95% of Players Agree on PvP Vendors

I’m dead and tasteless.

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Hello dead and tasteless, I’m Chaosnachos.

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and so the solution is to make sure most people get the wrong thing until it cycles to the one thing they wanted or needed.


PvP being so underpopulated is entirely Blizzard’s fault, though. During MoP Holinka released stats that said an even amount of people completed PvP content as did PvE content, with numbers between LFR/dungeons and random BGs being the same, and raiding/arena being the same. Participation fell of a cliff because of bad decision after bad decision. Like vendors mentioned in this thread.

They could easily get people PvPing again, if they actually cared to.


Lol you realize what forum this thread was posted on right? Therefore anyone from gd who cares enough can easily go vote. I also saw it linked ages ago in the arena forums. Plenty of easy access to the poll. Key feature needed for good stats.

And how many of those 3s people on the ladder are the same person, just one of their alts? Honestly anything over 1k people voting is pretty valid sample size. There’s a lot of official studdies out there that use smaller :thinking:

Just because you’re part of the 5% that don’t agree :joy:

Yea and originally was just a bg forum thread. Note the word was.

Only a VERY SMALL percentage of the overall playerbase EVER visits the forums. The official forums is where you go to complain or find information about something that you find wrong with the game. So these numbers are a percentage of a percentage of the overall playerbase.

It doesn’t matter. This poll was still generated from a non random sample… which means you cannot use the data to form any kind of general understanding of what the overall playerbase wants. Again…

It would have been more accurate to say, “95% of the respondents to a straw poll agree on PVP vendors.”

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Id also argue poor class design also hurts pvp more then pve, as pvp is all about the classes while pve is applying classes to mechanics.

67% of all stats are made up or use biased method like that server that you quoted

It doesn’t matter. There is zero reason for the rest of the playerbase to weigh in on something that does not affect them.

Yes, the title was inaccurate, but the poll wasn’t made for that purpose. We’ve already established that.

It’s simple:
Yes, 95% of those asked clearly want vendors.


It matters if as the title suggests, 95% of the players (not some, not a subset, not only pvp) didn’t get a chance to vote. The title of the thread matters a lot, because on a cursory level, that title suggest that 95% of ALL players currently playing game want vendors.

And I seriously doubt 95% of even PVP players want vendors… this poll and this thread is garbage.

Indeed, but 100% of devs don’t care what players want.


You don’t PvP, not even sure why you’re here commenting in a PvP thread.



Umm…Wouldn’t bank on that Banksey.

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If the pvp forum thread count for people requesting vendors was in the 70% range (70 out of every 100 posts asking for vendors), I’d say it was a bankable idea… but less than 10% of the overall threads in the pvp sub forum deal with people whining about the lack of pvp vendors… ergo, i’d say it is way less than 10% of the overall population of PVP fans…

Bank on that…

I mean nobody really posts on PvP forums anymore. And the only place where people could voice their opinion which really didn’t do anything was under the thread Venruki made about how bad PvP gearing was during Legion.

Nobody’s giving this new system a thunderous applause and saying how it’s far superior than what we had. It’d be foolish to claim that being able to target the pieces you wanted each week and having anticipation build up as you gather conquest points to claim them is inferior to a system that makes all the choices for you.


But… where are they? I can never find them!!!

I think having pvp specific gear is a bad idea. Always have. It makes entry into pvp nearly impossible after the season starts.

I am ok with a way to change stats on gear, either through a vendor who reforges your stats for pvp or with a crafted item that lets you reroll… but PVP specific gear is just plain the wrong way to go… if you like pvp and you want it to get more love, creating a system in which you lock out new players from experiencing it is a bad move.

I would believe that 95% of players who do PvP want PvP vendors.

What you’re saying is that it’s okay to lock out new and returning players from PvP by inaccessibility to the gear they need, but people who do exclusively PvE should be able to step in and smash with easy wins.

They’ve been trying to push raiders into PvP for 2 expansions now by giving them an advantage over actual PvPers.

It’s not working.


Thats far from what i am saying… I am saying that setting up a system in which you automatically prevent new players from entering Arena or Battlegrounds because they haven’t farmed gear from vendors for 2 months is a bad idea…

In all honesty, I think gear shouldn’t be a factor in arena or battlegrounds… I don’t think any player should have an advantage through gear… all wins/success in pvp should be solely from ability, not from RNG gear drops in PVE and certainly not for botting in battlegrounds.

We had that in Legion. Templates were awful. People hated them. You had no choices even if the template forced on you was the worst possible stats for your spec.

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