9.2 - Uther and Tyrande will interact with Sylvanas

Warhammer 40K alas has few adaptions that work like an Exploratory RPG…

The closest I’ve seen are Warhammer 40K: Space Marine and Warhammer 40K: Inquisitor…

The latter is too much like Diablo for my liking… I want an exploration of the Warhammer 40K Universe including the Realm of Chaos itself! Seeing Khorne, Tzeentch, Nurgle and especially Slaanesh’s Realm would be very interesting…

Considering the Realms can infact be summoned onto a Planet including the Crystal Labyrinth there is nothing to stop all 4 Realms being summoned onto various Daemon Worlds!

Fun fact: The Daemons call themselves Neverborn…

If I was the Emperor I wouldn’t deny their existence and simply label the things as Neverborn Psi Entities that share power to those unintelligent enough to worship them.

While I was at it I would notice the Spirit of Fenris’s lack of Psi and deem it a True Daemon World and declare the Space Wolves a greater threat to Humanity than the Neverborn and at risk of True Daemon Possession(as opposed to Neverborn Possession)!

And to anyone who cites the Thousand Sons’ claims that the Rune Priests are Sorcerers: They can’t even tell the difference between Warp/Psi Energy and Necron Super Science despite the two Forces being clearly opposed!

Tzeentch’s followers are incompetent and deluded! They wouldn’t know genuine Magic if it hit them in the face disrupting their empty Psi-empowered Armors!

The Imperium and Warp cannot comprehend that Blanks likely have Souls despite the Necrons being as Blank Psi-Wise as an actual Blank despite having their Souls stuffed into Robotic Bodies!

If they comprehended that they would realize there is other Forces and that the Neverborn Forces of Chaos need to study the C’tan in order to locate the Soul rather than assume it’s the Human’s Psychic Core!

Of course if they did this and congealed it they might find the Raw Soul Energy is Anti-Warp…

its perfectly fine to root for the imperium of man in Warhammer 40k or any of the other races for that matter.
It’s not like rooting for a fictional country in a story makes statements on your own real life character.

its when you start blurring those fiction and non-fiction lines and you start associating that fantasy with your own real ideals is when you create real problems.
So no I don’t think edgy Sylvanas fans who cheered at burning Night Elves are somehow just as crazy happy when X country bombs Y country and we see footage of people getting shredded.

In Warhammer I don’t think any normal person would ever want to live in that hellscape, but rooting for one faction or another always boils down to. “Yeah these guys suck but have you SEEN the other guys?”


Just heard from some datamining that Tyrande will be humiliated by Sylvanas yet again in some sort of cinematic from 9.2… guess like 5 times weren’t enough yet.

Keep letting the abuser humiliate the abused, Blizzard. Amazing story. It doesn’t represent your ideals at all!

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Where? I want to see this so badly.

I’m not surprised that you’d want to see something like this…

There’s a screenshot going around with Sylvanas being protected by the guards and everyone standing there looking at her as if she’s our hero. Tyrande included, and there’s apparently a cinematic that has been datamined that seems like it will have another interaction between Sylvanas and Tyrande where Tyrande is once again denied her justice and also not able to do anything to the Sylvanas that’s right in front of her…

What. lol. no.

That scene is an incomplete still shot of what seems to be Sylvanas’ judgement by Arbiter Peligos. Those guards are most likely there to keep the crowd from mobbing her given all the pain she caused them. Just like in RL convicts are escorted by police.

At least get your facts right before you rage.


No, I don’t think it’s good.

I saw that one. People thought it was going to be her getting judged by the Arbiter.

The scene in question’s name is…


where SFA is thought to likely be an acronym for “Sylvanas faces Arbiter”


You’re addicted to outrage.


Said other guys all have interesting Landscapes and lifestyles…

Nurgle’s idea of Paradise is pretty much the Paradise sought after by Poison Ivy.

Yes Mortarion is the Final Boss of that Game… If he is bringing Poison Ivy’s aesthetics to a Sector you know that Nurgle is just another Poison Ivy… And yes Poison Ivy can control Fungus! She commands both the Green and the Grey due to being(in her own words) Mother Nature! She is also immune to Bacteria and Viruses so she probably has control over them as well.

Poison Ivy is Nurgle at her core!

As for the other Chaos Gods:

Khorne’s corruption is simply staining the inside of Buildings with Blood and causing Blood to rain down from the outside! Khorne wants Blood, Molten Metal and Skulls!

Tzeentch has a Crystal Labyrinth which has been summoned directly into the Materium to the prisoner’s chagrin! The rest of his Crystal Realm which includes a huge Eye hasn’t been summoned though although considering they are clearly the property of specific persons one has to make a deal with them first!

Slaanesh has interesting Domains: Fields straight out of a painting that even smell of Paint with the Rivers being made of Perfume… Buildings made of Flesh… Yes… very interesting and that’s just the areas outside the Seven Circles of Seduction!

First Circle holds Golden Statues, Silver Trees and Grass, Gold Mountains, Roads paved with Emeralds, Rubies and Sapphires and floating in the Air are those same Gems!

Second Circle is a Sea of Wine with Giants holding large Platters connected by Bridges containing the Finest Foods!

3rd Circle is a Golden Field with Slaanesh’s Claw-handed Girls dancing.

4th Circle is a plain of Ash filled with illusions of praise

5th Circle is a Serene Forest filled with pools to reflect on Pride

7th and last Circle is a Beach next to a Sea of Perfume where one can rest till you become dust

The Palace of Slaanesh is protected by Slaanesh him/herself whose form is infact that of a child… The Grey Knight who came to challenge him/her was caught off-guard and pledged loyalty to Slaanesh upon seeing his true form despite managing to pass the 7 Circles of Seduction!

To any saying a Chaos God like Slaanesh is unbeatable: Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate - Daemonhunters as already noted is making Mortarion a Final Boss for Grey Knights despite one assuming he is beyond such a defeat as a Daemon Primarch!

Yes he respawns yet even despite this him losing to an army of Grey Knights with nothing less than what I’m assuming is Zerg Rushing is not what one expects of him!

Inquisitor had us defeat Fabius Bile and now Daemonhunters is having us take on a Daemon Primarch! It’s only a matter of time until we take on the weakest of the Chaos Gods! Slaanesh’s childlike form won’t protect him from the most paranoid, child-hating soldiers! First chance we get we banish him from whatever World he and his Realm has been summoned to or stuff him into a cell!

Of course he might corrupt his opponents who beat him into violently throwing him him into a cramped cell filled with spikes that’s dumped into boiling water just because he likes the sensation of being a prisoner in a cramped cell filled with spikes that’s dumped into boiling water!

Making the Marines desire the sensation of creating the cruelest most sadistic prison for Slaanesh might allow Slaanesh to drive them to more vile acts as they boast of their victory over a Chaos God!

Note: If Slaanesh ever becomes a Final Boss please make Him/Her into an Anime-esque Konata Izumi(from Lucky Star) Ripoff(complete with Long Hair) so his/her imprisonment(because the Imperium know that killing him is impossible) is all the more comedic!

Orcs have a Fungi Forest and as for Dark Eldar and Craftworld Eldar: Dark Eldar infested parts of the Imperium look like Silent Hill-esque Cult Areas…

I have no idea what Craftworld Eldar, Tau or Necron areas look like and have only seen an Exterminatus’d Tyranid Planet so I have no idea how good those areas are or whether we should root for them!

After playing with a few close friends the Tau seem like the only real good guys in Warhammer. Geez, every race besides the Tau all seem ape #^@% insane to varies degrees. Orcs make Garrosh look well adjusted, Durkhari are like outer space S&M elves, Necrons are the scourge in space, and the Imperium of Man are the stuff of my nightmares lol. This universe is just depressing. lol

Tau are an expanding Empire with all the Dictatorship that entails.

They are inclusive to say the least and also know very little about what’s going on in the Galaxy.

They were caught completely off-guard when the Neverborn showed up on their doorstep after having disposed of Slaanesh’s Cultists and mistaken their leader for Slaanesh himself…

Nurgle’s followers are as inclusive as the Tau incidentally and are more friendly than the rest of Chaos, the Eldar, the Orks, the Necrons and the Imperium itself! They are basically the spot between the Tau and everything else!

The Dark Eldar are the worst of the worst! They out evil Slaanesh which says a lot! Just looked up their aesthetics they look like Dromund Kaas/Coruscant with Spikes from Torghast:


When you look like an even worse version of the Sith and torture people worse than Slaanesh you know you are the worst the Warhammer 40K Universe has to offer!

Tzeentch and Slaanesh are second most evil followed by the Imperium then the Orks(Garrosh crossed with the Flood) and Khorne who are followed by the Tyranids(pretty much the Zerg only with it’s Broodmothers only thinking of Food instead of conquest) and Necrons followed by Craftworld Eldar.

Craftworld Eldar, Nurgle(basically Tau making you look Fly-ridden Maldraxxus Abominations upon recruitment) and the Tau are the least Evil of the Warhammer 40K Factions.

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