95% of Players Agree on PvP Vendors

I mean, I’m not even 400 and can do the same.

I only voted no because you’d have to change everything else if pvp vendors were added. There would be too much control over gear versus the other gearing options. At any rate you can get Normal Raiding level gear by conquest capping every week anyways, and you can also select which pieces you get. To scale that up with rating would be too powerful, then people would complain PVP was the only way to gear.

Honestly I feel like people have absolutely no clue how systems are designed in this game or why they are the way they are.

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We got 2,013 Votes I never thought that we would get that many votes great job y’all.

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Most complete and correct statement in this entire thread.


Not against it, but don’t want any AFK losers logging in while watching Netflix and putting their hand on the mouse to pretend to be helping, just so they can buy PVP gear.

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No this system is garbage. I spent an entire season pvping at 2.1 and didn’t get the traits I wanted because RNG and the static pieces they give you are garbage. An entire season where I never max my character out.

Secondly months of busted pve gear being king in PvP?

I’ve told you how much I hated templates but no joke I’d take it over this trash. Worst I’ve ever seen it and I thought that was the case with legion.

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I don’t know why you’d think that. Blizzard straight up said they can’t blance PvP and pve. That is why they created temates in legion, “so they could better and more frequently balance PvP without affecting pve”. It’s the reason behind PvP talents.

They can’t balance pve and PvP. Gear or otherwise.

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Lol no, they don’t, they just have to introduce wod style scaling.

Says the guy not wearing a single PvP item. You know that’s how pvpers feel about pve gear right now? Mythics and pve items are stupidly unfair.

Sounds about right.

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That is sort of the point… PVP specific gear just exacerbates the problem with balance. If they would simply create a system where every “canned” pvp experience (battlegrounds and arena) eliminates gear as an issue (everyone has the same gear upon entry… same secondary and tertiary stats… primary would be different based on your class and spec), it is at least balanced in that one instance.

Exactly this.

so ~2k votes is enough to represent millions of players?

The majority probably would enjoy having pvp vendors more, but 2k votes is an awfully small sample size to make the claim that 95% of all players want pvp vendors.

Not really? Balance is just not achievable. PvP gear has zero effect on it. PvP balance for example is no better now than it ever was (looking at you dks and destro locks).

This is true however people didn’t like it in legion and participation suffered. This is an mmo where customization kinda needs to be a thing.

Honestly wod PvP gearing combined with better scaling would go a long ways. Mythic gear used to scale under arena gear which I don’t agree with but that’s also easily rectified while keeping the vendor/scaling system.

You realize that’s how voting for our leaders works? Voting participation is low no matter what you’re voting on.

Still I’m not sure why so few people understand how stats works. Open, random poll with a decent sample size (yes 2k is decent) equals a pretty decent poll :joy: there is going to be a deviation so technically it’s “around 95%”.

Seriously though I don’t care if people vote no! Get them in here. More the merrier.

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But it isn’t either of those things… I didn’t know the poll existed and I do have an opinion. Had I known the poll existed I would have voted No.

In US elections, they do a pretty good job of letting everyone know that there is an election coming up… so those that DO want to vote can indeed vote…

So it isn’t an issue where participation was affected by apathy… this poll was affected by the simple fact that only a small regional subset of all players even knew it existed. Had blizzard put a link to the poll right in the blizzard launcher I’d say you could argue that it was open and random…


It is though. You know it’s still open right? Votes are still going in. So please! Go vote no! Get your friends to as well!

All gders! Go vote!

This thread and the others have been bumped a lot by our discussions. It’s widely available. Those that want to vote can. Also 2k is a small % for sure. There will be a bigger standard deviation because of it. Still 2k is a decent number though in regards to stats. Seriously go do some research on how stats work!

As a fun but sad side note… Despite everyone knowing when elections are, voter turn out is suuuuuupppper low.

Again yes this would be more accurate! I wish blizzard would do it! You know instead of just telling us what we want. Still though if you know how stats actually work 2k on an open, random poll will provide decent results.

Reality is around 95% of people want vendors.

Seriously go vote though! Get your friends that care enough to do it too. The more the merrier.


2,029 Votes
Can we get to 2,500 or more. :+1:

Yeah, I used PvP Vendors to both accelerate gearing, and to make gearing more enjoyable. It was fun even, knowing that if we play well in 3 Battlegrounds I’ll have that massive DPS increase 2h Sword, or if badly, 4 or 5 Battlegrounds, but either way that I WILL DEFINITIVELY make progress.

As opposed to the current system which offers no such guarantees.

What Ion seems to not realize, is that I have (literally) over 2 dozen characters 110+, but I can’t level most of them in BFA or else I’ll never make progress. I enjoyed PvP Vendors, they let me customize my gear set up, have defined goals of what I’m going for and expectations for how long that’ll take.

Don’t get me wrong, the new additions aren’t that bad, they offer a mix between the two extremes, one for the casuals (daily rewards of a BUNCH of conquest), but that also doesn’t reward those that are dedicated or willing to grind (extremely low values after that; i.e. I hop on the bandwagon of whatever character I’m leveling, and so I’m willing to drop in a dozen or more hours to grinding, but not when I’m only getting 8 conquest a WIN after the first).

If people are struggling to find PVP vendors they must be a ton of complaints from people trying to find the azerite gear vendor they added last patch. Wait, I have never seen a single post about that hmm interesting.

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Even the “can’t find the vendor” excuse doesn’t work because they expect you to find the weekly PvP chest without really giving any info… which is located in the exact place a PvP vendor would be, the PvP section of the two capitals.

It’s crazy.


Every excuse they have given us is just that, an excuse.

The truth is they thought forcing pvp’ers back on the pve treadmill would increase playtime metrics. All it did was drive people away.

GG no re