9.2 - Uther and Tyrande will interact with Sylvanas

You’re dense. So I’m not even going to explain, because its going to fly over your head anyway

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One is alive and other isn’t. Glad you can see the difference, which is why the comparison of Sylvanas/Nigh elves and Arthas/Blood elves isn’t the exact same as Lenastus wants to believe.

I am sure that even if Sylvanas was kill in the next patch, he would probably find a other reason like ‘’ Arthas was kill by a sword and Sylvanas by magic! Arthas death was way better for blood elf’’ to justify how they are both different.

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Resorting to assumptions because your argument was trash… try again.

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I’m done trying to explain things to people who clearly 1)Don’t play the game 2) Don’t know the lore 3) And can’t see the parallels.

It’s a literal waste of energy and my time


Thanks for pointing out the differences between the comparison. Ended this rather quickly.

I am back for a month for the classic mastery content. Thought to drop by and check out the forums.

Glad to see nothing has changed with this community.
You have Micah arguing against someone who says Sylvanas should face repercussions for her actions when she her self holds a similar view.

Ahh the duality of Man.
Its just… never change story forums… never change.


Well your are the one making the assumption that Sylvanas won’t die in the same amount of time that Arthas was.

It always the contest of who have it worst and is the only one able to complain… As i said earlier, i have no problem if someone say that NE player had it worse than blood elf since the genocide happened to a race that was playable in a rpg for more than a decade while the high/blood elf genocide happened when the race was nothing more than a secondary race ( you had to play human to play them) in a rts.

But trying that hard to be THE victim when both story are so similar?


Admittedly it is stupid. I honestly tried to calm down about that. I get people are upset about the genocide and it not being given the proper closure it deserves. It’s why I try not bring up BfA during discussions. It just opens old wounds you know? :wolf:

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Its almost has if someone can have different opinion depending of the context and can concede point from time to time…

So your argument is in the past 9 days Micah has gone from “head on pike” to… leave her alone?

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Context is everything. Not that people like Smallioz understand that. Yeah, I may want her to pay for teldrassil and gilneas, but I’ve also said I’m cool with sylvanas getting redeemed if it made sense for the story. :wolf:


I like how your back for 5 seconds and are literally misunderstanding everything as usual. Never change Smallioz, never change


I only made an observation and quoted your own words.

There is not much to misunderstand :rofl:


No because this isn’t what she is claiming here. She clearly still want her head on a spike but can also see that Arthas dying didn’t make it better for the blood elf.

huh i hate that he came back. We were talking about him and Vul the other day and it reminding me how he always just pop in a thread, take everything out of context, mix up many post and subject together only to claim that you are the one trying to change the subject… He did it to so many people on so many thread.

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So if Sylvanas already got killed… IE her head was already put on pike why is she, as of 9 days ago still… checks notes
“Calling for her head on a pike”?

I had no idea I lived rent free in your head. Thanks for that.

He’s STILL doing it. Comes back and immediately takes things out of context, skips ALL the times I said I’m okay with sylvanas getting redeemed if it was done right. That my biggest problem with her is how blizzard handled her character.

But nope, quote mines me and completely fails to grasp the bigger picture, as usual


Welp thats 10 minutes that I allocated to check this dumpster fire of a community. Glad to see all the crazy kids are still going at it. Have a fun Sunday everybody!

Congrats for not being able to not be toxic or to make sense for your only 10 min on the forum…


It’s soo sad that the only thing he can do is attack me while not understanding anything being said.

Some people I will never understand