95% of Players Agree on PvP Vendors

9 out of 10 dentists recommend brushing. But I really like to know that one out 10 that chose not to recommend brushing

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Ever wonder if Devs make fake accounts on random alts to have people argue they do not want vendors. I can see it happening.

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If peeps just stopping playing PvP until it’s fixed, then Bliz would care. Until then they really don’t.

Nope, blizz will just consider it dead then and start stripping it from the game even more.

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it seems likely that most of the people who answered the poll were PvPers

of course they were lol, that’s what the poll is about…PVP. should the survey be for people who dont pvp or care about it, what would be the point in that?

ticked off about the PvP vendors, hence the 95% result.


Careful, we might get corrupted pvp gear too :roll_eyes:

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Your same size is bad and you should feel bad.

What about the 2% that really being forced bracers when they got better ones in Raid or M+ when they really want gloves.

Giving people a vendor they can buy the gear they actually from using Honor Badges from a vendor is too convenient and would require using existing systems and minimal dev effort.

People who complained are people who genuinely had a love for this game and wanted to see it be fun and accessible to more people, since PvP was already a dying aspect of the game to begin with.

Over 50 Pvpers on my friends list, people ranging from 2k exp to R1 who were all big figures in the Arena community were very vocal about it being a bad idea to remove PvP vendors.

Out of these 50 people only 10 of them are still subbed, and 8 out of 10 are playing Classic, not saying PvP vendor is the main cause for this, but it was one of a big series of bad decisions.

In b4 Activision yes men and trolls come and say “bUT pvP IS ABoUt sKiLlz aMIritE? yOU dONt NeEd GeAR!”, among other weak points.

I think mostly people interested in pvp vendors took that survey, cuz I certainly didn’t.

Still at 95% even though the number of votes has doubled since this thread was created.

couldn’t the same be said “i picked the wrong item” when they choose from the pvp quest? So that excuse seems kinda far fetched. at least with the pvp vendor you had a hour to exchange it.

I would like them back so I can fill in the missing appearances I have from the previous seasons. 12 marks of honor for the set appearance to fill in the 1 missing piece of armor due to their bad RNG

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I’m still mad that it didn’t know my Hunter did the season one set, back in BC.

So when she was getting “Azeroth’s Top Model”, from the bazillion marks of honor from PVP towers(PVE, mainly :wink: ) and stuff (before they nerfed that), she did not get that set again because she was mad since she had it back in the day. “Bank Space Regrets”; I am glad my Priest kept Benediction in the bank, though she hasn’t got a mog for the full “Prophecy” set she had (how can the game not know they had those full sets??? I guess because no achievements yet?)

There’s at least 2 regular forum folks that are either devs or dev related, you can see how they defend even the most awful design choices and use language in the lines of “we decided”.