9.2 ETA? Another 8 months?

Competition is too high in the market right now. FFXIV is kicking blizzards a** atm. They know it we know it. I am sure they have plans to step up production. They can’t sleep on their game anymore. Those days are now gone.


And it would be wise to do so. Why waste time paying for and participating in something you don’t enjoy?

At the moment we have no reason to believe Blizzard is capable of getting back on a 3 patch 2 year expansion release schedule. I think people should lower their expectations enough so that whatever happens they will be pleasantly surprised.

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You can’t respond on the forums without a paid sub. :ok_hand: He’s full of it.

Ah, I did not know that but it makes sense. Maybe they meant they canceled a recurring sub.

Maybe, but as of right now, they still have access to the game.

Renown will take until some point around November, and Blizzconline is in February. I’d be very surprised to see the next patch before Q1 2022.

I also don’t expect a 9.3. There’s no way the higher-ups would let them get away with a 3 year expansion just because of the income expansion launches bring.

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I know ion said it wasn’t going to be another WoD,

Ion also said there was no more Artifact Power to grind.
How’d that turn out for us?
Anima/Stygia/Cinders/Ash/etc… aren’t technically Artifact Power.

This is another WoD in all but name.

EDIT: I bought a summer sale item that included 30 free days of WoW time. I have 26 days left, and started Shadowlands last Friday. I’ve never been this caught up to the current expansion so fast in 10+ years of on-and-off play- I’m lvl 60 and ilvl 165 in 3 days.
I ride in the Maw without the Jailor’s eye already, I barely had to deal with either for more than a day.
My renown is already 18 after hitting 60 on Sunday.
And even I can tell already that these world quests and endgame systems were designed by someone who dislikes the people that play this game.


When you cancel a sub, it doesn’t immediately revoke access. It lasts until the end of the cycle.

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Uh huh, I totally believe you. :ok_hand: Stranger on the internet.

Well to be fair - The time gating is a double edged sword.

It makes us stop and look critically at what we just did. I mean 30 mins of campaign quest every 2 weeks. is not really that much - especially when the alternative is…raid or dailies.

I am not saying WoW is the worst ever; but Wow currently is seeing the side-effect of them making everything a private experience. I mean - right now anything of note is occurring in the maw; which is funny because they give us flying everywhere else - but there seems to be nothing left there.

Everything of note in WoW now happens to you…by yourself as there is really just 1 shared experience (raiding) I mean its even a stretch to say M+/Torghast is a shared experience because most folks are just going to queue for it (and premade finder kind of did the same for raiding).

I am almost 99% certain that ANY player with the Maldraxxi has liberated the house of rituals - but in 9.1 there isn’t even a new phase of that area…despite the fact we already “fixed” it.

I am actually really surprised blizzard does not use phasing more to expand the world and make the world move forward.


Am I misremembering/miscounting or did WoD actually have more raid bosses than Cata?

Just interesting Cata doesn’t get hit more for lack of content.

29 for Cata and 30 for WoD.

May 2022 is my bet.

They made a lawyer the head of WoW, he’s well-trained in legalese/BS’ing from his previous life :laughing:

If you pay attention to the way he talks, he is very good at being vague and saying lots of words - but not saying much of substance.


I’ve been playing GuildWars and thriving to be honest haha


They’re nothing like Artifact Power. AP was something you had to log in and spend a lot of time doing every day. Every. Single. Day. If you didn’t, you fell behind in character performance.

There’s nothing like that in Shadowlands. Cinders & Ash are a short time commitment once per week, anima is only for cosmetics, and stygia’s uses are limited.

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I’d be surprised if there’s. 9.3 tbh.

I think 9.2 will be out early next year and then release new expansions in the fall.

I don’t see blizz giving up on that expansion money/sales


Phasing is a disaster for players trying to play with other players. Getting knocked out of phase with your group members happens all the time. It happens with world quests, areas where completing a quest changes the world (which has happened in a lot of places), and some places for no apparent reason.

Trying to fly a passenger across certain zones means they will be dismounted 6 times from one side of the zone to the other.

And don’t get me started on zones like Darkshore and Arathi Highlands, where in order to support a highly unpopular game feature, the entire zone has been turned into a PvP zone with an incredibly inconvenient location for reverting to old time. A low level passenger can be dismounted while in felwood and end up in Darkshore with no way of getting out.

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Designing a game is diff from having to satisfy their overlords. Sometimes a product is just not ready, or it was almost done and they were forced to change directions and scrap tons of material.

Just think in 8 months you will be able to fly in old zones lol. This game is just trash lol