9.2 ETA? Another 8 months?

To be fair it is a “Mega” dungeon so i expect it broken into 3 “dungeons.”

This is what scares me. I’d rather tham end SL with 9.2 and move on toward the next xpac.


They release expansions every 2 years. It has been pretty consistent.

SL will have less content like WOD did. It’s a reality.

I hope 9.2 gets released right in the middle, not too near the next expansion launch, but not too far away like it happened with wod

When the 6 month promotion runs out and they need to do another, it would make most sense to time that with everyone coming back for a patch.

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They have already stated that 9.2 won’t be until 2022 and that they are completely scrapping 9.3. This patch is it for at least 7+ months.

Source or is this from “my dad works at Nintendo” scenario

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My dad works at Blizzard on WoW duh

you leaving Wow however would

They could pull a Path of Exile and announce an expansion with the name of the game followed by a 2.

We have 13-14 months until the new expansion releases and theres only going to be a 9.2 so does it really matter? :frowning: Gonna be stuck with 9.1 or 9.2 for 8+ months

GW2 is super active still. I love it. I have a fully decked out Mesmer in that game. Best part about that game is you can jump back whenever you want and never fall behind.


Pointless thread.

They’re part of the, “ I hate WoW, but I’ll still stay subbed” club.

9.2 should appear, without delay, before 10.0. :sleeping:

With LFR fully opened 8 weeks after 9.1, I’m expecting minimum 5-8 months of 9.1… throw in 9.1.5 maybe in 3-4 months…

I know it’s not great, but honestly I don’t see them doing things quicker, Blizzard doesn’t seem to be in any hurry to release content back on track, I’m expecting the next expansion late 2023 if we lucky but realistically mid or late 2024 since the delay of 9.1. Ofcourse even in 2024 they’ll blame the Pandemic still (As is tradition from them).

I’m sure we still going to see great cash shop mounts and cosmetics on the way still. :neutral_face:


6-7 months minimum.

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Can we skip 9.2 and just skip to 10?? is that an option?



Welcome to the half-finishedlands with giant pot holes, missing textures, invisible monsters, and my favorite the pit of vivusforaminis filled with cheese doodle monsters and slender manbearpig as final boss

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i like korintia been small. short quests, the grind is not bad, i am come from vanilla so i can tell now is enjoyiable, but wont deny the quality off blizz in this path is considerable lower.
animations looks terrible. made a fuz about shoulders transmogs. while the rest of the games have SO MUCH costumization… and the inter get exited since was able to make a function to split shoulders…
-8 months for one doungeon with 8 bosses and a new raid. and fights are repetitive fights from prevIews expantion. maybe mix and match mechanics.
pvp… is been 15 years of the same 3 4maps…

is evident that seniors have left to move personal interests or other projects after 15/16 years doing the same, now the interns are taking over, i can bet is not easy task the code has to be super terrible!

You’re right. The only reason some people can’t let go of WoW, is because they have so much history with this game. Think of all the collections and just time in general they put into the game. However, people have limits, some are putting up with the expansion, fueled by love… In an unrequited relationship. The pattern was supposed to be good expansion, bad one, then good. Instead, we got “The Good Expansion That Was Promised.” My line has been crossed, I hate feeling that my time is not respected. Since BFA, that feeling has become a reality with the systems they implemented and making my legendries useless. All that time spent farming ashes… Pointless. I am not going to come back to WoW, until they stop with implementing systems where they slow drip us content, and force us to grind, in order to keep your raiding spots or to get invited to a Key in a key in general (i.e. keeping up with io score.) Screw that pressure. I just want to chill now. WoW should not focus, on keeping people playing. They just need to deliver good content, and understand players needs breaks from the game as well. In order to keep coming back. Instead they want to milk us for all they can, until they ruin WoW.