95% of Players Agree on PvP Vendors

The results only indicate that 95% of the votes from people who actually went to the site and voted said yes. Not 95% of the WoW community.

Internet straw polls are useful only to those who want to skew results to serve their own bias to create some kind of proof that they’re right about something. Never believe what you see on a made up poll done on the Internet. lol

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I did this poll for fun and to see if others felt the way I did and hopes that Blizzard might see it.

So dumb, doing arena lately at 1500 rating and so far iv got 1 piece of gear.
Started at like 0 rating, done about maybe 100? matches with my brother and yeah, 1 piece.

So insanely random and when you do get it it’s a useless item.


Just some how make PvP armor not as good in PvE or something i don’t know, but either way we need vendors back because this random item every 100 matches is hogwash.

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You get a guaranteed piece of gear after 500 CP, and the chest (even if RNG) every Tuesday

I was not counting that

You think you do but you dont

The title should be 95% of players surveyed. That’s like 95% of .25%.

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That’s convenient.

Even if 100% of the players want it, for some reason it’s not in Bliz’s interest to do it. They obviously have deeply seeded belief that RNG makes them more money, so that’s what we get.

Now that they took a shot to the chin, because loads of people left BfA, I still see no movement to fix it… Sometimes the worst thing that can happen is a little success. They have to step back and realize if they want more money they need more players and players want gear vendors.


So, does that mean raiders should only progress through ability and shouldn’t get upgrades to push further either? No.

Character power/progression via gear is a facet of MMORPG gameplay. Everyone takes their lumps until they progress.

Besides, people are getting gear anyway, that “new players” won’t have. It’s just frequently not what they want or need or would choose.


One is against an AI… the other against other humans… so yes, raiders can get gear increases… to do the content against an AI…

I’m hoping you can ask an adult for help understanding this concept… if not, let me know and I can ask my 10 year old nephew to pop in this thread and explain the difference between an AI and a real person and how they differ in the context of an MMO.

That doesn’t work. The best system was MoP - when PvP gear mattered (not PvE, you had to actually PvP to be good at PvP). THAT was when PvP was fun.


I wish I could trade in all of the wack pieces I get in crates for something that was useful. Like, “trade five pairs of the exact same bunk legs for a pair that’s an actual upgrade”. That’s worth looking like a virtual hoarder with bags full of random pieces of gear.


Actually the best system is now where gear matters and you get it just from playing the game (better gear for harder/time consuming content) but scaling is also super good. They just need to give back more abilities like we had in mop.

Yikes, I guess I touched a nerve.

/backs away slowly, no sudden moves

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I think when you had a choice to pick what you want was the best say I wanted to run with a little more haste than most mages did. I could choose that piece of gear or I could save up my CP and get the weapon first.

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You have several choices. Maybe not slot choice, but stat wise you get to choose.

But trying to open up the experience for everyone is why the game as a whole isn’t really in a good place. Not everyone is interested in doing PvP and not everyone is interested in doing PvE. Trying to force or encourage one into the other is only going to lead to frustration. We have already seen this with things like the Legendary Cloak quest.

Also gear has always been the entry into everything. If you don’t have gear you don’t raid. If you don’t have gear you don’t get an advantage over PvPers that do.

The vendor system is and always will be the superior system. Because it was 100% about player agency and your willingness to at least step into the arena/rbg each week and get Conquest Points and then choose what piece of gear you wanted. A 100% RNG system that we had in Legion and a system that makes the choice for you just won’t do.

So for me right now, I’m not interested.


I forgot what piece gear it was now, but I got a great drop from a word boss and that same piece gear was what my CP’s for that week was going to give me. If we had Vendors I could have chosen a different piece of gear with the stats that I wanted.

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then pvp gear would have pvp specific stats so that world boss drop may have to have been replaced anyway at some point.