95% of Players Agree on PvP Vendors

Agreed. I strongly despised templates in legion so the WoD system is probably for the best

No it’s not, especially when the poll is already biased in the fact that ofcourse the people who have a problem with no vendors have a reason to voice their opinion, so you will obviously have a heavier vote on that side.

The poll presented is borderline worthless.

Now what isn’t worthless is all the backlash that has come with the decision ever since Legion dropped.

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Don’t get me wrong, I am in the camp of having pvp vendors, and honestly I’m still confused on why they would remove it.

But it’s very rare to see people arguing on this subject.

Examples like the poll, is just pathetic, and worthless to argument.

However there are very valid reasons to have pvp vendors, which most people im sure would rather have, people need to use real arguments for the vendors, not these random clickbait posts, if anything they only hurt the cause.

Dunno dude. I have only barely seen over the years after its removal of people saying that they prefer this method. Most PvPers that knew and worked with the system before preferred it far more than what they’ve done. I highly doubt it’s a 50/50 but I’m not going to argue numbers because I don’t have them.

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Sorry the 50/50 was meant as the “ehhh yes and no” figure of speech lol, not actually trying to do real numbers.

Ahh. My mistake.

I mean if somebody bought the wrong item they have like an hour to exchange it anyways. IF they can’t figure out they bought the wrong item within an hour then something is really wrong. The only vendors people might not be able to find are the vanilla merchants in Arathi Basin, Ashenvale, and Alterec Mountains. Never did understand why they didn’t just move those merchants to stormwind/Orgrimmar but whatever.

Just another lie from Ion just like every other change they make that basically hinders player progression. Just like the increased auction house deposits on tradeskill items. That is just another way to pull gold out of the game which hinders player progression. I really wish they would move around some game devs you would think the sinking number of subs would be a clue to Blizzard somethings not quite right…

Personally though, I feel the resilience pvp gear should return with vendors.

It’s gives pvpers an edge in the open world, but wouldn’t allow them to gear up and raid in that gear, at the same time Mythic geared players, myself included, wouldn’t be able to go out and obliterate anyone that moved.

There’s always a give or take in these systems, maybe they’ll make the current one a little better, as giving the players a choice is always better, well usually.

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I preferred the increased item level in pvp that WoD did and maybe in MoP?

I not even a pvp’er and I think there should be vendors for you all.

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Blizzard thinks you don’t, but you do.

This is the marketing formula, from my knowledge, of BFA.

More RNG = More potential time spent playing the game.
More potential time spent = higher potential desire to extend a sub continue playing.

That’s how Blizzard seems right now.

In Legion, you could obliterate PvP gear for a currency and purchase some PvP gear.

BFA PvE has azerite gear you can scrap for titan residuum which helps you collect a currency for a type of vendor gear.

BFA PvP has…?

Thanks Blizz

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Considering it’s BFA, yes.

10 wins for 2 weeks is what it took to get the weapon after Wrath was over. Literally an hour or so, in two sessions. Could be done in 2s. Definitely needs to be no-lifed the same way PvPers have to to get PvE gear now, huh?

PvPers didn’t care. Because it wasn’t a problem.

WoD PvP gear was already weaker in PvE and BiS in PvP. No reason we can’t go back to that.

Overall it just seems you don’t really know what you’re talking about. Maybe stick to PvE threads.


Lol most definitely the 95% is not completely accurate. No stats are. There will always be deviation when statistics are involved. While yes the poll isn’t 100% random it is still very relevant. It is open to everyone and is on multiple forums so litterally anyone that cares can respond. Saying some Joe blow doesn’t vote because he doesn’t care really doesn’t have any meaning on the poll itself.

The poll is relevant to the people that have interest in PvP and what their opinion is on the matter. The issue right now is blizzard looks at their stats and says “oh man look at all these people playing mythic +. What a success!” “Oh look how few people play pvp, not much interest there”. Little do they realize is that their stats don’t show anymore than this poll does. People do it because it rewards the best gear for the least effort. They do their 10 for the week and then stop.

This poll shows in a pretty relevant way how people feel about vendors. Blizzard needs to stop taking their own stats as gospel and telling us what we want.

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Not accurate. The poll’s data is flawed by any number of variables including where the poll was conducted, what the average user’s play style (battle ground fan, arena fan, pve fan, etc) is, how the question was posed…

Given that straw poll was likely posted in a forum post that argued that vendors are needed, you’re likely to get WAY MORE people who agree with that statement… a better methodology is to get a general sample of ALL players (as your thread title suggests… 95% of PLAYERS… not 95% of PVP players).

The data in the straw poll is, for a lack of a better phrase, horse poop.

Activision wants RNG to drive up /played time

We are not getting vendors people.

bumping for an important cause!

Lol again I said it wasn’t perfect. It’s still not as bad as you make it out to be :roll_eyes:

It’s not a poll on literacy that is done on a written form. It’s not only sent to a specific demographic.

It’s an open poll posted on a variety of forums with a fairly decent sample size. It’s definitely got more validity than you’re implying :roll_eyes: