9.2 - Uther and Tyrande will interact with Sylvanas

Not with this team. The fact people trust the same team that got us in this mess to begin with, to do better with a new story is just…well, y’all got more faith than me :wolf:

Though I do notice its mostly horde players saying we should redo the entire story. So I wonder how much of that is due to not wanting a evil horde


I do think the Horde’s entire premise and original faction fantasy were undermined by the burning of Teldrassil, so yeah.

And if it means replacing the writing team? I can live with that.


It’s almost like we were sold an entirely different fantasy and it is the reason why we care and got into this game in the first place lol

We were not sold on WC1 fantasy, being Warhammer Lite

and it’s even more funny given the recent Games Workshop statement that players aren’t supposed to root for the Imperium of Man and become racist/fascist IRL


Welcome to the You got sold a bag of goods community. Now you’re finally grasping how us Kaldorei and Worgen fans felt for the last 10+ yrs. :wolf:


You have a really bad tendency in most of your arguments to implicitly assume that your experiences and desires are universal and it’s constantly undermining your otherwise good ideas.


Yeah, I had that happen to me.
He argued Orcs are comparable to middle eastern immigrants, and anyone who doesn’t see it is not as brilliantly observant as he is.
And when I challenged him on that, well… let’s just say the rest is history. I became the bogey man behind every shadow.

The vibe I get is really similar to the white folks on Twitter who decry cultural appropriation, meanwhile people from that culture could not care any less about the whole situation.

Anyway good times. Life was simpler back then.


I do not think they would consider a retcon because their entire future “new saga” of warcraft is built on a bedrock of BFA into Shadowlands. As they are blatantly not going to follow the script as Metzen envisioned it…yeah.


Please. Let’s do this. If not for High Elves, then just because no race should master in a weekend the eldritch power that has reliably corrupted Dragons, Gods, and Titans since the inception of reality itself.


They work on expansions well in advance. I am thinking about the idea of an in-universe retcon, but it doesn’t seem feasible.

For the worgen part, i 100% agree. Worgen was being sold as a feral ‘‘savage’’ race on the alliance before blizzard decide that they would just be hairy human that hate the worgen curse…

As for the NE, if you talk about the strong fierce female society fantasy than i also agree, they really get smoothed way to much.

But if you are talking about the ‘‘NE are as strong as the whole horde’’ fantasy that few poster still ask, than i disagree. This was something in a rts when balance wasn’t important but it was kind of obvious that it wouldn’t still be the case in a two faction rpg mmo with that many race. It doesn’t mean that the NE should be weak, heck they never were portrayed as such, it just mean that they can’t beat a whole dam faction.


Alas, the bed rock is of sand, and the lead architect was hurting the workers and doing what he wanted with the building instead of recognizing the pre-existing composition of the soil that required certain restraints

Ion confirmed that 9.1 was finalized narratively in January so lol


The patch was finalized, yes, but can they discard an entire expansion’s story? We know they plan for at least the next two expansions. They said that back in WoD.

The state of World of Warcraft’s narrative:


I haven’t heard about this. Got a link? Were they warning about his office behavior or effect on the story?


It’s among the tweets in the compilation post on the wow Reddit

There’s quite a few but they’re there

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Honestly wish they would just do this. It would fix so many problems. Rename the race from Void Elf to High Elf. It fixes so many issues and you can add Paladins which a lot of people want without having to deal with the issue of the race being called “Void Elf.”

Their racials could simply be tweaked slightly to fit the High Elf theme. Maybe being Arcane instead of Voidish. You could still have Void worshippers amongst them but the race would be known as the High Elves. Maybe even have a glyph or something where you can have “Void” racials or standard High Elf “arcane” racials which would be the same thing just a cosmetic change.

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Are we supposed to root for the dark eldar, or the orkz?

No one.

You’re supposed to root for nobody.

Which in hindsight, inasmuch WC1 was meant to be Warhammer, it seems the original Blizzard team would’ve also been called out by the letter if we sent it back in time lmao


Wow that sounds engaging