9.2 = A Sylvanas Dream Come True

It’s part of a new Transmog I’m trying out, I’m experimenting with the character’s look.


As someone who mained Forsaken from vanilla-cata and who’s been disgusted with the direction the writers took her in BFA onwards this cinematic and Shattered Legacies were extreme, badly needed course corrections. I finally recognize the character I used to love again.


Guess how high gas prices were today?

$1.70/litre! The norm was $1.30. $30 used to give me 1/2 tank, now I can barely get 167km for $30, I used to get 350km. It sucks big time because due to the cold I get less gas mileage in the winter due to drag. I’m going to be pushing my car soon.

Has gas prices gone up in Australia?

Don’t you see how pathetic this is. It’s less “Sylvanas realises what she was doing was wrong” and more “Sylvanas is as opportunistic as always and just jumped ship to the winning side/the side where she has the highest chance of getting away scott free”.

I guarantee if the Jailor didn’t betray her and he just flat out lost, Sylvanas would have pretended to betray him to save her own skin.

Garrosh is an interesting take because although he is just as wrong as Sylvanas, at least he doesn’t pretend to change his viewpoint just because circumstances made it inconveniant for him.

You can’t conflate, “People like Garrosh more then Sylvanas” with “Garrosh did nothing wrong”

No, Sylvanas believed she was doing what was right for her until it turned out she was wrong.

What a S*#t take, everyone in Sylvanas’s shoes would accept punishment from people belonging to a faction of utter pansy a**es who forgive the worst crimes imaginable when the alternative is letting Super Satan win when he admits you’re just as expendable as everyone else. Even if there’s only a .0001% chance Tyrande would punish Sylvanas in any way that’s meaningful it’s better then 0% chance.

Sylvanas hasn’t turned over a new leaf, she just bet her money on the wrong horse and decided to pretend she actually bet on the winner when no-one was looking.

I want everyone on this forum who doesn’t think her ‘punishment’ will be an utter slap on the wrist relative to the crime committed to quote me so when the cinematic is released I can mock you for being so braindead.

Here’s my predictions for Sylvanas’s ‘punishment’:

  1. No punishment/Tyrande tells her to feel bad for what she’s done and ‘live with it’. A message to brainwash wow players into thinking if a person committed a crime but feels bad that’s his punishment, totally unrelated to the sexual scandals that have happened at Blizzard.

  2. Tyrande tells Sylvanas to atone for what she’s done and try and to go into the Maw to free all the souls there. Not even a punishment, basically community service.

  3. Tyrande kills Sylvanas. Oh Wow who cares. All death in Wow means is being confined to the Shadowlands(except you know, when that’s not the case) and it’s not like Sylvanas planned to stay there anyway.

Basically her punishment is going to be pathetic and Sylvanas simps, oh I’m sorry ‘fans’ will be utterly confused why the forums aren’t satisfied.

Can’t really say. I don’t drive so I have no idea.

To be fair nearly everyone had this theory since the cinematic where Zovaal has Kingsmourne made.

Not really since Zovaal has all the cards. He got the sigils including his own. He got to Zereth Mortis before us. Got to the Sepulcher before us. At this point in time, HE is the winning side. Not us. Hell, her encounter in SoD mirrors that of Jaina from BoD. The boss wins. Both Sylvanas and Jaina delay their respective enemies just long enough for Zovaal to get his sigil and for the Alliance fleet to retreat back to Boralus mostly harmless respectively.

Zovaal did not betray sylvanas, not really. Outside of lying to her about his motives but it is clear that he was upset that she would turn on him because he was mirroring dialogue used by Arthas.

He almost did though in Warcrimes. But he decided to double down on them when it mattered. Then in SoD we see that has not changed.

For her and for everyone. She saw the “destined” paths of the shadowlands to be flawed. Which is why Zovaal was able to manipulate her.

Again, Zovaal was winning. We were always a step behind him. Other than when it came to the Primus’ sigil. We were ahead on that one until Blizzard hit us with the idiot ball.

Oh and trying to hide profane language behind censors is against the CoC. Trust me, it has happened to me.

Community service is a form of punishment…


Y’know what?

Yup. You’re the toxic one. The fact you made a list of “proofs I cannot be toxic and am morally superior” anecdotes only further highlights that.

Hey, I chose to work a low-paying job to help people society turns a casual blind eye to and have shed literal blood to defend them. If you want to get into a list of morally superior credentials, I can assure you my list will impress and humble you. LGBTQ+, SA victims, drug addicts forced into sex work, victims of religious persecution that left them disfigured, crippling mental illness, that’s a tiny fraction of my daily work life. Most people attempting to work in my field burn out in months. I’ve done it for over a decade, and my profession before that was little different. I could probably say I’ve either been in or adjacent to this field for twenty five years. My 60+ hours a week job that can barely pay to keep me housed is all about lifting people up that others stamp down on.

Does this mean I too am morally superior and flawless in my judgment and values?

No. Of course not. I’m still a cynical, snarky, jerk online. Like, all the time. It’s kinda sad tbh. I should probably stop that. It’s pretty petty.

And like myself, you’re not immune to criticism. You’re flat out saying “if you like a thing I dislike, you must be the lowest of the low”. You are ranking a person’s inherent character based on whether or not they like a video game character alone. Not on their actions, not on their deeds, not on any intrinsic characteristic they may have.

They like thing.
You hate thing.
Therefore, they are lesser, inferior even.

Yes. That is toxic behavior. You are behaving toxically.


When I get petrol, it hurts now, because prices have gone up here too. If I recall, oil companies are using the Russian invasion of Ukraine as an excuse for that here.

While Zovaal is winning so far, I think that’s less due to Zovaal’s skill and more plot armor at this point (especially, as you said, with the Primus’ sigil. Quote; “Absolutely not! You might as well give (the Primus’ sigil) straight to the Jailer.” and "You brought my sigil… to Zovaal’s lair!?" Thanks a lot, Bolvar! :angry:)

Community service for war crimes and attempted universe destruction. What jury would agree to that?

Back in the day Luxio aka Ren was full on Sylvanas fanboi.
I mean like “Sylvanas was never wrong and her genocide will be vindicated” and other things like Sylvanas was actually culling an Old god infestation in the night elves and she will be a hero for it and etc and etc.
All those threads are still up, and you can look them up. Ren has now dialed that fanaticism from a 12 down to a 6.
And much of the “”““bullying””“” from Ben and others were specifically for these very hot takes.

Actually, what I find offensive is when you call anyone who takes issue with Sylvanas a misogynist, and what I find annoying is when you claim to be happy for others being unhappy.
I never had a problem Sylvanas or Forsaken. But then Blizzard had them and the Horde burn down Teldrassil and kill Night Elves so to further Sylvanas story and make her into a character that has a deck of UNO reverse cards for every situation for several years.
In the end I want to know. I want to see. What all this was for… will Sylvanas finally be made to answer for her crimes? Probably not.
And you seem to take pleasure in your favorite character ruining things for other fans and still being given a hero’s reward at the end of it all.


To hell with Sylvanas and all that, but the bit I bolded is clearly a ‘No True Scotsman’ fallacy, falsely assuming that one cannot be both a ‘Sylvanas fan’ and a ‘True Warcraft Fan’.


You understand you’re getting one side of the story, right?

Edit: I’ll try to be neutral. I don’t always agree with how Grandblade interacts with people. But this forum has had years of heated debates with people. Controversial opinions, expressed in controversial ways. Sometimes things get personal, and we become toxic, both aggressively and passive aggressively.

It’s not uncommon for people to have personal beefs here that spill out onto other threads, or websites as what seems to be happening these days.


All it costed was crapping all over Warcraft 3.

Oh wait they already did with Reforged. Convenient.


Doesn’t change the fact that Grandblade is a cancer on this forum and on social media in general.


Pointing out that Teldrassil was corrupted by the Emerald Nightmare is canon.

World trees historically in this franchise, have been destroyed because the Nightmare makes them easy targets. I’m not the only one who speculates that the five world tress are the five torches in Old God whispers. I don’t see you going after Yven for the same theories.

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I missed this comment.

You have a habit of talking down to me like you are my boss/superior and you need to assert rules. I reject your attempts to act as some kind of forum authority figure.

And I assume the reason you do this to me and is because I’m a woman and you can get away with it, or because Micah is my friend. That may be just an assumption on my part. But that’s how I feel. You don’t try to police anyone else in this forum like you try to police me and Micah, I don’t appreciate it, it makes me angry and suspicious of your motives.

If you treated everyone this way, this wouldn’t feel like such a personal attack. Maybe it’s not because I’m a woman, maybe it’s just that I’m a Sylvanas fan, regardless, you are trying my to police my voice and my fandom experience and that is not what is expected of a friend and a good person.

You want me to apologize to you, but you are not being a good friend.

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Besides you, Alynsa, doness and evylsaa, I can honestly say I don’t trust anyone else on this forum. They all have ulterior motives far as I’m concerned.

And I’m tired of people telling me my feelings are invalid because someone else isn’t as passionate as I am about the worgen or actually liking the latest sylvanas cinematic


I feel like I’ve witnessed Denona target Micah specifically lately since he started showing his love for Sylvanas as a character.

I think the assesment that Micah is being “rude” has no bias. Micah has always been someone with the integrity to call out forum bullies regardless of faction alignment. He has always had integrity to call out bullying in this forum. If he told me I was being a jerk, I would believe him. I respect his opinion he has a good moral compass.


Just as a small aside, taking the personalities involved out of this, as Denona tries in this example :

I don’t agree with Denona about her cause and effect, here. But I do agree that it is sort of nuts to say such things. I mean, if I dislike a person, I don’t want to see their face at all.

I am one of those recovering Catholics who still has a little fear of God beat into him. So I often swallow my pride, and I try to wish no ill will, even in my head. I often say : “I don’t care if my worst enemies win a million bucks, or they die in a fire - I would rather not know about them or think about them.”

That’s just me.

So when someone says :

My reaction is:

“Bleh. Why even mention them, if they aren’t here? Why bring them up?”

Sometimes I can’t tell what’s going on with people.


Was healed in Cata, the emerald nightmare story ends in Cataclysm in regard to Teldrassil.


But it doesn’t because it still exists. And we had Emerald Nightmare content in Legion and it was also hinted in Ardenweald.

I play a NE druid and that gives me relative authority to be critical of NE druidism. It can be just as dangerous to NE’s as the Well of Eternity. The WoW narrative itself plants seeds of doubt in Druidism specifically due to it’s risk of Void corruption through the Emerald Nightmare. We saw how esily good druids could be brainwashed by the Nightmare in Legion.

The Nightmare being temporarily neutralized and being permamently defeated are not the same. The tree was cleansed in Cata, but it wasn’t removed entirely from the tree. Three ot of five dragons slapped a bandaid on it and called it a day.

It was healed - Teldrassil had become a source of life - and was no longer tainted by the nightmare after the aspects blessed the tree at Tyrande and Malfurion’s wedding.

So, sylvanas destroyed an source of life, and not an corrupted tree or entrance for the nightmare.

on top of it…

Sylvanas was allways her own, the entire soulsplitt things don´t excuse anything, danuser even denied that she was manipulated by the jailor (i saw this with the soulsplitt thing atleast as possible9 …so, at this point, she should deserve a harsh punishment for the unforgivable crimes she infliced on innocent lives.

listen, Guys, you got now syvlanas clossure in regard of arthas, now its time for an closure for the night elves in regard to sylvanas…and the irony would be, if tyrande choose the same destiny for sylvanas…“be gone and forgotten, forever”