95% of Players Agree on PvP Vendors

Wish I could upvote this more! The vendors were my ‘carrot on a stick’ to do random BGs. Now I be very much discouraged from joining up considering how randoms are.


They are the 5% that said they couldnt find them or were buying the wrong items and complaining. Ion says they exist…im skeptical

And some people eat those ‘do not eat’ packets that come with a new pair of shoes. Doesn’t mean we should get rid of em.


Lol what? This never happened in wod… Some people would que on alts to get an early weapon but mains never had to do this :roll_eyes:

Now on the flip side let’s talk about how dominant the pve trinkets are in PvP. Busted enough they’re not allowed in tournaments but everyone on live uses them. People having to pay for carries to get them because they’re not pvers. Or mythic 10s? Lol literally 3/4 of the top pvpers do their mandatory 10+, not because they enjoy it but because the gear is there (if they enjoyed it they’d push higher than a 10 lol).

Lol this shows just how much PvP you do :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: yes the PvP side has died that much thanks to good ol reasons listed above. Plus a vairety of other things like complete lack of balancing.

Anywho… I believe someone said

Sounds about right for your entire post :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:


It is that bad… the only way you can legitimately say that 95% of the players (not 95% of respondents which is more accurate) want vendors is if you made sure your poll reached a GENERAL segment of the population and not ONLY the segment that cares about vendors for pvp.

Even being sighly worse than Raid gear PvP gear was by far the easiest way to get gear to start normal raid in PvE in a current content.

WoD system was clunky as hell probably the most half cooked thing i ever saw and now you can get mythic level pvp gear if you want to work towards it, soo whats the issue?

… You know how stats work right? You don’t send a poll about the toughest part of poverty to the Jeff bezos of the world… you don’t send a poll about the hardest part of college to kindergarten kids :joy::joy: :joy:

It’s open to anyone that has an opinion on the matter. It’s posted on multiple forums. It has a pretty valid sample size (over 1000 is bigger than a lot of stufdies these days!). It’s a pretty valid poll dude… Sorry to bust your bubble.

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You know we have mythic + now right? That’s twice as ridiculous both in ease and quality of gear. That would literally be a non issue now.

Lol what?!?! The issue is you have to pve for PvP gear now?! That’s the clunkiest thing ever.

Seriously your argument contradicts itself :joy:

It isn’t a scientific poll. Forums for wow are usually where people come to complain (your post is a good example). People who read those posts tend to be people who are looking for information that supports their position. You CANNOT get an unbiased data set from any forums that are focused on complaints about the very thing you are trying to learn about.

My bubble was burst the moment I realized that the educational system in the US produces people like you.

WOD PVP Gear wasn’t even that good in PVE back in WOD. It was under-itemized, and only scaled up during PVP Combat/Instances.

Could you wear PVP gear in PVE? Yes - but it was not ideal. And was almost immediately replaced. Basically wearing PVP Gear in PVE you had to get carried.

This meant PvPers did PVP for PVP Gear.

PvE’ers stuck to PVE.

Despite all of WOD’s faults, the PVP Gear/Vendor System was not one of them.


Lol what?!?!??

There is no science in any of this man?!? Lol this is an opinion poll. The argument was whether the numbers were at all statistically relevant.

This is a stats problem not a science problem :joy::joy::joy:

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What stats? You have got to be kidding me? What stats are you talking about? There is NO stats to any of this… it is an opinion that you stated as fact. Yeesh.


What you are saying would be like going to a ribs cook-off and telling them their vote for “Best Ribs” is invalid because it wasn’t a randomized sample from the general population. Stop with the non-sense. You know just enough about “science” to get yourself confused. We are asking people that PvP if they want vendors back. They do.


Best ribs at that function, absolutely valid… best ribs ANYWHERE? Not so much.

My problem is with the original post title…

Read it… 95% of Players Agree on PVP vendors…

This is an untrue statement on its face… a more accurate title would have been “95% of the people who responded to the poll agree…”

Now you are just getting caught up in nitpicking minor details in my opinion. It’s common sense this poll isn’t showing every single WoW player. I don’t think that needs specified lol.


Meh… I just think its important to support a statement with facts rather than opinions. Nothing in that poll is factual. Its all opinion of a SMALL faction within the general population that cares about such things… the title makes it seem that 95% of all players want this… which is untrue. I’d think that the actual number of people who give two peanuts about pvp vendors in this game amounts to a statistical irrelevance. Say a few thousand people out of hundreds of thousands of people.

Not that any of this matters since it is doubtful that blizzard would cater to TWO equally minor sub groups (pvp fans and fans who wish this was still 2004) in the same decade.

Vendors would really help, but we have a big problem with gear as a whole.
With TF/WF looks like all gear u get is crap if it doesnt have a upgrade like a gem slot. These last xpac are a real mess when it comes to gear.

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I think as a whole the game has placed entirely too much emphasis on gear to begin with… vendors wouldn’t fix that problem. The ideal solution, one that I don’t think would ever happen, is to eliminate gear stats and rng… and all “stats” are from experience and professions etc… Gear should be cosmetic and not deciding whether or not you are capable of doing X or Y… Experience from questing, dungeoneering, exploration, PVP, etc… they should all matter more than some random, impossible to control, loot drop.

That’s why I am against vendors of any kind (PVE or PVP) that give you a path to gearing that you cannot (or haven’t been able) to achieve by just playing the game. I hate RNG, but it is part of the Carrot/Stick paradigm that almost all game developers subscribe to.

You did a vote of 1.6k people. Does that equate to the entire PvP community?

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Thats exactly my view… the title suggest that a MAJOR portion of the PVP community wants vendors. Full disclosure… i want fewer vendors for gear… both PVP and PVP. I want the experiences we get from the game to matter much more than stats on a RNG gear drop. I think people would would be invested longer in the game if their experiences increased their ability to do content effectively/efficiently.

Yea it’s an opinion poll!?!?! It says that in the headline. Zero science :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: the stats are whether it’s an accurate sample of how people actually feel about PvP gearing. It’s a wide random simple. It’s relevant to how we feel. The whole point is to counteract blizzards stats on “oh they play this a ton so they must like it” metrics that they use. It shows how a very solid % (give or take some, because you know that’s how stats work) want vendors back.

What stats :roll_eyes: seriously you need to do some reading on what stats are and what are different things they can be used for.

For real man you can be part of the solution by doing some of your own reading!