9.2 - Uther and Tyrande will interact with Sylvanas

I’ll believe it when I see it. The story of the Night Elves has been such an after-thought after the War of Thorns.

Pretty sure Blood Elves have their new city, and took part in the defeat of the Lich King, given the Sunreaver presence in Northrend and Sylvanas forcing them to commit troops. The Blood Elves even have the Sunwell, a new font of power to sate their addiction.

What cinematic did Blood Elves get killing some pet of their worst enemy?


Nathanos was Sylvanas’ most loyal and trusted general. Her champion, even. He was the hand behind a lot of the actions in the Fourth War, including during the War of Thorns.

How is ensuring his head has a messy breakup with his body not a good thing? She lost her most loyal follower and close companion; It was a huge blow to Sylvanas, on a personal level.

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This is why i hate NE fan. The double standard in order to fit the victim narrative is just price less.

NE fan: The blood elf got destroyed by Arthas, barely did anything against the scourge, get to see alliance hero killing Arthas and replacing it with a other Lich king than they chose the path or renewal. WHAT A GREAT STORY!!!. The blood elf are so lucky!!!

NE fan: The NE got destroyed by Sylvanas, barely did anything against the horde, get to see horde leader kicking Sylvanas out and replacing her, than chose the path of renewal. WHAT A AWEFLL STORY!!!. Blizzard hate us!!!.

Is it that hard to not be super biased and to not have a double standard??? If you like the blood elf resolution, than you should like as much the NE resolution. If you hate the NE resolution, than you should hate as much the blood elf resolution.

If you really want a reason to say that the NE one is different, at least use a real reason. If you talked about how the NE genocide feel worst because it happened when the race was playable in a RPG MMO and not just a a side race in a rts than i would have to agree but please stop using awefull double standard.


Hey don’t lump us together please. Some of us actually enjoy reasonable discourse.


Yeah sorry. Unfortunately you are one of to few.

Death of the High Elves.

  1. The high elves are slain by Arthas.
  2. Blood elves are weakly involved in the attack on the Scourge.
  3. The blood elves watch as a member of the other faction kills Arthas and replaces him.
  4. Does this item exist? What does “than they choose” mean?

Death of the night elves.

  1. Night elves are killed by Sylvanas, humiliated for the second time by the Horde.
  2. Night elves are weakly involved in the attack on the Horde.
  3. The night elves look: as a member of the aggressor faction, Thrall, who previously condoned (at least not resisted) killing the night elves, replaces Sylvanas without killing her; as the organizer of the war, Saurfang is killed by Sylvanas.
  4. The night elves chose (?) the path of renewal a second time.

Right? :dancer:t5::fire: :cyclone:
At the very least, the blood elves lack Kel’Thuzad, who is either killed by Arthas and revered by the Horde as a hero, or he becomes the leader of the Scourge. No? Or Anub’Arak.


Смерть высших эльфов.

  1. Высшие эльфы убиты Артасом.
  2. Эльфы крови слабо участвуют в атаке на Плеть.
  3. Эльфы крови смотрят, как член другой фракции убивает Артаса и заменяет его.
  4. Этот пункт есть? Что значит “than they choose”?

Смерть ночных эльфов.

  1. Ночные эльфы убиты Сильваной, во второй раз унижены Ордой.
  2. Ночные эльфы слабо участвуют в атаке на Орду.
  3. Ночные эльфы смотрят: как член фракци-агрессора Тралл, ранее потворствовавший (по крайне мере, не сопротивлявшийся) убийству ночных эльфов, заменяет Сильвану, не убивая ее; как организатор войны Саурфанг убит Сильваной.
  4. Ночные эльфы выбрали (?) путь обновления во второй раз.

Эльфам крови как минимум не хватает Кел’Тузеда, который либо убит Артесом и почитается Ордой как герой, либо он становится лидером Плети. Нет? Или Ануб’Арак.


The night elves got a far better deal then the blood elves. At least Tyrande got to slaughter a good chunk of Horde soldiers at Darkshore. Blood elves and Forsaken were not involved in any kind of Scourge story while being in Northrend. That was all done by the Argent Crusade and the ebon blade. Including offing Arthas.


The no guidance could be meant for after he died and Uther-Devos interaction.

The sad thing is, Devos did indeed offer Uther guidance. Everything she did was because she cared and was worried that he couldn’t move on, at least initially. Even when such was beneath her station as the paragon of loyalty.
And after throwing her lot in with the Jailer for whatever reason ( we still don’t know what he told her to make her do that ) she was still convinced that what she did was for a good cause. That the path was flawed and had to be changed. And she was right.
She was a great character that was wasted for nothing.


They are different because Arthas actually dies while Sylvanas is still alive and doesn’t seem like she will die. Kind of a big difference… don’t know why you can’t see that. You equate “killing” with “kicking out” as if they are the same level of punishment. RIDICULOUS.


Sylvanas has actually died numerous times now, if you were paying attention at all. :wolf:


I would be more enthusiastic about a vengeance vs renewal narrative if I had any confidence whatsoever that choosing “renewal” would actually lead to any renewal at any point within the next decade.

In a practical sense the choice is “short term satisfaction but no long term payoff” by choosing vengeance, and “no long term payoff and no short term satisfaction” by choosing renewal.

The Alliance has been mashing the “renewal” button ever since Warcraft 3 but what it got instead was more and more decline. The only time that the decline stopped was in BfA when after Teldrassil they made the decision to STOP mashing the “renewal” button and try pressing the “vengeance” button. Doing that got us Kul’Tiras back, Lordaeron back, Stromgarde back, probably Gilneas back, and most of Northern Kalimdor back.

Vengeance ended up benefiting the Alliance more in a single expansion than seven expansions of “renewal.” Why shouldn’t we keep choosing vengeance?

You’d have to be some kind of imbecile with less ability to recognize patterns than a pigeon to choose renewal at this point because at least pigeons will hit the button that gives them food instead of the button that administers an electric shock.


Sad attempt at a “gotcha”. One is still alive and the other is dead in the dirt.

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After how many years Arthas was killed? I also covered that in the other thread:

Your post is what ridiculous. You want to be the only victim so much that you even create false difference between two ridiculous similar situation…

Going by your statement, NE fan can’t complain as long as it doesn’t make at least five years from the moment that Teldrassil happened to the moment that Sylvanas died. Because this is the amount of time that past from WC3 Frozen throne to the Icecrown raid.

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Well, while Sylvanas actually isn’t dead, someone could argue that Arthas did had it better until the end and wasn’t as punished as Sylvanas.

Arthas felt like everything was good until the last moment just to had a ‘‘what did i do’’ moment for one second than he died.

Sylvanas current situation look way worse since she actually have to face the fact that she was in the wrong and looked like a idiot all this time. From losing Nathanos, seeing the corruption of Anduin and the betrayal of the Jailor, she clearly already suffered way more than the 3 sec in with Arthas realised that he failed.

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She still died several times according to the lore. Not my fault you don’t understand that :wolf:


Not my fault you don’t understand she didn’t stay dead. :rofl:


See, the REAL problem here, is you’re jealous Sylvanas didnt stay dead and Arthas did.

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She needs to die some point after Teldrassil for the analogy to work. At that point (assuming she stays in the dirt) the Night elves can’t complain she faced no consequence. But currently Danuser want the Night elves to forgive Sylvanas. That is like asking the forsaken and blood elves to forgive Arthas. BE fans and forsaken complained and continue to complain about not killing Arthas. How are NE fans are unreasonable for having the same complaint? Hilarious. It’s literally no different. I doubt it will change. This is how things are now.


So you’re admitting that Arthas and Sylvanas aren’t actually comparable then. Glad you agree.