9/24 hotfixes are questionable

Some are good, some are completely awful

Disc getting away with basically 0 changes is criminal
no nerf to Hover effectively having 100% uptime
No prev nerfs
MM untouched
Frost given 2 ray of frost buffs for some reason
Nerfing the unholy dk pet slows from 70 to 40 but leaving dev 90% slow in the game is weird

Swear these buffs/nerfs are all done by entirely different people and lumped together at the end. Just seems oddly disconnected and feel like they keep forgetting to add “Does not apply to pvp combat” on some of them


Fungames thriving.


Those MW buffs are absurd. I, in no way, needed more healing. Lol

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It definitely did in arena. It did not in battleground blitz but they have no way to separate them so not even sure how they could handle that.

  • Rogue
    • Subtlety
      • Reverberation now increases Echoing Reprimand damage by 50% in PvP combat (was 70%).

They don’t even play this talent anymore…

I wouldn’t call a 50% nerf to weal and woe no changes, thats a decent nerf to any disc priest that was playing properly as Oracle. If you did your opener properly ie power infusion>mind blast>Radiance x1 or x2>shadowfiend if you take shadow cov>prem of insight>penance (will be 6 or 8 bolts depending on how many times you radianced)>shield>penance>shield>penance>shield>penance>shield. Can alternatively use smite if you dont need to shield.

That opener led to pw:s absorbing like 3-5mil damage because it is constantly buffed by weal/woe, and since you pressed rapture earlier it does not consume insight charges and absorbs even more.

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yeh exactly this getting hit before other stuff is odd, just doesnt make sense

They really need to do a quick revision and add MM to the list of nerfs.

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A fair point. I’m just thinking about the ridiculous healing I’m going to do for a week before an emergency hotfix and then over nerfing. Lol

you balance healing output in bgb by just making it 10v10 again.

they arent gonna tune around blitz/rbgs, MW was doing legit nothing in 3s

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Didn’t they say they were literally going to be tuning around BGs in an interview before WW launched? I’m almost certain someone told me that.

Mostly whatever changes, they have zero clue what are actual issues in pvp and just spin % damage/healing knobs and call it a day.

Going to assume whoever was in charge of pvp tuning at the start of DF no longer works for blizzard and whoever was doing it at the tail end of DF is still doing it.

me on tuesday:
Anduin’s Mass Heal (youtube.com)

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Do you think these are good enough to be competitive?


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100% feels like this, very noticeable difference in the kind of changes and what they target, for sure it’s a different person/group

Really happy to see Hpal/Hpriest get something good. Really disappointed that rsham didnt get some adjustments to how we heal. Riptide riptide riptide. gets a bit old.

disc… could be decent change.

but why is press just being left unchecked? dev infinite kite not changed.

The little heathens actually were. Was critting for over 2 mil in their shadowy duel 1 shot macro.