95% of Players Agree on PvP Vendors

If Ion truly 100% believes we don’t know how to use the vendors than either he has information we don’t that backs up his claim, like players buying the wrong item and asking for a refund more regularly than players buying the right item and sticking with it.

I more so believe there is the PVP player base who who buy the items, do an hour of PVP and sell it back, along with the small player base who complain they got the wrong item. That is one source of cheaters, and another source of a waste of resources.

Remove the vendor and no one can buy, play, sell or complain, so it makes the playing field more even and it means less work for the GM’s, and less work means less staff.

Or Ion is a such and such, has no idea and should not abuse his position to say whatever he wants about those who pay his wage and needs to be reprimanded.

do you even know how surveys work? Or do you assume every time something being asked all 7 billions of people answerd?

1.6k sample is big enough to get the pattern

Well, that actually depends on a few factors. Uniformity of the population, the psychometric strength of the survey, the number of variables being measured, etc.

In this case, for a question like this, almost 2k sitting with 95% on one answer is pretty strong. I’d kill to have any of my studies manage that.

How are we calculating the sample size for this exactly?

Do you even pvp?

You used to be able to use your excess honor to buy gear, let it expire, and vend it out. This was not an exploit. You could also buy reagents and use them profitably or sell them on the AH.

But what you are describing is nothing like any situation that has existed recently. People in Legion didn’t get lots of currency to buy PvP gear with. And now, even less. I’m not sure what you think you’re describing.

So what if its good in PVE? Gear is Gear. If I earned my gear by defeating tough opponents I deserve to have some good gear. I put my time and effort just like raiders did. Gear should be interchangeable, and have bis options for both paths without having to do the other.

I never voted in that poll so it is biased. I wasn’t even aware of that poll.

I would vote that things are fine as they are.

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people are amazing.

I’d agree that most players want pvp vendors but to claim that 95% of players want them based off some random straw poll is a weak claim.

I loooove opening my weekly chest and getting the same gear over and over. Feels soooo goooooood oh my gaaaawd.

Seriously though. Game is lucky I like pvp enough as it is cause the no vendor thing sucks. I remember how angry I was when I found out they were gone.

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I’m glad you posted that, and I’m happy some one in this super biased discussion understands.

When vendors were in the game, pvp gear and pvp in general were very different.
Regardless of what you think the game director said, you can look at the facts and see this.

If they did have guaranteed determined gear again that YOU choose, top PVErs would all be having to no-life more content, flooding the PVP landscape for 2 weeks or whatever it took to get that weapon, then they would all leave again.

I’m not sure why anyone would actually want this, but people in my meager guild raiders did it in WoD and I wanted no part of it.
I can’t imagine how actual PVPers felt about the whole thing.

Either way, just like with this new benthic system, if you want vendors for gear you will be sacrificing a LOT of potential that gear can have, and it will have to be much weaker than anything else.

If you want that, look at the benthic system as a step towards that.
If it works out, then you may see a pvp equivalent but it will be the same quality as that gear, 395 ilvl effectively.

Do you want 395 gear, even if you can choose its power?
Make a poll about that, and before you brag about the uniformity of the results consider the very small sample size as more relevant than the actual findings - that being that this few people care about PVP in a game this big that they aren’t even aware of the vote.

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I think it’s long past time for PvP vendors to be re-introduced. We have Azerite vendors now, we’re going to have PvE gear vendors in 8.2, why can’t we have PvP vendors?

I don’t, for one minute, believe the idea that they’re not putting PvP vendors in the game because of concern that people will buy the wrong things. If that was the case, why did they add in that Azerite vendor?

I think it could just be, at this point, they’ve backed themselves into a corner defending their position on PvP vendors, and even though they (may) know that PvP vendors would be a very good addition to the game, they can’t implement them without having to 180 their stance on them.

Either that or it’s to keep people playing longer. Who knows?

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Actually in WoD the PvP gear was lower ilvl, but jumped to the highest ilvl possible when engaged in PvP combat.

There would have been no reason for PvE players in WoD to feel the need to farm PvP gear since it was bad in PvE. I have no idea why anyone in your guild did that.


The benthic system is a good start. I hope they expand on it by making gear essentially tied to the content it was earned in. So bonuses that get enabled on the gear earned from;
Open World

We as players should be able to bypass some of the RNG elements they’ve added. We should have agency in gear optimization in some form as well. Not only hoping for a WF/TF proc or for PvP gloves to drop.

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worthless post tbh, they give anyone green text these days…

  1. we’ve had at least 3 expansions where pvp and pve gear were at the very least decently integrated (wotlk, mop, wod). didnt play tbc/cata.

  2. the fact that you are unaware of this shows how uninformed your opinion is, wod had a great system in place to keep both gear systems in their own lanes while making them not entirely useless when crossing over. no one felt like they had to do other content in order to stay viable, minus the legendary ring.

  3. so it’s fine if pvp’ers have to nolife mythic raids/m+ but reee if pve’ers have to do pvp. heavily biased, check.

  4. fewer people pvp these days partially because of the existence of obnoxious pve items, like prism/void stone etc, and also because people have limited time on their hands where they have to do pve content so they dont get one shot.

just stick to what you know next time, please.

just to be clear. the current system is in no way or shape an improvement over the wod-system, or even the imo lesser wotlk/mop systems. it is incredibly rare for a company to be so incompetent to structurally downgrade the quality of their work like Blizzard does.


Look at WOD PVP GEAR. Fixes this entirely. Item has a lower base item level that increases during PVP Combat. Makes it the best for PVP, but mediocre for PVE.

We don’t need PVE/PVP gear to be good at both things. Go back to having PVP gear good at PVP only.

^^ This is how we can go back to vendors again.


Strawpolls are not a good factor in seeing what players want. It is a self selecting sample meaning your numbers are most likely incredibly skewed since most likely the only people that voluntarily open the thread it was in and THEN go to the strawpoll itself are those that actually care about the topic.

Not disagreeing with the premise, but your 95% is likely nowhere near the true % of players.

I dunno I’m a pve’r and I want vendors back throughout the game in general.

Imo, vendors being removed was one of those RPG systems that got removed for the sake of “QoL” but it just ended up watering down the game as a whole. Going to the vendor to purchase your gear piece just added a bit of flavor for getting gear. It’s far more appealing than what we have now at least.


1000 is fine for a simple random sample. This is not that so the poll is meaningless at showing trends. Its a self selected sample so no duh the only people clicking it are those that already feel strongly about the topic.

Let me guess. The poll was in the pvp forum. The poll was in a post about pvp vendors (out of probably 25 posts about them considering they consistently leak into GD). People that don’t hold an opinion agreeing with OP aren’t seeing the poll. The 95% is HEAVILY skewed.

Well yeah, of course PvPers are the ones who care. They are the ones it has an impact on.

The person who started the strawpoll, in the PvP forum, did it mostly for fun (as they do several other polls as well). They were hoping Blizzard might see that people like vendors, but they in no one claimed it to be some super serious data (although the title of this thread is misleading).