Agree on PvP Vendors

And yet people in this thread is treating it like the 95% came from the mouth of god and will go down in the scriptures.

A strawpoll doesn’t work to show accurate data. Period. It doesn’t account for the thousands of little timmys that just play the game and don’t care about vendors as long as they get to do their BGs or whatever. They don’t go to the forums because they are content with the way things are and are instead actually playing the game. The only people that would even come across that poll are those with a strong opinion about vendors since, like I said, it was probably in a thread about vendors.

Don’t get me wrong, I honestly don’t care if vendors came back or not. I don’t PvP, but I understand PvP gearing right now is atrocious for more reasons than just lack of vendors.

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Regardless there has been many in the past who have asked for this. I don’t see the problem with adding it.

I can’t account for everyone. I was just pointing out the intent of the person who made the poll.

Your claim that others don’t care or are content because they don’t come to the forums is no less speculative than those saying everyone wants vendors.

I wouldn’t have guessed that by the tone of your posts. You sound very upset at just the possibility of PvP vendors returning.


95% in favor is still impressive with the number of votes given. It’s been 95% since even 300 votes.

I really think the people who are questioning the validity of this poll need to chill. This poll was not created as an end-all-be-all answer for PvP vendor opinions. It was just to garner a general idea of how people felt, plus curiosity. And it was initially only asked on the BG forum. It was posted elsewhere by someone else so it could get more traffic and thus more votes.

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I am not that narrowminded to completely dismiss vendors returning or not. It literally does not affect me.

My post at least CONSIDERS the possibility that the 95% is wrong. It could be 51%. It could be 99%. Literally no one here has an accurate idea of what percentage it is. It is PROBABLY 51%+, but there is no way we, as players, can get a read on it accurately. Blizzard would have to make an in-game simple random sample to remove all bias from it.

It doesn’t matter intention of the poll when that it is what it is being used for. OP very clearly is taking the 95% as face value and using it as evidence. So are multiple people in this thread. If people are going to utilize a poll as an argument, they should at least use a GOOD poll because this one is as useful as a table with 1 leg.

We also need to apply common sense to the issue. I have never seen 1 person who said they like the current system more. I also can’t think of a logical argument on why the current system is better.

When you look at the situation as a whole and take into account all of the information you have access to this poll is just another indicator that PvP vendors are desired by the majority of players.

Also asking for a random sample size is a bit silly in this scenario. You are only going to want to ask players who care about the question. For example McDonalds wouldn’t poll people who never eat at Mcdonalds on if the McRib should return to their menu. That would be idiotic. Just as nobody should poll raiders, role players, and pet battlers on if PvP vendors should return. They don’t care and have no skin in the game.


Regardless of your…whatever… 95% has been consistent since the beginning.

People aren’t generally so vehement in their arguments when it literally does not affect them.

I have no idea what percentage of PvPers would like to have PvP vendors back. Some people don’t care either way, like the one who said she just throws on anything with a higher ilvl. I do know that I’ve seen many people here, in game, and at other sources say that they would prefer to choose their own gear again instead of repeatedly getting items they don’t need/want/aren’t an upgrade. How many exactly? No one knows, but an exact number or percentage isn’t necessary to show interest.

You’re completely in the wrong here. Metro is stating that, as is, in BfA if PvP received vendors it would push the PvE crowd to do PvP. The only real compromise would be if PvP gear was worse than PvE or if there was at least a rating requirement tbh to purchase the gear. If just about anyone can do battlegrounds or arena and get BiS gear, that’s a problem. and if the gear for PvE is better than PvP, than PvPers are forced to PvE for gear.

They would need to bring back PvP power/Resilience but the whole design philosophy for the current system is that Blizzard wants PvE players to be able to enter PvP without needing to grind a PvP set.

If we go down the PVP vendor path, and allow PVP gear to be equally good in PVE, than we need a PVE vendor, or just call it a vendor and sell anything and everything for either marks or TR.

In the past PVP gear had stats that benefited PVP over PVE and PVE gear was better suited to not being bashed by a human player. Even now the AZ traits on PVP gear gives benefits to PVP over PVE, like hitting someone to apply more stacks or chances to do additional damage, in PVE those traits are not as good.

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All of your concerns have been addressed by previous pvp systems. Literally nothing new has to be created–just brought back.


hey, another ignorant poster
wod literally had a good balance between pve and pvp gear WITHOUT specific pvp stats

how? make pvp items scale +30 or 40 ilvls in instanced pvp. add vendors. voila. pvp’ers happy, pve’ers have no reason to pvp.


I agree with that system but it has a few flaws

  1. PvE players have to grind a PvP set.

  2. PvP players have to grind a PvE set

  3. Blizzard has stated that they want people to be able to move freely in between modes.

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And this is the crux of the argument. This was all changed due to a perceived problem by Blizzard which created many more unforeseen problems that are worse. There is no perfect solution, but the current one is certainly worse than the one they randomly decided to fix after 10 years. WoD gearing was as good as it gets. It can’t really be improved on. Let’s get back to it.


They function differently. They should have different sets of gear. The two simply need to be separate.

As it is now, PvP players have to PvE to get the best gear for PvP. That is a huge problem. If you want to PvE, do the PvE work. If you want to PvP, do the PvP work. It’s not to say good PvE gear was worthless in WOD for PvP, it just didn’t have the advantage.


Correct. Please take this into account: When the original (best) designers of the game were still here (Vanilla and BC) they made the decision that:

  1. There should be a PvP vendor.
  2. PvP and PvE gear should be separate.

There’s a reason they decided it should work like that. It’s the best solution. Not a perfect solution, but the BEST solution. Now sure you can say they did it in slightly different ways every expansion and some PvE gear bled into PvP and vice versa, but by and large this was the intent of their design and there was good reason for it.


That doesn’t count for 100% of the entire playerbase. That only represents a fraction of the playerbase that vote. But I do agree pvp venders would be nice to have back again. :frowning:

1,755 Vote yea that is a very very small fraction of the entire playerbase. :rofl:

But again just sayin. :stuck_out_tongue: I do agree though. Reminds me of when I first join. I was amazed and in a “must have” mode back then. I ended up getting 2 full sets for 2 characters. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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The reason?

Because raiders would ruin it by using it to fill gear slots while pushing content.

Ya know, the whole reason they were taken away in the first place.

The thing that needs to return is the WoD ilvl scaling system. If you’re a PvPer and you have the Conquest set, your ilvl would jump up similarly to a Mythic player upon entering PvP combat in the open world or instanced. But in any other content, it’s Heroic ilvl.

They also need to bring back the 2 piece for PvP trinkets. Being that if 2 PvP trinkets are equipped, you get x resilience for PvP.

This would mean PvE gear is good for PvE while PvP gear is good for PvP. I personally don’t think we should have mixed the two together.