9.2 = A Sylvanas Dream Come True

Many non-Sylvanas fans on the forums have quit the game.

Why waste your time? It’s pointless to engage with him

okay, but what gets me about anti-Sylvanas arugments, because Smallz did the exact same thing. Sylvanas fans are just reasonably happy and people are finding it offensive that other people are happy.

That’s entitlement.

Sylvanas fans are not hurting anyone by being happy and liking the story. I can see Denona having a point if Sylvanas fans were harassing people or being rude, but most people are out there just expressing happiness and jubilation. It’s like watching a sports game and the other team wins, are you deeply upset by that? I don’t think it’s really healthy to be that upset.

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What I don’t get though, is the outright cancerous hatred towards those people who are happy. Like, my happiness has no bearing what the Devs put in the game

People like Dorn act like we have any actual say in what blizz does with their own game

Smallz and Finnibas think I actually am Steve Danuser.

I am not. The fact that I have to continue to tell people I am not Steve Danuser is annoying.

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I hope - but highly doubt - Sylvanas’ story will end in Shadowlands… or that she actually gets punished by someone besides herself for her actions.


The fact I have to justify my happiness is what been putting me in a sour mood. I’m tired of having to defend my own happiness. I shouldn’t have to

We’ll see.

Thadeus why do you look like The Jailer? that’s too uncanny. :rofl:

I thought he was a dwarf at first, and the two spikes on his helm were a beard.

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It’s not about him. It’s just something I noticed.

Oh. Okay :smiley:

I really hope she goes away for a long time.

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Blizz will likely put her on the back burner for a expansion or two and bring her out when the game needs a recognizable face.

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She also needs to be punished. else lets bring back Gul’dan garithos and adelas blackmoore and say opps sorry we killed you.

Out of curiosity, what’s your idea of a proper punishment?

permanent stay in the maw. If anyone belongs there; its her. Or make her the new jailer of the damned. And put a frostmourne type crown on her.

Seems a bit excessive but that’s just me. Maybe a few eons saving the souls she condemned to the Maw if blizz were to go that route

It would be ironic. Since she served as Zorvaal’s right hand man till almost the end. Doomed trillions of souls to damnation and oblivion. Committed genocide. anything less will be a slap on the wrist.

I guess. I honestly don’t have the energy today to debate ya on it. Sorry