9.2 = A Sylvanas Dream Come True

That is completely fine to do so.

However saying that “I can’t wait to see someones stupid face react to X” or something along those lines is not. That is what I am getting at. Note that I am saying this in general. It applies to everyone. Including myself.

Directly calling someone out and insulting them is not right either. I know from experience. Hence why I am doing this.


Ren saying she wants to see Grandblade’s reaction is mild compared to the large amount of toxic posts he’s made here over the years. He’s not someone who should be defended in that regard.

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Oh I agree, but lowering yourself to his level is not the right thing to do.


Alright, that’s fair and I should do better about stuff like that. But I’m still not going to keep quiet anymore about things I care about. Half this forum hates me anyway, and you know that.

I understand I can do that without the petty comments though.

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Grandblade literally dissed my kids, you really want to white knight for that man?

Wait. WHAT?!

You know that is not my intent. I was simply using it as an example in general. I even stated this in a post before yours. Since you asked for one.


What you’re doing is the equivalent of chastising someone who pushed a serial stabber because violence is wrong. There’s a significant gap of severity there.

Way back when he and I were fighting here all day every day, he took it a step too far and said I was a bad parent for being a Sylvanas fan and dissed my kids… all because I offhandedly said he had “daddy issues”

That was when he was projecting that i actually was Sylvanas or rDanuser, when his cognitive dissonance between the story and Sylvanas fans led him to assume all Sylvanas fans were self inserts, so then he projected his hatred of Sylvanas as a hatred towards me personally.

Children are off limits. You NEVER bring a persons kids into the matter, regardless of how people feel about others.

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That seems a bit extreme of an analogy.

I just want to point out that I am not defending, white knighting, or supporting anyone. It does feels a bit disingenuous when people have called me out on my toxic behavior (and rightfully so) then turn around and do that sort of behavior. Even if it is on a lesser scale.

I generally hate it when certain politicians use their kids as campaigning tools. Even more so when it is done in a puff piece by their mates in the MSM. Don’t watch the Australian 60 minutes section that is a devoted puff piece to Scott Morrison.

My motto is, If you don’t want your kids to be brought up in political discourse, don’t bring them into it yourself.



Eye beams a naaru


I didn’t take it personally, but still he hasn’t posted here much since. Maybe he realized he took our disagreements WAY too far.

I was actually trying to be nice to him, I told him I liked his RP profile. The man was just unhinged. He still is, but at least it’s confined to his Twitter. I’m not surprised he still has a reputation even on Twitter. I had to laugh though, he thought Sylvanas fans had a discord to stalk him, which he called “my Cabal” (no such discord exists just me and a couple of my friends know he’s a vitrolic anti-Sylvanas poster on Twitter)… I found a TBC guild on Atiesh called “Cabal of the Dark Lady” and I chuckled and thought if him as I asked them to add me.


He attacked everyone on here though. He had issues.

It’s important to know why people do what they do. It’s understandable that Ren would want catharsis for someone treating her badly, in the same way you did for being called a sexist. Defending a concept for the sake of it is worthless.


The last interaction I had with Grandblade in these forums;

He said “I hate you.” Those were his last words to me.

So, I feel just slightly vindicated that he’s unhappy with this story arc. I would say “I don’t think Sylvanas is going to die in the raid.” and he would literally reply “You’re Wrong, you will always be wrong!”

Can I just take a selfish moment to gloat that I was in fact right against Grandblades vicious taunting?


He seems like he needs a therapist, though most people here probably do.

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Remember when he yelled at me that I wasn’t a therapist two months after I told him he had daddy issues. He had to jump in every thread to remind me I was not in fact qualified to diagnose him. Anyone can see he had anger issues, you didn’t need to be a therapist to see that.


Lol I don’t remember that but it sounds vaguely familiar. This is reminding me of the thread I made the other week, he probably has some wires crossed and accidentally picked Human instead of Dwarf. I wonder if he frequents bagel shops.

I can’t post links to my lore blog but TWO of my Shadowlands specualtions I made almost a year ago or two ago, before Shadowlands was even released, have come to be true. 1) my Arthas won’t get a redemption meta-analysis from 2 years ago 2) my speculation that Arthas’s soul was in the mournblade after the release of the Folk and Fairytales book almost a year ago now. Based on Madeline Roux’s short story The Paladin’s Beast.

That’s why I’m happy :relaxed: not because I want to upset anyone. I put so much work into those metas and speculation and endured critics dogging me at every step saying I was out of my mind. (Grandblade was just the most severe example)

I don’t claim to know all the lore… but I do know Sylvanas lore enough to make meta analysis of her story arc and I predicted what was going to happen. People can blame Danuser being a simp but I can confirm that the lore and her characterization, outside of BFA, hasn’t changed much. this is exactly what I predicted for her and I can only pinch myself that it’s real. Even Sylvanas fans were critics for good reason because women usually die to prop me up and many expected Sylvanas to die to prop Arthas. With Afrasabi at the helm, that very well could have happened.