95% of Players Agree on PvP Vendors

There is no lockout, thus it’s farmable (unless it’s not… I don’t PvP this expansion). Regardless, m+ is the best system.

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Well the “farmable” stuff is still RNG, drops super randomly and of a lower ilvl than your weekly chest. Trust me raid still trumps it by a long shot.

100% agreed. Far and long… Got to push that esport I guess?

And your post also shows that you’re a moron.

95% OF the small amount of PLAYERS who took an unofficial straw poll AGREE ON PVP VENDORS.

I fixed the title for you.


There is no helping the people in this thread that think there is anything valid about this “poll.”

Just rest comfortably in the knowledge that sometimes, the idiots don’t want help getting off the short bus.

Eh, it was only to BG forums, as all BDM’s polls are posted.

Having gear vendors only helps the game. The reasoning for the removal is so ridiculous.

Ive had someone check my post history and go back check how many times I’ve needed a snickers.

I feel ya demon lady

There’s a reason they frown upon polls in the forums. This was started specifically in the BG forum, which there are a few other polls as well. Meant to be fun and for BG forums really, but someone went and took it literally to mean 95% of players (or so the title states)

There is some validity to this poll, people did take it. The question we need to ask is about the impact. 1600 people took this poll. That’s such a tiny percentage of the overall player base that we can’t really put any weight into it.

It’s a pretty large percentage of the active pvp playerbase tbh ;_;

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Probably not even 25%

Woah are you implying that there’s over 10,000 active pvpers in NA? hold the phones.

There very well could be. 3s alone has 5k on the ladder. That’s not including those who only do 2s, or only rated bgs, or only randoms…

So what you’re telling me is that the active PvP player base is a tiny percentage of the overall population of WoW? So maybe Blizzard is right to put their resrouces somewhere else?

Woah now i thought this was confirmed years ago? Don’t act surprised on me.

Oh it could have been, I don’t pvp much. I was just going by how loud the PvP’ers are on the forum. You’d think they made up 80% of the player base.

We make up 100% of our playerbase. If you follow. We’re important to us. Minorities exist to be silenced though evidently.


Well sure you are, but you’re not the whole playerbase. When you’re making a product that is sold to a diverse group of people you have to maximize the enjoyment to the most people. I’m not saying get rid of PvP, but if PvP is such a small percentage of the player base then why direct more resources to it?

Well, that ramped up quickly.


Need just a pinch of dramatic flair. I SAID A PINCH NOT THE WHOLE SACK!

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