95% of Players Agree on PvP Vendors

Why can’t they just bring back PvP vendors? It doesn’t make any sense.


OPer never heard of response bias.
It isn’t 95% of players, but the 95% who responded to the poll. This required that they knew about the poll and cared enough about the subject matter.


I scared away one of my friends when I told them that, comparable to say MoP, I’d only need to grind 563 Battleground wins (wins only, losses offer 0 progress) in order to begin grinding for a 400 weapon on my new toon

Yeah, I remember those 2,000 hour grinds back in MoP to get a good set of gear, great times (over 4,000 hours played when factoring in a 50% winrate)

I’m intentionally not counting the ‘daily bonus’, as that is total bs, and you know it. There are other ways of earning points, but they’re crap.

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you are beating a dead horse. Many in this thread pointed it out yet the OP still thinks this poll has value (it doesn’t) and accurately represents the entirety of the player base (again, it doesn’t).

If you want something to be true and help support your individual opinion, simply create a poll, only ask people who already agree with you, and make sure you make a blanket statement that is biased from the start. Check’s all the boxes.

Sample size isn’t the issue. They(CNN) inflate the demographics to suit their purpose. 1000 is definitely enough if you cover the demographics properly. The margin would so small that it wouldn’t hurt the overall point. But tbh, I don’t think they even actually do the polls.

It doesn’t matter what the customers think. All that matters is what the devs think. It’s a classic situation of a company becoming hugely successful and then thinking it’s because of their own brilliance rather than having served the customers exactly what they wanted.

This dev team is like an addict who hasn’t hit rock bottom yet and is in denial about their problems, all the while losing all their money and relationships. Until they hit that absolute bottom of the barrel in terms of realizing how much they’ve destroyed all the goodwill of their customer base, nothing is going to improve.

At this point I think it’ll take an almost complete turnover in who is working at Blizz in leadership positions. That whole food chain will need to go in order to improve any of this. The only control we have over that is unsubbing, which people have already done in droves and yet they’re still in denial.

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Hmmm… interesting viewpoint… only… only… The game has been around since 2004, and each iteration of the game has grown up until the playerbase started to rebel against what the devs were doing (arguably, it wasn’t until WOD that numbers started a steeper dive). So if what you are saying is true, this should have happened around WOTLK instead of WOD (two expansions deeper).

So that means… the Devs got it right with The Burning Crusade, The Wrath of the Lich King, Cataclysm, Mists of Pandaria…All of them were successful based on the metrics that matter (sales and subscriptions).

You people tend to really focus on the micro view of this game… you are bothered by the things that you are bothered by and then make the general assertion that the game sucks because you don’t like it.

It doesn’t work that way. The devs have always (and will always) do what is best for the MAJORITY of the playerbase.

I get it, you disagree with the direction, but it can be argued, that 95% of the playerbase that NEVER VISITS the forums LOVES THIS GAME EXACTLY AS IT IS!

If we’re gonna use flawed data, why don’t we start there…

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Good stuff here

I dont strictly mind PvPers not being able to target exactly the piece they want when they want. There should be some RNG to match the PvE RNG.

However, the number of opportunities to get that gear should also better match the PvE opportunities so the gear acquisition rate isn’t significantly slower for PvP than PvE and vice versa.

they are nor removing the rng lootbox for m+ so guess what?..

Well this was the only nerco post I haven’t minded seeing


PvP vendors would be a good thing for PvP players.

Since PvP players are constantly harassing PvE players and degrading them, they should not get any good things.

Thus, I say no to PvP vendors, and yes to anything that makes PvP worse.

While I would rather have PvP vendors, i am upset that I missed this survey where you got your numbers from.

I have bought the wrong items from PVP vendors before, but then Blizzard introduced this great feature called the refund system where I just realized my mistake and sold it back to the vendor and my points were refunded.

I’m so glad they took the time to make that great feature only for them to later be like “no more PVP vendors BTW”.

Suddenly it all adds up.

TIL sample size isn’t a thing.

PvP vendors are something I enjoyed back when I use to PvP a lot. Don’t notice they are missing that much because I don’t PvP anymore due to bland classes.

PvP vendors returning = :+1:

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Polls are 100% BS unless you were to poll all the player playing WoW, which you did not even come close to 1%. So your findings are total BS.

I used to PvP a bunch in BG because the gear would often mog nicely. It could also be a good jumping on point when you hit maxed level. You had to play like you wanted it (win) so you cannot just afk for loot like some do in lfr. Now? Why bother.

why, we can’t find them :roll_eyes:

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“We don’t like PvP vendors”

Said nobody ever