There’s a whole Wikipedia page complete with equations to tell you why.
So how many of the 1000 are just saying we need vendors because they just like to complain and dump on WoW?
I am the one that started this off please just have a fun conversation and vote, but please do not cheat the voting.
This poll was started a while ago on the BG forum mostly for fun and curiosity of what others thought. It wasn’t necessarily started to prove anything.
Bad argument. Even rank 1 players want vendors back
I honestly just don’t get why there are no gear vendors period.
I tried to vote twice to test it but couldn’t. I’m guessing it’s detecting your IP and not allowing multiple votes? If so (or if by another mechanism) I doubt anyone is going to go to the lengths to bypass the restriction. Even if someone did how many people would actually do that? And of those how many additional times would they vote? It seems like an unlikely concern tbh.
I was also thinking that even with the jump in numbers, the percentages stayed the same. I feel like if someone was gaming the system, it would have changed quite a bit.
Okay, I am done here anyways.
Done with what?
People are dumping on WoW pvp because it has been getting straight downgraded over the last couple of expansions. The complaining part is how you try to get things fixed.
Lol sampling methodology is “kind of” important. A sample size that cannot be verified as unique and varied enough is basically pointless. Most strawpolls are considered fairly worthless.
Read post and respond.
I think a good solution would be to have PvP gear scrap into its own currency and add a vendor like the residue etheral guy. Simply just adding a vendor you would buy gear from with conquest would require too much changing of the system.
It’s not like it’s going to happen this expansion but if they keep titanforging and the roulette rng gearing method it’d be a nice option.
People have always complained about a lot of things. Maybe people should make a bunch of stuff saying how awesome everything is and try some reverse psychology.
We shouldn’t be compromising with Blizzard on this tbh.
Vendors or bust.
I’m not coming back next expansion unless Flying is fixed too. Revamp/remove pathfinder, allow flying when the xpac starts
I know a few people who buy a pvp item, run a BG or Arena and then return the pvp item for a refund. Players were gaming the PvP vendors.
Good for them. Player choice is the best way to go. I’m also pretty sure once you equip it it becomes SB. Someone else feel free to correct me if I’m wrong
Respond to what? Speak clearly
coughs up drink
This is a joke right?