9.2 = A Sylvanas Dream Come True

I mostly say it to piss people like Ikaar off, Because I admittedly can be petty like that

I feel I missed some context here.

Unfortunately you are aiding people like Dornheim when it comes to their belief that Sylvanas fans are toxic by doing this. Like I said, you can be excited, but calling for people to have a mental breakdown or rubbing it into their face at every chance you get is not a good look.


I know. But here’s thing…I don’t care what Dorn thinks about me or sylvanas fans in general. People like him are a cancer on this forum

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And you are giving them ammo to claim the same about you.

Just letting you know from experience about things like this.


That’s fair . I know I should try and be the better person. It’s hard when so many on here don’t respect people like me and ren.

After my breakdown this morning, I’m going to try and pick my battles better and speak how I feel in that particular moment. If it pisses someone off. That’s on them.

We should form our own discord tbh

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Arthas deserved better.


I call cap on this. There are currently 3 active anti-Sylvanas threads in the story forum alone right now. One is a copium thread. Deathisfinal created ONE Sylvanas thread geared to her fans and it’s been brigaded by the most vitrolic anti-sylvanas posters like Dornhiem.

Can we not have one thread where we can talk about the positive resolution if Sylvanas’ story? Or is that too much for you?

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I was more referring to comments like this

Like I said, you can be excited. But to lower yourself by something like this petty insult to someone you disagree with is not a good look. Take it from someone with experience on such matters.

You can have one, just be mindful of what you display.


I been tempted. But I’m honestly not very trusting after everything I learned the last two days

This is the BS i hate. Sylvanas fans have to careful what we display. But the actual toxic behavior? That’s apparently fine by you.

And y’all wonder why I don’t trust anyone anymore

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Did you not see me call Dornheim out as well? Or do you just pick and chose what I say depending on what mood you are in?


From what I’ve head, Grandblade was extremely toxic to Renautus. Makes me feel guilty for linking a bunch of his tweets.

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I responded to your current comment. I don;t care that you called him out. Just stop telling me what I can or can’t say on here because it might offend someone.

I’m done walking on egg shells around here. Y’all better getting a thicker skin because I’m done with the double standards this forum employs

Weird how you lot were telling me to “be better” when it comes to this sort of thing. But when I say, “hey, maybe lay back on the petty insults as it just adds fuel to the fire cause I know from experience” suddenly is against the law?

So basically you want to prove the haters right.


Like I said, I’m saying what I feel. If someone is offended, that’s on them. They’re going to hate me no matter what I say. I’m done trying to appease their fragile egos

So basically you have double standards.


No. I’m just posting my opinions regardless of how you or anyone else feels about it

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While at the same saying that people like me should be better in how we present our opinions.


I’m just saying, if I’m happy about a certain cinematic or piece of lore, I’m going to talk about it. I’m not going to keep quiet because it might offend cancers like Dorn.

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