95% of Players Agree on PvP Vendors

I don’t disagree with you, gear upgrades are important in games like this. I will say not all MMOs work that way. Both ESO and GW2 have horizontal gearing, but there is still progression through different raids, all based on skill, and knowing the encounter. If you can’t kill a boss, the only way to do so is get better, or acquire players that are.

And in GW2, you target the items you want and craft them by following a well-defined set of requirements. People still do it, even for legendary weapons and armor which are massive time sinks.

Who knew, people actually DO like being able to see progress towards their goals and stick a mark on the calendar for when they think they’ll be getting something.

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I get something every week with the pvp conquest rewards.

That’s definitely a step in the right direction. It’s basically tokens under a different name, which makes me wonder why they took tokens out at all?

Conquest makes people follow a set path when there are times we’d all rather pick a different piece of equipment than what’s coming up next.


You’re given something. You don’t have a choice in what it is. That’s the difference.


And the end result is the same.

But the process is different. The end result is irrelevant.


Its widely accepted that legendary gear is almost entirely for convenience with stat changing, and appearance. People aren’t progressing in power, which is what you said in the post I quoted. Everyone wants legendaries, but they do not offer more stats than ascended gear. The only time gear has had a stat boost was with the introduction of 4 stat gear, that gave 5% more overall stats, while taking away a certain amount of power, or crit.

I mean, not really. You pvp, you get gear. Like for me, all I do is some random BGs. They haven’t changed a bit

Yes it has. You can say it’s not but it doesn’t take much thought to know that the process is different because the gear is predetermined for you each week.

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How have BGs changed?

Questions of power or motivation for acquiring said gear were not part of my post.

What I am saying is that GW2’s end-game gear acquisition system is radically different than WoW’s. It’s still a massive time sink but people dive into it willingly and generally know when and how they’ll get every specific item.

Outside of Epic BGs they haven’t. Not relevant to the convo though.

I want to know what’s changed

Already stated what changed

So you’re a player who doesn’t like pvp for pvp. Just the rewards?

Only if you wish to read it that way.

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Sorry, thought you were the person i first quoted, lol. Nvm then.

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Polls are only as good as the people conducting them. Polls are for those that needs some level of conformation for their various stances and opinions in what they assume to be in the right. There not a poll taken whether it is this game or politics that ever truly has a consensus of anything other than what the person conducting to poll to believes to be true. More people would be far better off if they believed far less in polls taken than the person, game, or whatever it is they need to be reaffirmed about in their own minds. So given this poll where nearly 2k worth of people who chose to take this poll agreed that a vendor should be placed back in the game content. Just asking, but how many actual players knew this poll existed before or it was ever made available in this post. I literally had no idea that this poll was being conducted. I can’t be the only one. So, this poll is meaningless because so few actually know of it existing prior to being posted here. Hence why any poll taken is something one should question the level of its actual value.

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I don’t feel that way. I went into a random BG on my 411 hunter … for the first time in 3+ years (I decided I might try for some marks for tmog)… and just wrecked everyone. I stood in place, took out 2-3 at a time, with people on me, and never died.

I didn’t earn the right to do that doing PvP. In MoP I woulda got my butt handed to me.

it was better in MoP.