9.2 ETA? Another 8 months?

It took them 8 months to get 9.1 out.

Assuming a 6-8 month 9.1 tier, we’d probably see a 9.2 around January 2022. March at the latest.

9.3 would then theoretically be July 2022 with September 2022 at the latest.

Then the usual 12 month content drought.

In other words, no way there will be a 9.3 unless this turns into a 3 year xpac.


They literally has been “messing up” like this for at least the last 3 expansions. My memory doesn’t go back further than that.


Well honestly I’m hoping they were already working on 9.2 while they had 9.1 in their hands but who even knows anymore. Ill most likely hold them to a 5-6 month timeframe for this patch but 9.2 cant be held longer than that or they will see even more players leave this game. They need better looking gear, more loot, more transmogs, more classes, more zones, etc. They are years behind their competition, not just in mmo’s but in the RPG realm.

Negative. 9.2 will release in approximately 13.4 months.

Hope you like Korthia!

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It’s all a money game now. 9.2 will likely be pushed at the end of an earnings quarter whether it’s ready or not. It’s the same way 9.1 was sprung on us with 2 weeks notice. Q2 was coming to an end so they launched it a week before to get a bump in sub numbers for the earnings report.

My guess is it will probably be Dec 2021 at the earliest. Worst case, probably March 2022.


Every patch ever released was “sprung with two weeks notice”. That is the usual notice they give for end of season.

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Since When? Even going back to the last .1 patch before this one in 8.1. It was announced in September 2018 and released in December 2018.

I mean if we’re counting announcements, 9.1 was announced at Blizzconline back in… March? I think?


They’ve probably already abandoned Shadowlands for the new expansion. Happens every expansion like clockwork. At least in BFA they straight up told us they didn’t care about the current game anymore.


Legion was good, but it had a LOT of problems. If it had launched in the 7.3.5 state it would have been the best expansion ever. (In regards to systems and such, obviously not all the raid tiers etc).

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Am I the only one who likes Korthia? Ive enjoyed playing in it the past week and hunting rares. I dont know just feels nice to relax in Korthia. will I enjoy it 6 months from now? Probably not

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8 months for another tiny little little map and maybe one more hair style. and 100 more complicated systems on how NOT to get gear.



They’re trying to prolong Shadowlands because they’re secretly working on “WoW 2”. Well a mega expansion pack that is the equivalent to a new version of the game.

I’m hoping very hard that they have the next patch well under way and are just waiting for the raid to be out before putting it on the ptr. Just to give the story a chance to be told before the leaks for the next part start getting out. I hope they don’t wait for all of the story chapters to be done first though, because that won’t be done until like September.

Honestly if blizz released a single player rpg in the wow universe with all the classes and everything with a souls-like difficulty meter, then I think it would outsell this old game. They need new ideas and a new game for sure.

jaja wow2 good joke, they cant even put a patch with out troubles, they are milking the game for another 15 years with out any improvement, wow2 JAJA…


Because there is more money in old content. They can literally roll out WotLK Classic now they have 3 Classic games. They have D2 remastered. Honestly they have a gold mine for years in old games. They don’t need a new WoW expansion.

Then they really do want D4 to succeed and it needs too in order to compete with PoE and regain their dominance there. This takes us into 2023.

Why not just work on the next project while all this is self sustaining making money. It’s the right business move. Furthermore at some point the “Last WoW Expansion” is something that will happen. There is no better time than now for that to be the case when they got years of old content to keep people happy while they work on new games.

There has to be discussions internally about SL being the last expansion. It makes sense then you can do 9.3 and 9.3.5 etc into 2024. This is just the reality of the situation and Blizzard will save money while making money they can funnel into the next big game/MMO

I don’t dislike it. But it’s hardly mind blowing. It’s not a great looking area, and it’s not very big. There’s not many quests or even many particularly enticing rares. I can’t help but compare the patch to previous ones and that makes it seem very disappointing. Which should not be the case after 7 months.

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The biggest flaw of Korthia to me is its just a little brighter Maw. They didn’t say it but I had the idea we’d get an actual new landmass. Maybe not any bigger but it would just be different somehow. Its got better things to do but we’ve had the Maw for months and months. More of it was never going to go well.


I hope so for 10.0 tbh.