9.2 ETA? Another 8 months?

You can’t improve WoW, you have no influence over design or development…so playing another game is probably your best option if you are not enjoying 9.1.

Some solid advice really

And millions of people around the world enjoy the content. Sounds like a you problem.

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I dont go to Nintendo and tell them to stop making platforming the main Mario gameplay. Dont know why people expect Blizzard to completely change the game to fit their particular needs. :man_shrugging:


To voice discuss the absolute joke that the current state of the game is.

Ironic that you would say this.

And they will blame it on the pandemic for it going south hahahahahaaha


Predicting Spring 2022

Right on schedule.

i think the new additional 40 levels of renown to work on gives a pretty good idea of how long till the next patch. (aka about the same with 9.0 to 9.1)

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Since they delayed the next book to February 2022, I expect that they plan to release 9.2 before that.

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“And it’s not even good,” speak for yourself. We’ve experienced exactly 1/8th of the full patch, you need to calm down, way down. :unamused: If you don’t like the time gated content, come back in a month. Play it all then, and THEN come back here and say “it’s not even good,” lol, imagine taking a single bite of a five course dinner and saying, “Yeah, this whole dinner party is trash.”


A handful of timegated quests aren’t going to magically make the patch better.


IMO 9.1 was about a month too late, but will see how 9.2 goes.

9.1 was released 7 months after SL release and 6.5 months after CN opened so I do always enjoy the time exaggeration on the forums. A 1 month earlier release for a 5.5 raid length would have been great. Any shorter and I don’t think it would have been good with how long and hard CN was.

Back to 9.2, I would guess early December to cash in on holidays (5 month raid) or more likely early January (6 month raid). But who knows.

lol imagine complaining about 9.2 the week 9.1 is being released


Yes 9.2 will be in 2022 and 9.3 will be in 2023 and then that is it for WoW expansions. Maybe they do a 9.3.5 late 2023 to go into 2024.

Their focus right now is milking Classic and D2 remastered while they put ALL their energy into D4. They might release a new MMO in 2024. SL is the last WoW expansion though.

Can you point out the part where people were complaining about 9.2? That’s stupid and I’d also like to laugh at it lol

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I don’t think you even know what content is. It sounds like you just don’t like playing WoW. And that you are here simply to feed your own resentment. Have fun with that. :v:

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tHeY cAnT KeEp MeSsInG uP LiKe ThIs . nO SemBlAnCe oF a 9.3

They have already stated that they do not have a subscription to the game and are simply here to create a “discussion.” Trolling is a better word, imo.

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Don’t know what you’re talking about, might want to get your eyes checked :rofl:

Whats ironic about it? Is not the same to complain about some systems or mechanics, as to not like any of the core gameplay loops in the game.

The moment Blizzard stop focusing on content that I enjoy, I would stop playing.