9.2 - Uther and Tyrande will interact with Sylvanas

LMAO, right?

I dont even want to know anymore, Blizz.

Destroy the lore and characters all you want just don’t force me to do the lore/story quests anymore.


Given Blizzard’s current track record, assume the worst. Like, Tyrande ‘forgiving’ her and praising her determination or bravery. Sylvanas maybe gives some cringey apology and for once doesn’t use a snarky one-liner that Joss Wheton would look down on.


I don’t think it’s cringe at all.

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That same therapist put him on the path of the Forsworn.

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Yup, the same one that the Firstborne was like “damn she was right, my bad” yeah that one lol.

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I think there might be a quest where Tyrande tries to kill Sylvanas, and we may have to stop her with help of the automa. Then, we’ll go right back to working with Tyrande, and Sylvanas. Such a quest may be used for pure tension.

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My post history precludes that interpretation.

I’m sure they see that as different. Having someone try to help you based on external observations is different than someone to help you with internal psychological.
Don’t run the events of the story together into a single time-point. He was in Bastion for a long time without people understanding what was “holding him back”. By definition that’s not understanding.

Our characters are different, no doubt we get to be there for Sylvanas too. We’re the Maw Walker with a link to a special World Soul after all.

It’s write by numbers, and it’s irritating. They knew they misused Sylvanas, and too much of the audience wasn’t going to listen; so they shoved Uther in to say to the audience: You’re wrong, listen.

And yeah, all it does is careen from one set of errors to another.

This needed more story development! They needed the plot tags to help people, and soften their own past writing blunders. The objects can work fine, you can’t just dump it on people however.

They better bloody insert how War of Thorns was Saurfang’s plan, including the added catapults he suggested. And do something like add it was Mueh’zala who stopped him from killing Malfurion, not Elune. (This would be big: We already have his whisper to Vol’jin to make Sylvanas Warchief. Add in his keeping Malfurion alive just to push her at Teldrassil and…)


The first memory is two “jumbled” together. Though, for the audience at large they used a sympathetic in Uther, which won’t flow into the Sylvanas character smoothly. It’s much easier to take Uther’s self criticism of a lack of compassion; jumping to Sylvanas running similar concept lines would take a lot of work to deliver.

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This is splitting hairs. The Kyrian helped by guiding him, but they are allegedly trying to convince us that the Kyrian didn’t guide him they only helped him. What in the derp is going on? They literally established a way for Uther to mend his soul and guided him through the entire process to include guiding him while he was replaying his memory.

I am not. I was specifically talking about 9.1 events.


At the end of the day, I think they are trying to play Uther up by retconning the hair splitting help he received. If he wants to guide Sylvanas, great, but lets not pretend that he didn’t receive guidance.

Do you see why I am saying, have been saying, and will continue saying they need to come forward and openly recognized they have failed from both a gameplay and story perspective, apologize to the playerbase, bring in new writers who have the range, and retcon what needs to be retcon’d in a universe reset?


It was the PC that had to act in his memories; the Kyrian used the mirror to do something they had not done before IIRC. If you’re expecting them to write something where they acknowledge Uther was treated better than Sylvanas you’re likely to simply frustrate yourself.
He was stuck in as a bridge, a plot device. It would be a mistake to spend time talking about him, beyond how it helps Sylvanas, if the focus is to go to Sylvanas; she has to become the focus of that arc.

Think we’ve generally been in agreement about writing errors, needing to acknowledge them, ETC. IIRC I’ve suggested they needed to do a blog post about what the heck their story was supposed to be.

Sadly I wouldn’t be surprised if they think the video did that. Which, it didn’t.

Gameplay I’ve not been commenting on. I can go a long time on that. The short version is simple: We need a revolution, a huge one.

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I’m not expecting that to ever happen, but I’m a little throwed with how they are all over the place with Uther. From him shifting the blame, retconning having spoken to Jaina to now retconning the guidance he received it’s frustrating. I mean this is as recent as 9.1.


Uther may have mentored Arthas, but he was not the reason he went bad. That was all Arthas. Uther himself was as much a victim of Arthas as anyone else and the fact is he had managed to have the time and extra experience to try and at least heal/move past it.

Your insinuation that everything has to have some gender bias(as oppose to it simply being character tied together by the story) to it is getting tiring. People in warcraft, regardless of gender! Have tried to help each other in various traumas. As a quick example Genn has Belysra Starbreeze to thank for not going feral. Even though she was partial responsible for the worgen curse in the first place!

So we ignore Thrall, Vol’jin, Baine, Thalyssra who are nominally “good/heroic character”? Also, the Horde is not kneeling by any stretch but as a faction that was on the villanous side of the spectrum was always going to be controversial. The fact is, the Alliance has always been on the more heroic side of the spectrum and like it or not, heroes do help people in need. Heck, even back in BC a draenei who was about to be experiment on by Forsaken last words were “I pity you”.

If you are talking about the whole talking to Jaina with Frostmourne it could simply be non-canon and it was Sylvanas who did talk with him.



The whole equal victimization of Arthas part. That’s why he’s a good mentor to Sylvanas. He literally threw Arthas into Hell because he wanted revenge. I feel like the person who can empathize with that level of anger for what Arthas did is Sylvanas. I think this will be a mutually beneficial healing scenario. Uther feels like he failed Arthas, he can help redeem himself by helping one of Arthas’s biggest victims gain atonement.

This is what the core of Uther being a paladin is all about.

Baal I have a hard time taking you seriously as a righteous defender of Sylvanas, You have never even liked her before. Making it about how much she’s been abused… now after so long of having the opinion that she doesn’t deserve redemption seems… dishonest.

I personally am happy the narrative is finally treating her like a victim of Arthas and treating her experience like a real trauma. Having Uther, Arthas’s other abuse victim, on her side helps her trauma become visible.


I always figured with how Arthas was on their minds that they just jumped to that last moment they saw each other in life, which was at Stratholme. And Uther who just reviled memories of Stratholme, it would be more on his mind.

For a lot of people, blizz did a really really poor job of making us care about Sylvanas. I like the character, I want to love her again, it’s just…after Cata and BfA. It’s hard to reconcile the character we knew from Warcraft 3 to what she became during TFT and beyond.

But that’s just my honest down to earth opinion on it. Not sure about anyone else. :wolf:


? I have always liked her?

My thing in BFA was that they destroyed her character so if they were gonna make her a Big Bad, make her the Biggest Baddest Bad with style and grace. A Villain with dignity.

Shadowlands failed to deliver even that. In fact delivered the opposite by multiple orders of magnitude.

So they thoroughly dismantled one of the characters I related to as a survivor of various things for… Nothing lol

So now we’re stuck in a hole there’s no narrative escape from and nobody gets any closure.


The only people who think that Sylvanas was acting inconsistently with her established character in BfA are people who never really understood her character at all.


As one of Sylvanas’ biggest fans this is monumental in so many ways. I can’t believe that this is actually happening, please pinch me. I’m just hoping that they curve this “Uther didn’t receive guidance” business. I would like to think without the Kyrian’s guidance that Uther would not have been able to receive any kind of resolution. I would like Uther to be exalted because he was able to endure the mending process and he’s willing to guide Sylvanas as well, not because he was able to do it all on his own accord.

I would like to think what Sylvanas and Uther are faced with can only be resolved with the guidance of the Kyrian, and I’m hoping this doesn’t turn into another “I will never serve moment” resulting in monumental moments being muddied.


I really want justice for Devos beyond in Hindsight the Archin admitting she was right.

I want Devos to be responsible for Sylvanas’s deal with her Valky. I woukd like for ghen to be Foresworn not Mawsworn and for the Jailer to have tricked them all.

Devos waa such a waste of potential.


The Xpac cant end soon enough. It’s bad enough seeing still living characters ruined. Shadowlands has taken it to a whole other level. Going back and ruining characters that are long dead. Makes me nervous to see where this is going to lead. If they’re doing this to Uther it makes me hope Arthas doesn’t show up because i can’t imagine how that’d turn out.

When it comes to Paladin characters, i’ve always wanted to see some more story and background given to Gavinrad the Dire. The only one of the Original 5 Paladins that was from Stormwind & a Veteran of the First War. He really never received the story that Uther/Turalyon & Tirion got.

The way the story is going though perhaps its best that him and characters like him are forgotten.