9.2 - Uther and Tyrande will interact with Sylvanas

Oh great… smallz is back /s

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hugs We all just need to stick together and wait until he goes away again.


It’s probably not good to overtly say that you’re intentionally trying to drive specific users away from the forums.

Don’t worry I am not arguing about the lore anymore.

Back when I was more active, believe it or not, I genuinely wanted good content to address the really questionable character choices and faction actions were done.

We went from Horde doing something unspeakable to them being absolved and only Sylvanas being guilty. In that time not once did Sylvanas get punished or even in a 1v1 fight against her victim break a sweat. In the end her redemption was resolved with an eye color change caused by her own desires to never be a servant (lol).

I genuinely do not think an aggressor or an abuser should be redeemed or absolved just because they realize now what they did is wrong or feel bad about it. And the primary narrative is blaming anyone not embracing this horrible person regardless of their past fast enough.

I just don’t care anymore, honestly. Good for you, you won. This is the narrative conclusion that we have arrived to because the writers wanted to appeal to an audience like you. I tried my best to argue against it but obviously it fell to deaf ears.
Hope it was worth it though. :slight_smile:

Oh my furry friend… the only thing that drove me away was the unspeakable things the upper management did to their employees. Upper management, they still refuse to hold accountable to this day I might add. And we see that mentality playout exactly how you might expect narratively and in gameplay. Thats why the story is meme now and the playerbase gone.

I came back for a little classic fun for nostalgia’s sake and I am gone again when that wears off after a few days or weeks.

edit: looks like you edited “you would drive me away” again from your post. Its ok. I know what you meant.


How else are we supposed to turn this forum into an echo chamber so we can later reply to any new post with “Dead forum?”


I’m not sure why you’re asking that here instead of the discord your cronies are in.

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Enter the percentage. Is this percentage the number of troops invading during the War of the Thorns, or the troops remaining on Darkshore after the War of the Thorns?

The night elves were not involved in yet another Horde coup story.

God I really missed you guys and your ability to drive a thread completely off the rails.

No real opinion on the topic at hand personally since I don’t like Uther, Tyrande, or Sylvanas. Though I think Sylvanas getting her own version of Val’sharah where she has to listen to Tyrande and not have the ability to do anything about whatever she says is going to be amusing.

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Right. EXACTLY like the BE campaign in WC3.

Again, they’re pretending they aren’t getting ANY story, just because the outcome isn’t the one they want.

But they’re getting story. It’s just all negative. Just like the BE campaign in WC3.

So when you tell me “Imagine if this happened to the BEs!”, I say “That’s literally our race’s backstory. And I still picked the character.” It gave us depth and made us interesting.

Then the undid all that at the end of BC and made us about as interesting as…well…NEs.

No it doesn’t. Because the question posed was whether I would be mad if this happened to the BEs. And I wasn’t, even BEFORE we killed Arthas.

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While the Alliance has made gains in Lordaeron like Shadowfang Keep and Fenris Isle, the Horde still has plenty of territory in the region. We have our Cataclym territory in Silverpine, Hillsbrad, Alterac, Hinterlands, Andorhal in Western Plaguelands, Hammerfall in Arathi, and Exploring Azeroth EK confirms that the Forsaken have secured most of Tirisfal Glades. Lordaeron is not Alliance.

And I know threads can go off topic, which I did expect as Sylvanas is figure that tends to make threads derail, but I never expected a night elf-blood elf type argument.


Some of us were merely pointing out the parallels between both groups. How the Blood elves never got their justice against Arthas for him sacking Quel’thalas and how the NE probably arent getting theirs against Sylvanas.

Of course you have the people who don’t pay attention insisting that the parallels don’t exist :wolf:


I’m more annoyed that she apparently needs the Alliance to get her life in order.


That’s just a Horde trait at this point.


It’s just so depressing cuz it could be a cool moment where Sylvanas is able to call out everyone, and then everyone calls out Sylvanas, and then the First One Automa Leader says “hmm this is happening because we have failed at keeping stability in the universe; we can undo what has caused this Disruption in the Grand Design”

And boom in-universe retcon so we can escape this black hole


We don’t actually know if this is true. Even if it is, that amounts to a vestigial presence smack dab in the middle of Alliance territory. At best, a collection of camps and ruins.

It doesn’t say that the Forsaken secured most of Tirisfal Glades. The idea that the Forsaken control Tirisfal is based on one line by Mathias Shaw saying that Tirisfal “belongs to the Forsaken now” and we don’t know what form that takes, especially given there are no more major Forsaken settlements intact in the region aside from Deathknell, which is a collection of ruins.

And given that the Alliance controlled Tirisfal throughout the Fourth War, the reason the Forsaken are there now is because the Alliance is letting them.

Lordaeron is de facto Alliance at this point because the Alliance is in a position to dictate who does and does not live there.

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Retconning it would be worse in my opinion. We can’t just demand retcons for everything we dislike

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I see Team End Times is still alive and well.

At this point I’m not sure a retcon will do it. There are quite a few things that hinge on the “evil Horde” to exist. Void Elves for one. Need a Horde bad enough to send them running. Though if we want to retcon the Void Elves I’m all for that. Since they gave them all of the Belf customization options anyway, they might as well just be High Elves.

They haven’t got all of the BE customization

It’s not a question of what we don’t like, it’s a question of a narrative black hole that has permanently undermined the in-universe narrative for Night Elves, Worgen, and the entire Horde faction for the sake of propping up a specific character as The Biggest Bad through Survivor Turned Abuser trope and shifting the visual language from Survivor to “Broken Heart”, which is so many layers of incoherent misogynistic writing I can’t even begin to unpack it, all because of a writing team following the leadership of a socipathic abuser shaping the story according to his whim because his predecessor decided he was best for the job and enabled him thereby (in turn a hot mess because multiple ex-devs have come forward saying they warned Metzen about Afrasiabi specifically).

This entire situation is a black hole. There is no coherent solution to the current narrative in a “moving forward” way without an in-universe magical retcon purging the story of this guy’s crazy fantasies that ran parallel to his insane abuse.

This is not true lmao that was an internal Blood Elf melodrama

but yes, given the Kylo Ren Dorei are in fact an act of spite (weird how quickly Ion changes his personality now with Afrasiabi gone, weird how Ion no longer expresses contempt for Helfers) if we’re all perfectly honest, I’m fine with retcon’ing them such that Alliance gets Normal High Elves but with Void Elf options, recentering the AR.


This isn’t just any old “thing we dislike.” We’ve been trying since 2018 to find a satisfactory way forward from their “big twist,” and I for one am convinced by now that one doesn’t exist. Undoing it is the only remaining hope.