9.2 - Uther and Tyrande will interact with Sylvanas

I mean, it isn’t new ground for Blizz to throw background characters through the woodchipper. In fact, I’d argue no xpac was more guilty of that than Burning Crusade.

In BC however, we didn’t witness it in cinematic glory. We just watched NPCs from the RTS lore get fed into the dungeon/raid woodchipper piecemeal.

That first Zul’aman trailer tho.


You gotta admit there’s a real power to shipping to though. We shippers just say canon is a suggestion and that’s just a nice feeling when canon is so trash. Like the entirety of Shadowlands. If more people adopted the mentality of shippers, more folks would just enjoy the game.


I enjoy the game and I’m not…whatever a shipper is. My only problem is that SL is suffering the same problem BfA did. The zones storylines are good. It’s just there is a major disconnect trying to tie them and the overarching story together.

We’re missing way too many details


It has felt like the story is fighting against Metzen Era Warcraft for a while. And it isn’t that they’re incapable of writing interesting characters (Runas is my go to here). It is largely why some sort of drastic reset/time skip/remaking of reality is increasingly palatable to me.

So instead of doing zero justice to the existing roster, create some distance, put forward a new roster to adventure with, and let those characters with satisfying and concluded arcs be in the background. If that falls flat too… well, I’ve got bad news about the narrative team’s writing chops (though, just to be clear, I don’t buy that they’re not capable vs being poorly managed).

Oh, and while I’m at it, stop treating singular characters as racial development.


Uther did receive guidance from Devos, but in the end it was bad guidance that caused him to go off the reservation and become one of the Jailor’s tools. That said, Uther is one of the best choices to for talking to Sylvannas because of how much they share in a common origin. Both died by the exact same hand and blade. and were fundamentally affected and changed by those acts.

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I 100% agree, I said this a few months ago, I’m on a roll. /patsback

I’ve also speculated that Uther can only go so far with helping Sylvanas. They both have had similar experiences but their experiences seem to split off once Sylvanas become undead.

I’m really hoping cdev doesn’t gloss over the undeath/necromancy that has affected Sylvanas soul one way of the other. There will be no better time for cdev to expand on necromancy than the present.

Don’t expect deep in-depth analysis… just enough plot for us to open up the next set of RAIDs.

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I’m not expecting any analysis at all about the necromantic aspect of Sylvanas. I think at this point cdev is gonna go with the easiest route which is to pin it all on Zovaal’s soul split trick. I do wonder if Arthas was aware of the soul splitting, he seemed to at least have some understanding of how necromancy affects the soul.


It’s almost like they can’t win. So they should stop trying to please the unpleaseable and just do what they want.

NE fans will never be happy, so stop trying.

Different paladins believe different things.

Arthas and Uther didn’t exactly have the same philosophy after all.

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If you look at Arthas in both his game dialogue and in the eponymous novel, he’s not really that much of a deep thinker. (Deep thinking isn’t really a qualifier for Paladinhood) And while he may have access to Ner’zhul’s memories he filters them through his own understanding… or lack of it.

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Yeah, absolutely. They should stop including them in the lore, because whatever lore Blizzard touches turns to trash. I would be actually mad if Blizzard included my favorite race into whatever “”""""""""""“story”"""""""""""" it is they want to tell.


I think the more appropriate perspective might be that, if they never intended to tell the Night Elves’ side of the story with any sort of meaningful climax, then they never should’ve destroyed them to begin with.

Imagine if the Blood Elves never had their own campaign in WC3, and were introduced in WoW without a rebuilt city, just huddling in groups in Orgrimmar, with their only, ‘Vengeance,’ being Kael’thas killing Mr. Bigglesworth and finding a way to empower himself with the last vestiges of the Sunwell’s power in an ancient and forbidden ritual, only to have that power wear off at the very last moment when he’s close to killing Arthas.

If I were a Blood Elf fan I’d be pretty hacked off.


Forsaken and blood elves didn’t get their due back against Arthas. That was all carried by the argent crusade and the ebon blade. If blood elves and Forsaken aren’t allowed to defeat the enemies which brought them in their misery then neither should be night elves. Fair is fair. Night elves need to suck it and get over it already.


You mean the campaign where they were forced to flee their home to another planet entirely, and ended with them being utterly defeated in their attempt to avenge themselves against the person that destroyed their city?

They NEs GOT their side of the story following the WoT. But because that story didn’t involve Tyrande izuna dropping Sylvanas into a sun, they keep acting like they haven’t gotten anything.


Arthas was defeated by Tirion. Not Kael’thas. Not Sylvanas. Tirion. The guy who had the least personal investment with the Lich King from all candidates they could have chosen from. So sorry for the night elves but that is not the way Blizzard handles these things. Sylvanas will get her redemption. And Tyrande will chose renewal. Accept that and move on. The world doesn’t revolve around you.

I’ve made a parallel between the blood elf/Arthas and the night elf/Sylvanas story in a other thread.

The blood elf resolution is in no way better than the night elf one. The end is pretty much the same. Of course it was discard by night elf fan because it doesn’t fit with the ‘‘NE are the biggest victim’’ agenda but it is still the exact same story.


A campaign that demonstrated drastic growth and change in their bid just to survive, a campaign that fleshed out the direction of their entire race, and let us not forget that when the Blood Elves were added to WoW it wasn’t as refugees littering the streets of Orgrimmar either.

What have they got? No revenge, no new city, no resolution of any sort. Just a cinematic in which Tyrande opts for, ‘Renewal.’ Their abuser faces no repercussions, and the Night Elves are just going to forgive them.


I can see it now.

Dramatic orchestral music
Kael’thas: “WHERE IS HE!”
Mr Bigglesworth hisses
Kael’thas: “Your defiance won’t save you, fiend! You will burn in the fire of a thousand suns!”
Obliterates kitty with giant fireball “FOR QUEL’THALAS!”


Oh you mean like a renewal story? The one that night elf are going through?

So like blood elf…

So like blood elf again?

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I have seen no indications the Kaldorei have forgiven anyone. As of right now they are still fairly isolated in Nordrassil and are turning away most everyone while they mourn and regather strength. Tyrande most certainly has not forgiven and I doubt they ever will have her forgive.

Tyrande chose not to go the Captain Ahab route and self destruct. I don’t see why that is bad, as losing her would of been worse for the Kaldorei than what has occured: She is the Avatar of Elune’s Mother Moon aspect now, without the whole death bargain part. So she came out of it a lot better than poor Kael’thas did.