Rent a Corroded Skeleton Key WoTLK style
It’s always been SB. It’s enchants that remove the ability to refund them.
Not if you equip it, but if you enchant or transmog it yes. Anyway that is really a non-concern imo and certainly not a reason vendors were removed.
Why do you think Ion was saying players were buying the wrong item. Players keep returning them.
And this is a problem because…
Don’t know about the % but I would take PVP vendors over the garbage gearing system we have now.
I can find the PVE vendor with no issues. A PVP vendor wouldn’t be too hard to find especially if you stuck it RIGHT BESIDE THE PVE VENDOR.
It’s a problem because Blizzard keeps taking away PvP vendors.
His comment was in reference to a player buying a non-optimal item. Your example is about someone buying and returning items in order to get a temporary benefit until they have enough currency for a more expensive item. Two very different scenarios. Players “gaming” the system has never been an issue.
So far they’ve only taken it once and haven’t returned it at all. I don’t understand why they’d take it away because of wrong decisions
I was talking about responding to the post and then reading other people’s responses.
non-optimal means the same thing. Players buying gear, then returning it.
I’ve kinda been spacing out on this game, just playing LFR and random dungeons
Thought I’d try to give a serious dive into PvP and I have no idea what’s going on with it, or how to get started with it at this point. It feels like it’s such a clunky side to this game and so unfriendly to get into.
I don’t think you are understanding.
Ion was talking about a player suffering due to poor decision making with their gear purchase where they buy an item that is non-optimal (like a ring) and then don’t have enough currency to buy the better item next week (like a weapon) .
You are describing a situation in which the player benefits from their decision to temporarily buy an item and then return it thereby getting the benefit of an item like a ring all week and still getting to buy the weapon next week.
They are two different situations even though both may (or may not) involve the purchase of a ring from a vendor.
I agree with you 100%. Back in MOP and WOD, I PVP’d and I enjoyed going to the vendors with the people who were helping me and making a list of gear that I would save up for.
It gave me something to work towards and it gave me the motivation to keep PVPing with the group even though it wasn’t my thing.
Statistics are misleading. This “seems” is misleading.
In this case, 95% of the “people who voted in a poll about PVP vendors” wanted a change to Blizzard’s policy.
That is not 95% of a random set of players. It is not 95% of pvp players.
Statistics experts call this a “self-defining sampling”. In other words, the poll was only important to people who wanted the rules to change. So those were 95% of the people that voted.
It’s like “95% of registered Democrats voted for Hillary”. Yeah, but so what?
always surprised people want vendors so badly. I get so much gear right now I hardly care for it.
What we need is better class design and reforging
How much BiS gear for rated content do you get from PvP again? Maybe maledict? Or a certain azerite if you happen to be 2400+ where it will actually have ok ilvl. Otherwise getting there requires copious amounts of PvE. Especially w/ the PvE trinkets and Crucible gear that has infested arena/RBGs.
Getting random garbage gear isn’t the same as having your BiS available from the content you do.
Ah. I don’t really try for BiS, just look at the item level and slap it on. I’ll just replace it the moment I get a better piece
That’s all anyone cares for anyways
Not really. I care about being able to say that I’m done for the patch and be able to take it easy for a while. Not be on an endless grind with no end in sight.
Oh lol I’m right there with you. I’ve been done since November. I had a bunch of high Ilvl azerite gear in my bags and I just put them in the scrapper. Couldn’t be bothered trying to sort that stuff out.