95% of Players Agree on PvP Vendors

That’s how stats work man. You’re never going to get 100% participation. Look at how voting works? :joy: The point is to get the most people possible to say what they want and extrapolate from there.


Yikes… it is clear you have zero clue why what you suggest is so inaccurate that I am wasting my time arguing with you. Reading… lol.

I’d be happy if they just disabled PvE items effects in instanced PvP (Void Stone determining who wins and who loses games…)

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Sounds about right… You and your science got me :joy:

Yeah that would be awesome.

Yeah I would agree with that… I’m of the mindset that every time you enter BG or Arena games, all gear is normalized (everyone has the same general stats) thereby eliminating advantage gear gives people. Make it solely about skill.

Why do you want charity PVP gear?

1.7k people is not even 1% of the player base.

So this just shows 1% of the people against not having PvP vendors.


Hey!, someone needs to muzzle this dog… someone?, anyone, ah Sh1t here we go again.

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:joy: I can’t keep going in circles over the same arguments every time a new poster shows up. I just can’t. I’m done.

Before vendors we need the Quartermaster’s Sigil turn in to give a Warlord’s Trophy.

It is INSANE that a turn in that took 10 weeks to build up offers an upgrade token lower in item level than the weekly conquest rewards. Also lower item level than wq emmisary caches.

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Agreed. I said as much, but it does appear that more pvpers prefer vendors than not.

LOL there is no way to remove all bias. Some would say no just because they don’t like PvP. They shouldn’t have a say anyway, if they don’t regularly play that part of the game. The opinions of people who are not directly affected by it should have no bearing.

They should just ask PvPers how many prefer vendors. They won’t though.

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You always had PvE gear for PvP, they literally had to nerf PvE gear in isntanced PvP in MoP otherwise you couldn’t do PvP with your pvp gear lol.
People love to say about wotlk and cata system but they choose to forget legendaries and pve trinkets trainwrecking pvp players.

And yes you have mythic+, you have pvp, you have raids, you have warfronts, you have emissaries. You literally can gear towards 5 different paths simultanuosly or simple doing one of them. This is a issue lol? Faster than vendors could ever be.

You can get PvP gear of Mythic level PvE gear if you want to get the rating for it. This was impossible before you were stuck with gear worse than PvE and only worked for arenas and Bgs because PvE gear was tuned down there which was also patethic… and made PvE gear the better one for Wpvp.

WoD pvp gear was far better than all dungeons and LFR gear and weapons were equal to Normal PvE weapons.

The most optimal gear to start PvE was literally the last season pvp gear.

PvE gear was not better than PvP because they tuned PvE gear down in instanced PvP otherwise it was far superior and the WoD way to deal with this issue literally was worse than the first problem by skyrocketing the ilvl whenever you entered in combat.

Now if you pvp at the high ratings(1800+) you end up with gear better than heroic raiders gear. It is balanced.
And you still get the better upgrades(weapon, head and chest) way faster than before.

I like vendors, i don’t like getting random pieces for a win!!!


Again this was before mythic +. This would be a non issue now. Pvers could just stick to their pve to play.

No it’s garbage. We have no way of targeting rolls like raiders do. Mythic + has by far the best system to get residium which ironically is a vendor :joy: also it’s the easiest form to get the highest ilvl gear (even raiders complain about it).

RNG garbage doesn’t belong in PvP. I spent the entire first season in 1.8-2.1 range and ended the season without ever completing my best 3 of 3 primary trait. A whole season without getting what you need because of RNG?! Garbage.


Oh, so you want it to depend upon: if your guild can down the boss that you actually need, then one chance a week to roll the one of generally three to four items that can actually drop, and an extra chance to bonus roll and hope that the one thing you want out of the possible options drops, and then last but not least getting enough people to even run the difficulty you want. Yeah, if you want that, I say Blizzard should let you have it.

Mythic + is miles ahead of any other gearing avenues. We should all be asking for that system.

Yup still 100% better than PvP gearing. You get a random chest that you have zero control over. You have ZERO idea what you’re getting. An entire season and I never got the trait I wanted at any ilvl normal-mythic. The conquest rewards didn’t even have it and that’s a lower ilvl than I should have been getting. Garbage system is complete garbage.

This is more than fair though… Raiders don’t have it better than mythic +. I see why they implemented it but man they went overboard on it.

Naw I don’t want that much easily obtainable RNG loot. I want old vendors back where by 3/4 of the season my character was max power and my ratings push was 100% based on skill. You know not partially dependent on whether or not I have the right traits or managed to get my hands on a void stone.


I dont have experience with pvp vendors, but I dont know why the current system is considered bad. I have been able to successfully gear up with the azerite traits I want for my playstyle over the course of this season. The only thing I haven’t had success with is an offhand. I don’t even know if they are in the pvp loot tables for mages. But overall its been a non-issue. I think that people are griping because it’s something different than what they are used to, whereas I don’t have previous experience to create a biased viewpoint.